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  1. Thanks, good to know!
  2. Hello Pete, I'm really enjoying the function of FSUIPC to start programs automatically when starting FSX. Thanks a lot for that! I've just a little question regarding this feature: Does it cause issues with FSUIPC (like a hanging interface or something) when closing programs manually after starting them through FSUIPC? For example I use the following lines: ... Run3=CLOSE,"C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe" Run4=CLOSE,"C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\AS16_FSX\AS16.exe" Run5=CLOSE,"C:\Aerosoft\Professional Flight Planner X\PFPX.exe" ... And sometimes I want to quit TrackIR or PFPX manually because they are not needed anymore while FSX is still running. Could this interfer with the command lines in the FSUIPC.ini? Greetings, Chris
  3. Hello Pete, thanks for your fast answer! I removed the respective entry in the exe.xml and now I just use the entry in the FSUIPC.ini file. It works great! Greetings, Chris
  4. Hello Pete, one question regarding the "close-function": Somewhere I read that it's possible to start UT2 with this command line within the "programs"-section of FSUIPC.ini Does this mean that I have to remove the respective UT2 entry in the exe.dml? Or is it possible to just add that command to FSUIPC.ini and your program detects by "runif" if UT2 is alteady started? And: If so: Does the "CLOSE"-function still work through FSUIPC even when the program got started through the exe.dml? Greetings, Chris
  5. Well, actually I just tested the following: I let ASN download weather data and closed FSX at the same time. ASN was "killed" by the command line within FSUIPC.INI while the message "downloading" was still shown in ASN. Nothing bad happened and even after starting FSX again ASN just downloaded data normally without error messages. I checked this twice and everything seems to be OK. I guess some of you know the message "wait for in-program-action to complete" (or something like this) when trying to close ASN manually while a weather data download is in progress. This message didn't show up in the situation described above, but that doesn't seem to be a problem. So I guess I'm good to go :cool: !
  6. Hello everybody, sorry for opening this thread again, but I'm also using "kill" for ASN recently and have not encountered problems so far. Still I would like to know if issues could rise up when the program is killed while downloading weather (ASN of course does this from time to time). Did anyone of you already get problems using "kill" in combination with weather beeing downloaded or is this not a case of "writing the file"? Kind regards, Chris And thanks for the advanced functions in FSUIPC, Pete!
  7. OK, let's see if I get things sorted out...
  8. First of all: Thanks for the answer. What I mean is the sound which is played by windows when a message-window is shown. The problem is I don't see this window (not talking about full screen, of course) - otherwise I would have taken a look at it... The only hint I get is that EZCA closes after some beeping time and the error message shows something about a stackhash-module. As i said: it's no CTD and no OOM-thing, because I can still use FSX. Just without being able to look around or change views.
  9. Dear Mr. Dowson, since updating to the new FSUIPC version (4.90) and even after installing the latest module I get this strange issue: when changing views using EZCA I suddenly get the typical windows beep sound just as if a window was open in the background which I actually can't see. Then after some time I get an error message referring to EZCA. I can still use FSX after that but EZCA is being closed. It seems to me as if there was a problem with simconnect. I didn't get this issue before updating FSUIPC and there were no other changes in my FSX-configuration. Could this be due to any changes in FSUIPC compared to the older versions? Kind regards, Christian Baldauf
  10. Ok, thanks, now, that I can use ProcMon I'll surely find a solution once the CTD happens again... Kind regards, kriggelb
  11. So, I finally made two approaches to ENGM without crashing to desktop. I flew in window mode and got ProcMon running in the background. Even though I didn't get a CTD there are several "name not found"-results referring to the file J:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\TEXTURE.CAB Additionally there are single .agn-files that also caused an "name not found"-result: J:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Texture\027b2an4.agn J:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Texture\027b2an3.agn and several others... Looking at the time this occured it's just the time when usually the CTDs happen... As you see it: Could that be the cause? And if yes, does it mean that I have to manually install the texture.cab-file by using the original FSX-CD or can I just set this file to .CAB.off?? In fact there is no .cab-file in the Scenery\World-folder, but only the two folders "scenery" and "texture"... So there is no way to turn it off, but how can I prevent fsx.exe from searching for this file? Kind regards, kriggelb
  12. Wow, great! I'll see if I have enough time to try this out! Thank you!!
  13. OK, that sounds very logical to me - thanks for that! But unfortunately 1. I don't have UT installed, but FS Global 2008... and 2. I already reinstalled the scenery and there are no updates available at the moment. One thing is quite clear to me: I can't use the error logs to solve the problem. I hope there is an ENGM update soon... Still thanks a lot, kriggelb
  14. Hello, please don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to blame FSUIPC for anything:-) I'm just trying to "think" the way, programs could actually interact with each other - I know the saying: "computers help us solving problems we wouldn't have without them..." Yesterday I tried something that seems to solve the problem: I opened the FS2CREW start center and first restored the original PMDG key assignments for the MD11 and then just set them to the FS2CREW-way again. There was no CTD when approaching ENGM now. It seems to be a problem of the aircraft.cfg, panel.cfg etc. when installing FSUIPC after setting up PMDG and FS2CREW - not because FSUIPC is a problem, but because PMDG and FS2CREW seem to interact in a specific way that could cause problems when "adding" a .dll afterwards... Regards, kriggelb
  15. Dear Mr. Dowson, I'm encountering CTDs since updating FSUIPC from version 4.7 to 4.8 when flying the PMDG MD11 combined with FS2CREW (button version). It's quite interesting, because I have got the latest version of both (PMDG MD11 and FS2CREW MD11) and both products worked quite well with version 4.7 of FSUIPC. Then I installed PMDG 737 NGX and also updated FSUIPC from 4.7 to 4.8 (actually with modules 4.831). The 737 NGX seems to work perfectly in combination with FS2CREW (version 1.4), but now I always get CTDs when approaching Oslo (ENGM by Aerosoft) with the MD11. The CTDs can easily be reproduced: every time I approach ENGM I get a CTD with different .dll error logs (terrain.dll, g3d.dll, ntd....dll). I've got an absolutely stable high end pc system, but already tried to move some sliders to the left (in-game-settings). Still the crashes always occur when approaching ENGM and interacting with FS2CREW in the MD11: just in between the descent and landing checklist... Do you have a clue what could be causing the problem? There were no hardware changes and no further tweakings after obtaining a very stable system, but the package "MD11, FS2CREW and FSUIPC 4.8(31)" seems to be tricky somewhere. Could it be a solution to leave FSUIPC the way it is and reinstall the MD11 and FS2CREW in order to get a fresh installation on a system already running FSUIPC 4.831? I wouldn't like to go back to FSUIPC 4.7, because the new version seems to run perfectly with the NGX on my system. By the way, I have got a registered version of FSUIPC - thanks for your work:-) Kind regards, kriggelb
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