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  1. Thanks Pete! I also read this paragraph, but I just did not understand it respectively did not link it with my problem... Sorry for wasting your time, but I think I understood it now and my problem is solved! Regards David
  2. Hello Pete! I followed the steps exactly as you wrote. The problem seems to be, that the control numbers from PMDG seem to be wrong, as you can see in the picture. Do you have an idea? Otherwise I will ask the PMDG support. Thanks David
  3. Hello Pete! I read the documentation, but I still seem to make a mistake. I will give you an example, please correct me if one of my steps is wrong: 1) I choose a control in the PMDG_NGX_SDK.h file. (#define EVT_OH_ELEC_BATTERY_SWITCH (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 1) // 01 - BAT Switch) 2) As it says there, I add 1 to 65536, which is the min. value for a custom event. 3) I select a key for the control 4) The Battery Switch should move now, when I press the selected key, but it doesn´t. What am I doing wrong? Regards David
  4. I know this might sound a bit stupid, but I do not understand where to get the controls number from... :roll: Thanks David Edit: I found the post with the evt. files: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/71035-pmdg-ngx-sdk/ I am plannig to make the inputs with such an event file. How do I have to list that events? And do I need a extra program for making an evt. file or is this a txt. format? Thanks David
  5. Hi! Yes, I meant assigning the controls by number. I am not sure how to do that. Could you give me an example? I would be very thankful. Regards David
  6. Hello Pete! Thank you, that was my mistake I noticed the new offsets I minute after my post, thank you. I want to build a homecockpit with the NGX and Opencockpit modules. The outputs I will do with the new NGX offsets, but I have a question for the inputs. I read about "eventlogs". Can I realise inputs with them? Could you explain that to me shortly? Thank you! David
  7. Hello Pete! In this thread you said, that you have included NGX variables in the FSUIPC offsets. Do you have any news if this can be published? I want to use the NGX for my Opencockpits homecockpit using SIOC, so this is very important to me. Thank you! David
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