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Everything posted by markusr

  1. Hi Christoph / @Pilot1801, were did you get Sioc V8? I am still running on a v7 Beta version and on the opencockpits site I cant find any newer version that a v6. Thanks a lot, Mark
  2. Hi Pete, I tried it now with the exe file, and the coordinates are correct. And suddenly its working... I have no clue why it was not working yesterday. BUT, there is always a but... On this screen I have running the Prosim Display in the Lower DU Configuration and I was hoping that the Menue from the LUA file will overlay the Prosim Application, but its not 😞 I also removed the option in Prosim "Stay on top" and "fullscreen", but the menue will everytime be generated below the Prosim Display. For the photo below I have moved the Lower Eicas a little down to see the generated menue. Is there any chance to modify this? Thanks again, Markus
  3. Sorry, missed that in my comment above. Yes, #2 is rotated by 90°, so 768*1024. And on this monitor (which is my Lower EICAS from my 737 in the homecockpit) I want to display the GSX Menue. So, in theory it would be ("TextLeft", 2048) as a starting point for monitor #2 to display it. But I will run the mentioned program in the evening.
  4. The picture is from Windows 7 directly, no driver. Yes, it does Main Screen is the No. 1 Number 1, 2 and 3 are 1024x768 pixels. No 4 is 1280x1024 I will try this programm in the evening today and will report back. Best regards, Markus
  5. Hi Pete, I have in my homecockpit a machine setup with 4 monitors, running 2x FMC, lower and upper EICAS. I want to display the GSX Menu via the "ShowMenue.lua" on the Monitor no 2. So I edited the Showcyle.lua to ipc.set("TextLeft", 2048) and assumed that the menue will than be shown starting with 2048px from the left, which is my second monitor. But it still starts on the left side of the first monitor. If I go up to 3840, I can see it appearing on the Monitor no 3 (around the 2/3) of the menue, but anything higher would not show the menue any more. Do you have a tip getting this moved to the correct monitor on my setup? Thanks a lot, Markus
  6. Hi Pete, yes I looked at the provided Offset PDF, but I am not shure how to get only the letters in text not the numbers in one variable to be displayed on the LCD screen. Or maybe this calculation must be done within SIOC. If its negateive than write "S" to the variable, if we won't get the text direct out of the FS. Mark
  7. Hello, I am trying to get from the latitude an longitude from my current position onto an LCD Display from Opencockpits. But, I am only interested in the leading letter N or S and E or W. Can someone help me to archive this? What FS offset I must read to get those information ? Thanks a lot, Mark
  8. Hi Pete, it took a while, but I got a replacement card and installed the card into my cockpit. And all is working very fine now. No spikes and no multiple buttonpresses anymore. Thanks alot for your help!
  9. Hi Pete, one more question. Is there an option available to ignore a complete joystick in FSUIPC? When I want to assign some key presses via FSUIPC some other joystick keepresses are takin g the focus. Those cards (all BU0836X) are configured via Prosim and therefore no config via FSUIPC is required. Thanks again, Mark
  10. Hi Pete, I have now rewired one axis to another card from Leo. And I would say, this one is working. I have contacted Leo via mail for an exchange. Thanks alot for you fast and fantastic help! best regards, Mark
  11. Hi Pete, I have now checked the above things. I really hab the throttles and throttle 1 and 2 assigned. I deleted them, but it doesn't show any better effect. I have uploaded the new log file as well as the .ini file. All the 6 cards as well as the CH Yoke and my pedals were checked. No assignment
  12. Hi Pete, here is the ini http://dl.dropbox.com/u/700428/FSUIPC/FSUIPC.ini and the log http://dl.dropbox.com/u/700428/FSUIPC/FSUIPC.log thanks, Mark
  13. Hi Pete, I have now doublechecked. The Joystick settings are disabled in FS and no axes are assigned in the FS menue. Would it help if i post the FSUIPC.ini, that you might take a look and maybe see something? Is there any way to chek for a dual assignment? Thanks again for you help. Mark
  14. Hello Pete, I just finished up building my Throttle. Iam using 10k potentiometers for the Levelers (Engine 1, Eingine 2, Spoiler and Flaps) The potentiometers are connected to a BU0836X Interface Card from Leo Bodnar. Via FSUIPC Axis Calibration & Assignment I have assigned the correct axes. Thats working great. But as you can see in the video I have some spikes in there. Video How can I eliminate those? Because when I want to arm the spoilers the spiking disabled the spoilers again... Is there any solution available within FSUIPC ?? Thanks for your help and best regards, Mark Edit: Iam using FS9 and FSUIPC 3.999
  15. Hello Pete, thanks for you reply. I have tried the following now: Assigned in FSUIPC Buttons and Switches section - when the button is pressed hte option "Keysend 1-255 (WideFS)" to 5 and when its released to 6. In Wideclient.ini I added for testing the following: RunKey5="C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" RunKey6="C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe" But nothing happened when the Button was pressed or released. Maybe I missed something? Is LUA (which I never made anything before) really required for that? Thanks again for your help, Mark EDIT: Got It now! RunKey5=C:\Programme\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe RunKey6=C:\FSADDONS\Vr Callout\Vr.exe KeySend5=Runkey5 KeySend6=Runkey6 I found an older thread where the procedure was described.
