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  1. Hi @Paul Henty In the MobiFlight HubHop presets there are not only inputs but also outputs. Many of them are just reading lVars but some have code like this: (A:FUELSYSTEM PUMP SWITCH:2, Bool) I don't see in the FSUIPC WebSocket Server documentation any way to read this value out... Is there a way to do that? There are also some variants of lVar reading like this: (L:A380X_EFIS_L_ACTIVE_OVERLAY) 2 == ...but that's maybe just that it returns a boolean if the lVar value equals 2? Allan
  2. You can find complete examples in the documentation at http://fsuipcwebsockets.paulhenty.com/ - I recommend starting with those.
  3. Looks like that was the issue. I got it working now a couple of times, even with Fenix at FlyTampa EKCH, so at least the issue seems to not be with the WebSocketServer. Thanks John.
  4. Hi @Paul Henty Something seems to have stopped working with FSUIPC WebSocket Server 1.1.2 (have latest FSUIPC 7.4.17 as well). With the Fenix I was previously reading Lvars successfully but now I get no responses after having declared the vars I want to monitor. I receive the response that the declare message was successfully received but I get nothing after that. Also tried the demo at http://fsuipcwebsockets.paulhenty.com/#cmdvarsread - but didn't work there either. Any chance you are able to have a look at that? Regards, Allan Jensen
  5. Yeah FSUIPC itself is kind of okay - it's just mentally painful because of LINDA and other files that one has touched in the same folder. Just feels at unease.
  6. Ahh, that was one of the few changes that was actually changed back in 7.3.3. Going through the mentally painful process of upgrading again...
  7. Just loaded up A32NX and now trying to list Lvars - but the window is completely blocked off so I cannot select any text, nor can I scroll to see the list beyond what is visible defeating the entire purpose of the feature!! Why on earth is it locked down?? On version 7.3.2
  8. Finally had time to continue with this. Adding the "H:" did seem to fix it.
  9. I didn't rename the file (it's still called G1000.hvar) but it shows up in the Activate HVAR window so I'm presume it's loaded. But nothing happens when I press Activate. (Only using stock C172 with WT G1000 mod)
  10. Oh, that's a godsent link right there! Using the calculator codes I find there it works beautifully. I just wonder why calculator code "(>H:AS1000_PFD_SOFTKEYS_4)" works but the Hvar "AS1000_PFD_SOFTKEYS_4" doesn't - isn't that what the CalcCode is doing? (yes, I did copy the .hvar file to the modules folder in fsuipc-lvar-module). I don't really need to know why though, since I have a working solution, I just wondered... And this means I don't need to install the MF WASM - how nice. I'm using stock C172 and is indeed using the WorkingTitle G1000 mod. Tried googling hvars for that but didn't really find anything... But it seems to work with the code from hubhop.
  11. Great - now the MSFS Variable Service connected correctly to the sim and I was able to successfully use both the L and Hvars in the A320 as you have in your documentation example. It's just awesome to have this working so smoothly and responsive - looking so much forward to further reduce the use of that pesky mouse! So far so good. Now I also got some of the G1000 buttons to work, eg. MFD range inc/dec, but most other Hvars don't work (none on the PFD). They don't work when I trigger them from FSUIPC either, so it's not an issue of the websocket server though...
  12. Okay, maybe I misunderstood what I was reading then, eg. here: So now I'm all confused... Don't I need to install the MF WASM module to control the G1000 if I already have the FSUIPC WASM module installed? And for eg. the softkeys, isn't it the Hvars (or Lvars?!) I need to use to activate those?
  13. I was playing around with it and believe I was successfully sending Hvars to the sim although I probably didn't use the right ones yet. The websocket response to the vars.write command was success=true at least. But now I ran into some issue. I read about the MobiFlight WASM module and that it made more variables available (eg. for the G1000), so I installed that into the Community folder and when I then started MSFS and was trying to use the websocket server I got the error that it couldn't start the Variables service (see the first screenshot). Since I also had the FSUIPC WASM installed I was thinking that maybe I could not have both WASM modules installed at the same time, so I removed the MobiFlight one again, restarted MSFS and tried again. But I still get the same error (see second screenshot) - and if I click the Start button I get the unhandled exception which I also copied in below. (also tried restarting the computer entirely) Since I got success=true in the beginning I believe everything was connecting ok under the MSFS Variables tab - but since I don't specifically recall what it said there I can't for sure say whether this problem was there before I tried the MobiFlight WASM module... Any ideas? System.InvalidOperationException: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args) at FSUIPCWebSocketServer.GUI.ctlVariableServiceStatus.vs_LogEntryReceived(Object sender, LogEventArgs e) at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) at FSUIPCWebSocketServer.VariableServices.VS_OnLogEntryReceived(Object sender, LogEventArgs e) at FSUIPC.WAPI.fsuipcw_start() at FSUIPCWebSocketServer.VariableServices.Start() at FSUIPCWebSocketServer.GUI.ctlVariableServiceStatus.btnStartStop_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
  14. Awesome - I'll check it out when I get a chance!
  15. Oh Paul, that sounds awesome - not even having to assign them in FSUIPC first. You're an angel! 🙂 I will be waiting as patiently as I can 🙇‍♂️
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