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About MeatWater

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Aachen, Germany

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  1. Thank you for the quick reply!
  2. Could you please enable a parameter in the ini file that allows setting of the active range? Sometimes on approach being number two for landing the aircraft ahead is just too far away to be zapped out of the way, but due to the taxiway layout it might not be able to clear the runway in time, so ATC waves me off. I would like to have this range extended to 2.5 or even 3nm. Another thing: with high traffic settings at busy airports it happens quite often that there's someone on your six on final, possibly faster than you are. It would be great if the Zapper could "auto-zap" these attacker from the rear once they get too close, say 1.5nm. Now if that feature could be extended to AI-aircraft, we could even loose those odd double approaches sometimes seen on busy airports.
  3. Sounds exactly right - I'm sure more users will apprechiate this than you think
  4. Many thanks Pete for your time :)
  5. Disregard the "add fuel" thing, I got an email of the person who mentioned that to me earlier stating that he had mistaken. Sorry for causing confusion, what I would want FSUIPC to do is to prevent any increase of the fuel ammount. When passing by a fuel station there must be something that "tells" the aircraft "you now have full tanks". It would be great if FSUIPC could disable this option so that the menu would be the only place where fuel could be added to the a/c.
  6. No, there has never been such an option Sure, but that would have a rather negative impact on flying... To change fuel levels one does not need any external programs. However, a lot of AddOn aircraft with complex FMC devices get completely lost calculation-wise when after all data has been calculated such an important value as the fuel ammount (and thus weight) changes. Other AddOns as FSpassengers will simply not allow the user to change the fuel ammount. If they detect such a change, the mission gets cancelled and the user punished for a tampering attempt. I agree, but then again we did not have add on software that would mind Unfortunately, this too doesn't work as they appear to be hard-coded into the sim. As you can see, I lay all hope into your skilled hands. How would it be to have the "add fuel" function disabled whenever the parking prakes are NOT set? BTW, thank you for looking into this :)
  7. I already did, it looks like it's not possible by normal means. Especially on smaller airfields it is sometimes impossible to taxi far enough around them. So there is no way to disable the "add fuel" thingie via FSUIPC?
  8. Is there a way to prevent gas stations from filling up the tanks automatically? Some sort of key assignment that "locks" or "unlocks" the tanks? It happens way too often that taxiing by a gas station secretly refills the tanks, and then scrambles the entire flight planning...
  9. Please disregard, reinstalled Flight Star and now it works. Sorry for raising dust...
  10. After upgrading to Flite Star 9.140 I can no longer use FStarRC to export flightplans to FS2004. FliteStar exits with a "fatal error". Is anyone using FStarRC sucessfully with this version of Flite Star?
  11. There's always a first time ;-) Will try that tomorrow, thanks Pete for looking into it!
  12. I think I found the bugger: PFC.dll doesn't seem to like COM port numbers above 10. I re-set the COM port number to 2, and everything works again.
  13. weird, weird! I have a PFC throttle quadrant connected via a USB2SERIAL adaptor plugged into one of my boards native USB ports. This setup worked just fine. As I own several quadrants the day came when I mounted a different one to the base unit, and when I called up the PFC menu, the COM port setting read NONE (with the quadrant still working!) After I tried to alter settings within the PFC menu (set up a new quadrant), the reminder window popped up stating that I should set the correct COM port, but the drop down menu didn't offer ANY available port. Closing the menu and shutting down FS results in the CONNECTION entry beeing deleted from the PFC.ini file When I manually enter the correct one and startup FS, the connection checker gives me greens on the quadrant. But whenever I open the PFC menu, the COM port and thus the quadrant gets lost. I did try to: - reinstall the USB adaptor - replace PFC.dll with older versions (deleting the ini file each time) I am using FS9.1 along with the latest registered versions of WIDEfs, PFC.dll and, of course, FSUIPC please help!
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