  16. Hello, I have a question if this is possible with FSUIPC or LUA script: If a certain FSUIPC offset is set to 1 an external .cmd file should be executed. If it is 0 another .cmd file sould be executed on a machine. The file should be executed on a machine which runs WideFS Client. I am using FS2004 and the latest FSUIPC module version. As I am not a programmer, maybe someone can provide me a code where I need to adopt the FSUIPC offset and the external programm that need to be executed. Is this possible? Thank you very much with your help. Mark
  17. Hello Pete, the parameter is not working for FS9. I have made the "workaround" with your described solution. Thanks a lot, Mark
  18. Hi, I am using FS9 for my Homecockpit and want to open the doors and alternative doors (Shift+E+2) with a button on my overhead. Via FSUIPC I can assign the toogle aircraft exit state, but this will only operate the main doors. I am wondering if it will be possible to make the keypress Shift+E+2 automatic with FSUIPC. I tried also this download: http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLCatID=root and built the button in the overhead panel, but FSUIPC Makro wont recognize the click on the button. Does anyone have a solution for my problem? Thanks, Mark
  19. Sorry, that's a little ambiguous to me. The same for the specific device, not the specific port? Yes, the ID stays the same for the device when you switch ports. So each device gets one unique id, I think. Well I could make the GUID part of the checking when matching names to letters. It would be like an extension to the name. Isn't that what you mean? Yes, as an extention it would be great. Sounds great with the matching names to letter option. regards, Mark
  20. Hi Pete, i have made now some test. It looks like that the GUID is also the same when you swap the usb ports. It seems that windows XP also only generates once the GUID and leaves it the same. I tried the following: switching some USB cables around and started up fs, opened the FSUIPC Joystick button assignment and than clicked one hardware key. The recognized Joystick alphabetical letter was the same as it should be. So it would be nice when FSUIPC has the possibility to show up the GUIDS for more clarification on the joystick types, when all have the same name. If you need more information or screenshots, please contact me. As i understood fsuipc now its important to have all joystick connected one time so fsuipc can generate his ini file. Then you can unplug it and replug it in any usb slot. A new joystick will get a new fresh windows ID and hopefully not an ID before the one who are connected. best regards, Mark
  21. Hi Pete, thanks for the PM. Yes, i have read the reply, but i had not time to test it. i will do this tomorrow and i will post the result in there with swapping usb ports on the controllers. thanks, Mark
  22. Hi Pete, no all the joystick cards have the same name... Is there apossibility to change those names?
  23. i think I have figured it out. search / replace in the ini file.
  24. Hello, I have a fully assigned cokcpit with my 3 joystick cards and i attached a 4th one, but suddenly FSUIPC makes a mix up with all my assigned switches. How can i get Windows / FSUIPC in that way, that its assigns a new joystick behind the last configured one. Do I have any chance to get the ini file correct working. If I unplug the new joystick all is working fine again... Please help me. Thanks, Mark
  25. ok, I will try the new version. Thanks.
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