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  1. Thankyou. Will bookmark the fsuipc.com forum.
  2. Can't seem to find the latest link for the most recent update for MSFS2020 and MSFS2024. Could someone post me a url to it please.
  3. Good Morning John, Thanks for your time on this. My Pilot2ATC Trial has expired and I'm not keen on purchasing at this time as I haven't yet achieved satisfactory results and it's quite pricey software. Free trial gave me a nice idea of how it works though. In the meantime I'm going to find something else on the same client that will react to a keysend from a button press on the server. I'll get things setup as per the items in your last post and then report back my findings. Kind Regards, Ed
  4. Hi John, I still cannot get keysends to work. I did have PTT sending to C3 but the next day it stopped working..for reasons I am not sure of. I have updated FSUIPC7 on server and WiideFS7 on both clients. P2A resides on Client C3 (Cockpit3). I activated button logging for the enclosed logs. I also moved the Log=Errors+ to the [Users] section. The Doors Lua error I haven't had a chance yet to work on. I tried UseSendInput=Yes and also with No but I didn't notice any difference. I am enclosing all the logs you asked for, and I'm hoping your trained eye might spot something amiss. It seems to appear that the client is receiving the button sends but isn't acting upon them. Best Regards, Ed WideServer.log FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini WideClient.ini WideClient.log
  5. Hi John, Thanks for your help but unfortunately it is still not working. I'm going to enclose some logs in hopes you may see what's holding back the keysends. When I press F1 on the client, the PPT activates. Pressing F10 does not activate Sayit. Both are set and enabled in P2A. When I use the yoke button I can see it activating a display edit on my MIP instead of the PTT on the client. I don't think it's a firewall because P2A and other Prosim modules connect to the server with no issues. Thanks for your time, Ed EDIT: Hi John. Somehow I got the PTT sending to my client. I think it may have been network issues ..but of course I had the button info all wrong at first until you offered corrections. I have a much better understanding of keysend now. For anyone following this thread, I checked that all sharing was proper on the P2A install. I also set 'Run as Administrator' and this last item may have been what finally got the key sending. Please consider my issue solved. I am editing this post this evening so as you don't spend more time on this. Thanks for your time and your help, I really appreciate and I do know how busy you must be. Kind Regards.. Ed WideClient.ini WideClient.log FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.inic
  6. Hi, I'm having the exact same issue. I'm not sure where I am going wrong or what I need to assign to make it work correctly. I'm using a P2ATC on a client using WideFS. In Wideclient.ini I have the following: [User] UseSendInput=Yes KeySend110=112,16 ; F1 Press PTT for P2A KeySend111=112,24 ; F1 Release PTT for P2A KeySend112=121,16 ; F10 Press Sayit for P2A KeySend113=121,24 ; F10 Release Sayit for P2A In FSUIPC7 I have the following Yoke button mapped: [Profile.PROSIM MSFS] 1=PROSIM MSFS 2=Prosim_B738 2023 KLM - Scimitar Winglets [Buttons.PROSIM MSFS] 0=RA,32,C1006,1 -{KEYSEND 1 for WideFS}- 1=UA,32,C1006,2 -{KEYSEND 2 for WideFS}- 2=RA,36,C1006,1 -{KEYSEND 1 for WideFS}- 3=UA,36,C1006,2 -{KEYSEND 2 for WideFS}- The key presses are not being sent to the client. If I press F1 on the client keyboard PTT works, however the Joystick button on the server does not send to the client. I haven't been able to get F10 to work even from the client keyboard. What are the correct command lines to have the Joy button send the keypress to the client. I can't seem to find keysend info in the manuals and my 10 day P2ATC trial is running out. Any help much appreciated. Thanks, Ed
  7. Hi John, I will see about reporting to McAffee. Thanks for your feedback.
  8. Hello Everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that when I downloaded the latest version of FSUIPC7 I was warned of a virus and the file was quarantined.
  9. That worked. Thanks. Should have known that. Had a seniors moment I reckon.
  10. Hi, Trying to update FSUIPC7 Module but can't seem to initiate the download. Same thing at Sim Market. Other files I can down load..just not FSUIPC, in particular trying to download the FSUIPC7 Module update. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end or not.
  11. Hi Pete, Pardon me for the lake response as I've just noticed your recent post. Thanks for your reply. For the moment then Makerunways wont help me as I have no other addons for MSFS that would currently need it. Good to know as I wont peruse this any further. I had subtly mentioned several times in the Prosim Forum, but has so far fallen on deaf ears. Must be too many other things on their plates. As as a note of interest, and a comment from another Prosim user, I tried using the database generated by P3Dv4 and it's reading all my MSFS addon Gates correctly, or gives the illusion that it does as both my P3Dv4 and MSFS contain the same addon sceneries that were causing Gate read issues. Still lots of testing to do on this front. Thanks, Ed
  12. Thanks John, It seems PSU hasn't been seeing the correct Gates in some of my addon Scenery within MSFS which was the reason I had asked. I'll have to ask Humberto if PSU/Prosim requires Makerunways to be run or if there is another reason why it's only seeing MSFS stock Gates rather than those of the installed Addons..
  13. Hi John, I have always used this program (Makerunways) with P3D. Should I also be using it with MSFS or not required/possible?
  14. Hi John, Now the Icon is working with a double click without running as administrator. It starts MSFS , then Prosim Audio and Prosim.exe. I didn't reinstall. I removed the 'Run as Administrator' settings under the compatibility Tab for FSUIPC7.exe and Prosim.exe. Prosim Audio.exe didn't have the 'Run as Administrator' set so didn't so anything with that one. Also to note, Prosim Audio was the only one that ever ran with the batch file. I should have clued into that. The issue for me is completely solved. Thanks again for your support. Ed B.
  15. Ok, I'll do a reinstall and follow your instructions and get back to on how it goes.
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