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Everything posted by roberts1279

  1. Hi there Pete, its been far too long!

    Anyway, im still running FSUIPC4 on my pc, linked it all together with FSDT / ADE 9X! Anyway, the point is everything has worked wonderfully for nearly 10 years or so, but for some reason to day, its just stopped working and an error a cured! can you assist? cheers buddy, keep up the good work.



    Toby Burton




    FSUIPC Supp



  2. Hi Pete, I have been upgrading my pc, unfortunatly when trying to re register my FSUIPC 3 ( Invoice:- 759147 ) & FSUICP 4 ( Invoice: 757237 ) the 12 digit keys keep telling me they are invalid! Any chance you could assist? Thanks for your help Best regards Toby
  3. Hi Pete,

    I have your FSIPC4 up and running with no issues!

    However I have recently purchase TraficX, I dont seam to be able to manipulate any of the files to get it to communicate correctly with FSX!

    Is it something I have carried out incorrectly or is it a conflict witch requires FSIPC and not FSUIPC4?

    Hope to hear from you soon,


    FLT LT T ...

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