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Everything posted by Watsi

  1. Hi there, do we still need the ini file additions with the new version 7.4.11? Or should we remove them?
  2. Thanks for the information.
  3. Hi John, Thanks for implementing Inibuilds A300 events in the events.txt. I just want to inform you, that the A300 events are wrong in some cases / don't work as they should. Just some examples: the CPT ND brightness, the FD toggles, the left ECAM display brightness, the Main instrument flood lights. I use the A300 for some time now and have a more accurate events list for it (without garantee of full completeness, but better than the exisiting one). I can provide it to you if you like. Best wishes
  4. Having the same problem (registered FSUIPC) since 7.4.3. Restarting FSUIPC helps sometimes. But it takes quite a long time to load events.txt and connecting to the sim (although it shows it is connected). Log shows no errors or something like that.
  5. BTW I reported the problems to MS. Their answer was "Don't use FSUIPC". Reminds me of my time working in administration.
  6. Well... ok... Thanks... I guess.
  7. For me it's the same. Using PACX and FSUIPC (latest version) since the beginning. Since SU5 I have random CTDs (Flightsim.exe crashes, according to the event manager) every second flight or so. Same happened post SU6. After emptying my community folder and getting rid of all addons (also marketplace ones > official folder), CTDs still occur. So I stopped using PACX and FSUIPC for a while. Since then, no more CTD. Not a single one... Don't know if it is PACX or FSUIPC, but I have to admit, I suspect FSUIPC since it is the connection to the sim.
  8. Hi Pete, it's me again with some news concerning my problem. I would like to share it with you and others: IN FACT it's not a FSMeteo or FSUIPC Problem. The "hang up" ALWAYS appears, when I minimize the FS-window (fullscreen) and open it again. It seems to me that this is a DirectX 9 problem or a problem with the grafics-driver (Nvidia Detonator 45.23). My System: WIN XP (pro), AMD 1800+, 512 RAM, Asus GF 3. (latest patches and drivers) There is a workaround (not a solution): everytime you minimize you FS-window and open it again go for a short time into windowed mode (with ALT+ENTER) and go back to fullscreen. Then everything works fine. Beside the workaround, I would still like to know what THE REAL PROBLEM IS. Does anybody have ideas? Regards, Watsi
  9. Hi Pete, thanks for you answer. So I have to search for other problems. Thanks again. Regards, Watsi
  10. Hi Pete, I purchased FSUIPC. Thanks for your free and great work the last years. As I'm still flying with FS2002. I'm using an older version of FSMeteo (5.2.1), because I thought it's not needed to upgrade ( $$$ ) to a new version - just for FS2002. When I download real weather with FSMeteo everything works fine. But the sim is hanging up. You are not able to see outside (scenery), you can not switch the views. If I stop FSMeteo everthing is fine again, exept all lights (aircraft and scenery lights) are sourrounded by a black square. Only starting FS new is solving this problem. So my question is: is it possible that older FSMeteo versions are not working with the new FSUIPC (same appearing with the old freeware version of ActiveSky - 1.5)? Best regards, Watsi PS: got the newest FSUIPC
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