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Everything posted by mark139

  1. Hi, I'm sorry that I've (Mark Burton) been a bit use less in supporting the Java SDK I started. Many other projects and real work have got in the way. The java machine must be able to find the wrapper dll otherwise it will fail to load. The easiest way is to put the dll in the Windows PATH. The alternative is to include the path to the DLL when running java. Java and it's paths are very confusing at first. Cheers Mark
  2. I find that if I'm working on something that has a very long write, compile test cycle then I'm very careful not to introduce errors. Nothing more frustraiting than have to wait ages just to fix one line of code. Beer just makes me fall asleep these days :)
  3. Hmm, this thread got me thinking about the Java SDK. Java has a brilliant remote method API. Basically there is little difference calling a local or remote function. I will investigate this (when I have time) and maybe add it to the Java SDK. Cheers Mark
  4. Hi, I've been off line for a while and I'm back now. In the Java SDK I included a JNI wrapper for FSUIPC, so you dont need to worry about that. There is also a test java app. I would sugest you follow the instructions and see if you can get the test app to work. I haven't yet had time to test the java SDK with FS2004, but I will shortly. Cheers Mark
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