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Alex White

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Everything posted by Alex White

  1. Thank you for the effort, Paul Henty
  2. Hello :) I have a question.. How can i write a textstrip into FS. Code: When programm connected = true then Write("XXX has connected with your FSX") i hope you understand what i mein
  3. Thank you for the effort Paul Yes i should read the manual.. best regards, alex
  4. Hello Thank you for you answer. but how i can read out Public Gear As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(&0BF0) ' gear i try &0BF0 and without & but i get always an error sry for my beginner question
  5. Hello mr. henty it works very well, thank you! Sry but i have another question: How can i read out the Gear Settings, mean if gear down = true than msgbox("GEAR DOWN") else msgbox("GEAR UP") is this possible? greets
  6. Hello At first, thank you for FSUIPC and the .net dll :) I use Vb.net I try to creat Functions in a Modul File to outsource the code. this is my first function: Public Sub connect() Try FSUIPCConnection.Open() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("ERROR FSUIPC") End Try End Sub [/CODE] This function work very well. But the next to read out the speed: [CODE] Public Sub mess() Try FSUIPCConnection.Process("") Dim airSpeedKnots As Double = (airSpeed.Value / 128D) ' Label1.Text = airpeedKnots.ToString("f0") trspeed = airSpeed.ToString("f0") Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("ERROR") End Try End Sub [/CODE] doesen´t work i call the Function in form1 with [b]test.mess[/b]but i get only the try-catch Error (msgbox"ERROR") i imports [b]Imports FSUIPC [/b]in both files (The Modul-File and Form1) Anyone can help me?
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