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Posts posted by beatic

  1. I have uninstalled FSUIPC7 to update FS2020 to version SU11 and now to install it again, I cannot find my FSUIPC7.key on my computer, and in SIMMARKET.

    I find the one for FSUIPC6 ( and previous ) and WIDEFS7 but not the one for FSUIPC7.

    Is it possible that I bought it somewhere other than SIMMARKET ??

    Is it possible that I have not bought FSUIPC7 but have bought WIDEFS7 ??

    How can I find out ??

    Thank you very much.

    Juan José Gómez Prieto

  2. I have installed P3D v4 in a main computer and FSCommander twice, one in the same computer and other in a second one.

    I start P3Dv4 and with IVAP activated I can see in FSCommander my callsign and the other data of my plane/flight in the second computer but no in the computer where P3Dv4 is installed.


    I can see other traffics but no mine one.


    I think that I have installed FSCommander in the same way in both computers ..... but the results is different.


    Can you help me to solve that, please ???


    Thanks in advance.


    J J Gómez Prieto

    IVAO 142928

  3. Really a great quantity of Gb Thomas ..... but I think that what MONITOR IPC:024C(S32) shows is how much of the installed memory is still available every moment and not how much memory P3Dv4-64 bits is able for manage ..... is not ??

    If I have installed 8 Gb memory ..... I should like to know every moment how much is still available and take the decision of install or not more RAM


    J J Gómez Prieto

    IVAO 142928

  4. I have similar problem, I have FSUIPC4 and WIDEFS for P3Dv3 with name and only first family name but when I have purchased FSUIPC5 the name that Simmarket gave me is with first and second family names

    I have sent them a ticket and this is their answer :

    thank you for your order and we are sorry you are having an issue with any of the items ordered.
    simMarket is only the commercial platform where the product is sold, however your problem seems to be specifically product related and/or of technical nature
    Please contact the support addresses listed in the documentation for the respective product.
    The support addresses are also listed in the respective product description pages in our shop.

    If it is possible to solve the problem with versión FSUIPC 5.101, please tell me where to download it, because I d0n't find it at SimMarket 


    Juan  Jose Gómez Prieto

    IVAO 142928


  5. I had installed FSX and today I have also installed P3Dv3


    I would like to use parameters in order to load the correct database when I use FSX or P3Dv3 like is explained in your Manual, starting the program with "fsc.exe 1" when FSX and "fsc.exe 2" if P3Dv3, but the problema is that if I put this parameter in the icon properties used for each database gives me an error and can't continue.


    Please .... is this the correct sintaxis  ??



    J J Gómez Prieto

    IVAO 142928FSC error.jpg  


  6. Sorry Pete if this is not the right place for this question, but I don´t find other


    I use to flight FSX in one computer conected with FSCommander in other one, using your wonderful programs FSUIPC and WideFS  ... in both of them I am a registered user a lot of years ago..


    When I use the autopilot of FSCommander I have the option to decide which type of turn I want when reaching an intersection .... fly-by ( start to turn before the intersection ) ..... fly-over ( start to turn after overfly the intersection ) 


    Now I would like to make the same in my laptop, where I have not FSCommander and I use only FSX program.


    I think remember that there were any option in FSUIPC configuration where I could select between both modes ... am I right ????  ... and, if the answer is YES .... where and how ??? 


    Regards and thanks in advance


    J J Gómez Prieto

    IVAO 142928

  7. Every time you minimize FSC, a new window is open with this message :


    If the window is minimized, the data recording stopped ! ..........................


    Is it possible to deactivate this window ?? ... something like the common message " Never more to show this message "  


    I use FSC in an auxiliary computer ( FSUIPC and WiIDEFIS ); in this computer I use to have also another aditional programs, and I change constantly from one to another by minimize FSC.


    Thanks and regards

    J J Gómez Prieto

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