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Everything posted by Bleedin

  1. As I reported in the thread: I have gotten socket (UDP, TCP) to work. Have successfully run code with UDP in two separate environments. Both with Fsuipc V5 and P3D V4.3 on win7.
  2. @Pete Dowson Here is the list of DLLs used by the P3D-process. The luascript with the socket operations was running when the list was made. p3d_dlls.txt
  3. Ok. I'll have a go at it tonight.
  4. And things are getting weirder... Removed socket_core.dll and it still works. I have no other dll:s i the modules folder or its subfolders. I execute the script with a fsuipc "key press" so everything runs in FSUIPC 5.14.
  5. Yes, I am using P3D4 and FSUIPC5 I just put socket.lua and a socket_core.dll in the modules folder. Required it with: local socket = require("socket") Have successfully tested to send UDP data
  6. I got it working. Thank you! But all I seem to need are socket.lua and a socket_core.dll in the modules folder (or the lua folder). At least as long as I only need Socket core, UDP and TCP.
  7. Ok. Yes. Just failed to get it running myself.
  8. Thank you! I’ll give it a try tomorrow
  9. Will do Thank you Pete
  10. Sure did. The problem is that I need a 64-bit version. Can’t find any x64 binaries. Also tried to compile them myself but with no success.
  11. I ran into this problem also. I need lua sockets for fsuipc 5 in P3D V4.x x64. Found the solution in this thread but unfortunately the link to the x64 ”socket/core.dll” is dead (404) and I can’t find it elsewhere. Does anyone have the file to share or a working link? /Bleedin
  12. Thank you for your quick response. I guess was a bit unclear. Sorry. When talking about "develop efficiently" I mean the actual developing/programming process. It's the fact that you need to bind the lua script you're working on to a keypress (or similar) to be able to execute it at will while you're developing/testing it. It is this part that I feel is a bit "clumsy". I suppose it is because the ipc library needs to run "inside" FSX there are limited ways to execute the scripts. I mean you can't use the windows command promt - right? It would be great if you could access the scripts by a console/promt/terminal and work with the scripts that way by using commands.
  13. Hello fellow simmers! I've been using lua in my FSX projects for some time now, and I love it. Simple yet powerful. Thank you Pete for implementing lua in fsuipc. But I can't really find a way to develop with it efficiently. While developing I often bind the lua scripts to be executed by key presses (often the numeric keys). And I use tail to keep an eye on the log file. This approach works but it feels a bit clumsy. Is there a better way of doing this? How do you develop? Do you have any tips, ideas or suggestions how one can develop more efficiently? Any thoughts on this Pete Dowson (or anyone)?
  14. Hello fellow simmers! I've been using lua in my FSX projects for some time now, and I love it. Simple yet powerful. Good work Pete! As always... But I can't find a way to develop with it efficiently. While developing I bind the lua scripts to key presses (often the numeric keys) and also "lua kill" and so forth. I use tail to keep an eye on the log file. This approach works but it feels clumsy. Wouldn't it be great if there were a console/teminal in fsuipc that gave the possibilities to list, execute and kill lua scripts and so forth? How do you work? Do you have any tips, ideas or suggestions?
  15. Work like a charm. Thank you! I run a Intel Core i7 2700K @ 5GHz with a Corsair H80 cooler on a Asus Sabertooth Z77. No stability issues whatsoever. I'm not sure if it's good hardware or just plain luck. Best regards Bleedin
  16. Fantastic! Thanks Pete. You're the best. /Bleedin
  17. Thanks for the quick reply. I'm actually using FSX but on a rather powerful rig (i7@5ghz). I'm using the sleep function in a custom lib that plays sounds to a Teamspeak channel. The “play-function” returns the sound files duration witch I used in a ipc.sleep. I noticed the problem when new sounds began playing before the previous sound had finished. I guess I can solve this by multiply the duration by 1.1- but that will maybe get me new possible problems? Best regards Bleedin
  18. Hello Pete! I have a question about the Lua ipc.sleep function. I have noticed that longer "sleeps" seems a bit shorter than they should. For instance “a sleep” with a duration of 60 000 ms only lasts about 54 seconds. First I thought that it might be something wrong with my environment but after have tried it on another computer I can say it behaves the same way. Any idea about the reason for this? Thanks for a otherwise excellent product. Best regards Bleedin
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