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nomadrc last won the day on February 5 2024

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  1. Thank you kindly John for your quick resolution of my issue. I tested the modified binary you sent me, all Input Events are recognized, also there seems to be no problem with FSUIPC loading during MSFS startup at all, I may have been conflating these two issues. All is well! *P.S. I did just notice that when I quit a flight, return to the Main Menu, and then load into a new flight, FSUIPC seems to have closed and does not restart, I have to manually restart it. Not sure if this is intended behavior or something I missed, anyway its not a big deal. I do have the options 'Auto-Connect to FS', 'Exit with FS', and 'Open on Start' all enabled.
  2. The following is happening: 1) FSUIPC will not load the Button Press & Switch and the Axes Assignments if it is started before a flight is fully loaded in (i.e. started during initial MSFS startup after its update checks). The settings exist in my .ini file but are not loaded until I manually close FSUIPC and then re-open it AFTER a flight is fully loaded in. 2) Input events I had previously successfully set and tested and used in flight for the Condition Lever (High/Low Idle lever movement in the Black Square Analog C208) do something weird every time I restart MSFS or even go back to the main menu and then start a different flight. Only the low idle works. The high idle I previously had working stops working at all. If I go to the "Axes Assignments" page and hit "Rescan" in an effort to check the Condition Lever, FSUIPC crashes (closes without warning). The only way to fix this is to manually remove the relevant Input Event settings from the [Axes] Section of my FSUIPC.ini file, save, and then re-start FSUIPC and re-create the Input Events from scratch. This of course only lasts for that flight, then it goes back to the broken way it was. These problems only started after the most recent Sim Update and/or the last 2 or 3 most-recent minor revisions of FSUIPC (maybe before 7.4.6?) ... I'm not sure if its FSUIPC or the Sim Updates to be honest. My point is I didn't have either problem until recently. I attached my FSUIPC.ini, FSUIPC.log(no additional logging on), and InstallFSUIPC7.log files . The FSUIPC.log file is from just starting FSUIPC and doing nothing before attaching it. If you want me to turn other types of logging on and resend, please let me know. Hoping to resolve this! FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log InstallFSUIPC7.log
  3. I appreciate this thread, been trying to map the Condition Lever Axis in my Black Square Analog Caravan for some time now and mapping "Input Event FUEL_1_Condition_Lever" on the axis as instructed did the trick. It seemed to be parameter: 0 for high idle, 1 for low idle. Visually line up 2 sets of "To/From" values looking at your axis in the sim and where you want the lever to be. Using a Saitek/Logitech throttle quadrant, one must assign Condition Lever Cutoff to a button press (similar to how Prop Feather and Throttle Reverse is setup on the Saitek/Logitech throttle quadrants).
  4. I am trying to set the mixture (in a Cessna 208) to 50% on the axis (Saitek throttle quadrant) via a keypress in FSUIPC. I used control: Mixture Set, and parameter upon press: 8168. 8168 is 1/2 of the 0 to 16336 axis range of the mixture axis. I tried to map the key:0 on my keyboard to set the mixture to 50%. The keystroke only worked one time for one press of the key, then never worked again. If I delete the key assignment, restart FSX, and reassign the same keypress again, it does the same. Works one time only, then never again. I am confused as to how exactly to use the Set commands (Mixture Set, Throttle Set, etc., etc.) via the Keypress utility in FSUIPC. I am pretty sure there is a parameter on key release which I have to set but i do not know what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) ***Hmm, I seem to have answered my own question here, I fiddled with it and eventually tried: using 8168 as the key press parameter, and 8167 as the key release parameter for the Mixture Set control. This had the effect of basically making the '0' key set my condition lever in the Cessna 208 to around 50%... Eureka!! ....
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