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Thomas Molitor

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About Thomas Molitor

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Frankfurt / Germany
  • Interests
    My Girlfriend and cat Nero, F1, Soccer, Simming, Programming, Blading...

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  1. What you need is the FS main window hwnd. This can be done by searching for the windclass name 'FS98MAIN' (via API 'FindWindowEx'). I am now away for three weeks, so maybe someone else can continue to assist you. ;) Thomas
  2. The best starting point is at MS MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com This is the online bible for windows APIs and all MS related products. You have to look for the API function 'SetParent', but it might be that you have to set different window styles/properties for you window via 'SetWindowLongA'. The VB declaration are: Public Declare Function GetParent Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetParent Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hWndChild As Long, ByVal hWndNewParent As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long You can try google to find some VB related articles about those API functions. Hope this helps Thomas
  3. But you don't need a module then. You have to modify the parent window of your main VB window, so it uses the FS main window as its parent and is displayed infront of FS. But this does not work very well with all VGA cards out there. So you need to be careful with this. Thomas
  4. That is of course possible. One possible solution would be to use window messages to communicate with the VB program (there are of course many other ways...). But why do you need that FS module then? Are you missing something in FSUIPC that requires a module? Thomas
  5. It is not possible to use VB to write a FS module. You will need C/C++ (I think Delphi works too). Regards Thomas
  6. Hi, try to add the char "&" behind those HEX values. Example: &HC000&. This should work fine. The problem is that VB thinks that &HC000 is a negative integer value. Using "&" will force a Long value in VB. Hope this helps Thomas
  7. The OAT is a two byte value, so you have to use Integer not Long. Should look like that: Dim Success As Boolean Dim Data As Integer Dim dwResult As Long Success = FSUIPC_Read(&H0E8C, 2, VarPtr(Data), dwResult) Success = FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Debug.Print Data Hope this helps Thomas
  8. You've got new mail! :D Thomas
  9. What you need is located in the "winmm.dll". I have a VB class, that can open and analyze a wave file. Calculating the length of the audio stream can be easily done with this code. Let me know if you want it. Regards Thomas
  10. You are right, but I haven't changed anything on my machine (the one I use for developing my own addon) and I can reproduce this crash. I don't know what ATC.dll is doing, but I don't get any crashes, if I use the older FSUIPC version. I will check out another machine in my office and see if I have a similar problem. I just thought maybe someone else had this problem. That's why I was posting it... If I can find something ou,t I will let know. Cheers Thomas
  11. Hi Pete, I am having problems with the new FSUIPC version. It seems that it is causing a crash of the file "atc.dll". After some minutes FS just crashes. I have switched back to 2.972 and everything works again. What could cause the crash? Regards Thomas Molitor
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