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Everything posted by FranklinJS

  1. Peter, I change to SB and change my type in C# code for Byte, works fine. Thanks.
  2. Peter, i try use this: local varEmbAcPump1 = ipc.readLvar("L:EmbAcPump1") if varEmbAcPump1 == 0 then ipc.writeSD(0x660F, 0) else if varEmbAcPump1 == 1 then ipc.writeSD(0x660F, 1) else ipc.writeSD(0x660F, 2) end The Offset return an integer with value 16777474, not 0 or 1 or 2, what am I doing wrong?
  3. OK, I'll do the tests, I'll probably have to change my approach in the system for better performance. I think the heavier the tracking log that sends every second horizontal and the vertical position of the aircraft.
  4. Are you accumulating all the offsets and reads from doing just one call per FSUIPC_Process cycle? If You Should not. R: Are two or three different calls in at most parts of the program. That's because frenquência is different, there is a call to the tracking data for heading, altitude, speed etc ... second. And another call to check switches, from 15 to 15 seconds. If you are using for each Process Every item and it will be Trying to switch back and forth furiously Between the processes. That's the main reason most folks add-ons are inefficient. Similarly with the lua If you are reading a lot of stuff Every Time That Could be it changes far too often. Best to use the Timer event and just poll information at intervals. R: In the case of a event.control am using LUA to each switch, all the overhead, panels etc ... How frequent is the cycle you are using? Should an ACARS system only need to update fairly infrequently, like a second or even Several? YOU SHOULD interleave data extraction and file even to Activities Out The processing load. R: The frequency would be up for one second track which is sent to the VA Web site, and 15 seconds for other variables in the case of switches monitored tied for the moon in a given time is when the event occurs. Suggestions?
  5. Guys, I am developing a system in C # that you want to act as an ACARS, tracking and flight black box of the VA in which I participate. I'm reading via FSUIPC offsets many of the FS and what could not be offset via, I'm reading through LVARS with LUA. Unfortunately, the performance is catastrophic, I think multitude of memory access, sending data (tracking and flight events) via http protocols, writing local files (log), etc. .. are consuming too many system resources and FS. Could anyone give me a tip on how to improve performance, perhaps using more LUA than the C # (I guess the ideal would be to use C, but do not know)? Increasing the waiting time of the routine reading of changes in state of switches? Log in routine?
  6. Pete, how does event.control could give me an example of such manipulation, just need the events related to MCP, altitude hold, ap hold, nav, vnav, etc ... These events do not appear in the log of the LUA (LVARS), nor respond to related offsets. However, appear in the log of FS controls.
  7. Hey thanks for the suggestion, I tried using LINDA, unfortunately I could not do the monitoring of EJETS Feelthere with him, scanned every memory address and he did not recognize anything. Maybe it's my little knowledge on why this is the same.
  8. Hello Peter, I have once again use their help, the forum seemed to be having trouble connecting those days. Well, to the point, I was able to monitor multiple switches using LVARS. However, some did not appear in the log. These appear in the log FS Controls. There is an offset that allows me to send / run a control. Is there any way to monitor the firing of FS Controls? As you can monitor the LVARS? For example when the monitor to give BATTERY_SW_SET 69833 was fired? Peter's response: Enable event logging in FSUIPC Logging options. Peter, In this case I would have to read the text file information? Its programmatically activate using the log (in my case) C #, read some offset? Access to the log file would not be locked to external programs during the recording of FSUIPC?
  9. Hello Peter, I have once again use their help, the forum seemed to be having trouble connecting those days. Well, to the point, I was able to monitor multiple switches using LVARS. However, some did not appear in the log. These appear in the log FS Controls. There is an offset that allows me to send / run a control. Is there any way to monitor the firing of FS Controls? As you can monitor the LVARS? For example when the monitor to give BATTERY_SW_SET 69833 was fired?
  10. Peter, I take a study and see what I can do. You clarified the idea in my mind. Thank you, Franklin
  11. Peter, I'm sorry for that. Your confusion is due to my ignorance on the subject. Well, I need to read and monitor changes in variables LUA, as well as the FSUIPC log records the same. I figured I could use FSUIPC as an interface to the monitoring of local variables LUA. I'm using C #, and is the little I know. How could I read and monitor variables as LUA need?
