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Everything posted by cgentil

  1. Also thanks Pete for providing clarification.
  2. So I will start to use lua.
  3. I will restore original SIM1.DLL, so the Patchsimfriction will be no, right?
  4. I just have to do this? Copy file "DynamicFriction.lua" in FSX\Modules In "FSUIPC4.ini" enter: [Auto] 1=Lua DynamicFriction - Save "FSUIPC4.ini"
  5. Where I can obtain this one and how should I install/do?
  6. Hi, I've FSX ACC, it was SIM1.DLL for single engine taxi and idle taxi, I've downloaded here (site not longer exists) http://fs-mp.com/sim1/ And was wrote it was done by you. Before with other versions this error never had. Now with that version I got this error.
  7. Hope it can be solved.
  8. This happens using SIM1.dll tweaked for ground friction by Pete.
  9. Hi, With FSUIPC 4.929, I'm getting this error on log, what can be? 811 ### Failed to obtain SIM1 Frictions access: no frictions facilities available!
  10. I'm not worried, I'm asking because in other PC i've this line, but says: [WideServer] WideFSenabled=No. That's why I'm asking.
  11. Hi, Why I've this line in my FSUIPC.ini if I don't have WideFS? [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes
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