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Kiko Garcia

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  1. Thanks John, will take a look. Kiko
  2. Hi, Sorry for the wide question but I would like to understand what is WASM and what is used for. Is ther anything we need to have installed? Thanks in advanced Kiko
  3. Hello Pete, Is there any upgrade program for the current registered FSUIPC4 users? Do I have to purchase a new full license? Thanks Kiko
  4. Thanks. Will try and will come to you with success and no success. Kiko
  5. Thanks Pete, I will test options 1 and 3. One question for option 1. The script tripleuse is ziiped in the file example LUA plugins.zip. I understand I have to unzip it modified as required and then put the file in what path to make it work? Thanks Kiko
  6. Hi Mark777, No, LINDA does not make this so far.
  7. Thanks Pete. Ok I got the values for the different positions, CLIMB, FLEX and TOGA. Now how I program a button to make it push and go to those position? Thanks Kiko
  8. Hi Pete, I want to push a button in MCP and the action should be change the throttle mode to TOGA, CLIMB or FLEX. Thanks the quick response. Kiko
  9. Hi Pete I would like to assign the button TOGA, CLIMB and FLEX in my VRInsight MCP II when I move the throttle to TOGA or CLIMB or FLEX position for the FSLabs A320. Is that possible through FSUIPC? My scenario: Prepar3d 3.4.22 FSLabs A320 VRInsight Combo MCP II Thanks a lot Kiko
  10. Hi Martin, Thanks for the reply. I have already set the com2, the com4 was with another test. And yes I do everything you days prior to post this thread. Kiko
  11. Hello, First I do not know where to publish the question, here or send it to VRInsight support. I have FS9 and want to use the MCP Combo panel II with Qwality wings BAe AVRO RJ100. To make this work I know I have to user the combination of VSPE and FSUIPC to create macros for the different buttons, swicthes, rotary, etc. I have setup the VSPE with the pair COM2 and COM4. I have modify the FSUIPC and include the section: [VRInsight] 1=COM3, COM4 The MCP Combo is running in COM3 port. I started first the VSPE, then the FS9 and when I have the AVRO loaded I then run the VRSim, but it does not change the port in VRSim, it always show the COM3, and I guess it should show COM4. I followed the doc FSUIPC_VRInsight_mod.pdf created by Günter Steiner “guenseli”. Any thoughts? Thanks Kiko
  12. Hello, I am trying to download the latest version of FSUIPC 3.999z9 from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html. The link says 3.999z9 but the installer installs the z8 version instead of z9. I tried from different PCs and browsers, deleting the cache files and always download the same version. Am I missing anything? Thanks Kiko
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