  12. Thanks for the quick response Peter, maybe I'm confusing things a bit. What I was wondering is this: Using FSUIPC programmatically to start logging LUA local variables during the simulation and from there I read this log and see what was changed or fired. The FSUIPC has control over this log? or can monitor what is being displayed in the window if I want to retrieve this information?
  13. Peter or anyone, I saw this topic a possible solution to the problem of software I'm developing. Through the tutorial could identify the variables used in the Feelthere ERJ195. Now left me a question, how could I detect when these FSUIPC variable was modified? What I mean is, like FSUIPC can log an action in a case such as variable L: EmbLandLt = 0, referring to the Landing Light, yet use FSUIPC as I could in my program and do the same?
  14. Thanks Peter I will give a researched, and yes, it works with the default FS aircraft. I want to monitor switches, for example, when on or off the Altitude Hold Switch or Auto Throtle.
  15. Thank you for correcting the text, actually copied from another page, but it was the translator of Google (laughs). My English is a denial, so I preferred to use the tool. And how this would work in LUA? An example?
  16. Hello,<BR closure_uid_z41z41="12088"><BR closure_uid_z41z41="12089">Following the recommendation of Paul Henty, I'm posting here hoping someone has an idea of ​​what I do to get in solving this problem:<BR closure_uid_z41z41="12090"><BR closure_uid_z41z41="12091">I am part of VA www.voeazulvirtual.com.br that represents the "Azul Linhas Aereas Brasileiras," we use for a better simulation of Feelthere aircraft, specifically the EJETS, ERJ 195 and ERJ-190. In the interest of providing a differential to other VA initiated a project to create a toy system that performs the functions of EPOP Embraer and also download the charts, METAR, TAF, and most importantly, increasing FSACARS replace the drives with data such as log of switches among others, as a box-preta.O problem is that not all data, as some switches work by reading the Autopilot from FSUIPC. Feelthere probably should have its own implementation. Could someone show me the best way forward for the reading of these data? Any idea how to make this work? An example?<BR closure_uid_z41z41="12092"><BR closure_uid_z41z41="12093">I really appreciate anyone who can help.
  17. Hello Paul and Peter, I was developing a project that consisted of an EPOP as the Embraer that carries the letters and all other preflight data. Also have a log of everything that was done in the aircraft cabin. Unfortunately, the aircraft Feelthere not respond to all the FSUIPC offsets. In contact with them (Feelthere support), they replied that they had this "feature" implemented in their products. The course would feature the reading of data such as Light Switches, Landing Gear Drive, AP switches and the list goes on. I ask one of you to advice on how I could reach that goal. An example of how to obtain such data with or without FSUIPC or Paul's library. I read something about L: VARS but I could not understand anything. Could you give me a light? Thanks, Franklin
  18. Paul, thanks for the attention that is me dismissively. I'm getting the same error below is the code I typed. If I put the type as int in the statement returns an error if put to double and try to convert Retona always 0. You can indicate where is my mistake? public static double calculaPayload() { int index = Convert.ToInt32(FSUIPCData.PayloadstationcountFS2004.Value); //Here I tried two things, convert to integer (Retona always 0), and declare as int offset (in error as above). for (int i = 0; i &lt; index; i++) { FSUIPCData.PayloadweightlbsFS2004[i] = new Offset&lt;double&gt;(0x1400 + (0x30 * i)); } FSUIPCData.FSUIPCProcess(); // Pegar peso total double totalWeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i &lt; index; i++) { totalWeight += FSUIPCData.PayloadweightlbsFS2004[i].Value; } return totalWeight; }
  19. Paul, sorry but another question came up when trying to use the reading of the exact number of stations with the offset 13FC. In my attempt, the offset 13FC returns six seasons. But the suggested code aprenseta an error "index out of range". I believe that this is due to the sum 0x30. How did you get this constant 0x30? Again, sorry for my poor performance programming.
  20. Thank you so much!!! working perfectly!!
  21. Hello, can help-me with this, a have a same problem with c#, how to get and convert this values of double ?
  22. Hello Paul and Peter, your class was extremely helpful, I am developing a program for the VA to which I belong, how can I code something that would indicate the three situations below: 1 - Check if the FS is running. 2 - Check the FSUIPC is running. 3 - Check the location of the aircraft corresponds to a particular aerodrome. I guess I would have to have a database with localization (coordinates) of each aerodrome and compare with the current position in the FS. However, even when it would be accurate, because the range of 1 minute ever return a false comparison. Thanks in advance. Best regards. Sorry about my english, is very bad. I is program in C#.
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