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Everything posted by Demious

  1. I'm trying to create a new specific profile, but when I check the profile specific box, I only get a profile for an earlier created profile. According to the manual I have to open FSUIPC, then go to the axis assignment tab, check profile specific box, click NO to create a new profile and then I have to click CANEL or NEW, but those options aren't there. How can I create a new specific profile?
  2. Ah well, at least we managed to come to a conclusion. :) I'm gonna see what I can do to get the unit repaired and this week I heard that my new custom controllers are ready, so when they arrive the T&T will be a less prominent item in my setup. I'm sure everything will turn out well. Thanks a whole lot for your help, guys! :D Cheers!
  3. The way you explain it now, wouldnt that mean that the same switch gives two constant vallues? I mean, that the #21 will always switch with #18? Because that is not what happens, it is completely random. I took 21 and 18 for the example, because that was the one that came up when I took the pictures. And it also doesnt happen everytime, its about half of the time that another number is recognised on the first input. The 18/21 from the example are both indeed a 2-way switches, but from what I see in FSUIPC, the off-possition doesnt give a controller-signal. If the switch is in the on-possition when I enter the FSUIPC-menu and I turn it off, FSUIPC doesnt register any input. I havent seen anything that looks like two steady control numbers for one switch or button. It's the actual control number as shown in the manual, switched with a random control number, this time it was #18, but next time it might as well be #24. I'll show you the control-setup as it is shown in the manual, maybe that tells you someting. Maybe I'm interpreting the chard wrong, but to me it looks like every button or switch has just one control number. (The actual number changes 1 possition, though, the A1 is controller #0, A2 is #1 etc. and the C2-C5 buttons are #34/#36/#38/#32) And I did ask at the VRI forums, but there I got send back here...
  4. I've got the controller numbers changed to letters now and this indeed fixes that problem for the axisses and switches from the Saitek controllers, but not for the VRI controller, even though this one is also recognised by a letter now. I've checked for double programmed buttons a dozen times already, but I cant find anything, there... In P3D the controllers are turned off and I even deleted all controllers from key-assignment list. I can also see in the buttons programming window from FSUIPC what happens. For example, the first time when I push the button with controller #21, FSUIPC reads controller #18 in the readout, with the commands listed, programmed for controller #18. This picture is taken after using the switch with controller #21 the first time: A simple second click on the same button and the readout says #21 with the commands listed for controller #21 as can be seen on this picture, taken after the second click of the same switch: I uninstalled and reinstalled everything, multiple times, created new setting-files, changed numbers that adress which controller is sending the commands to letters, as can be seen in the pictures, which had the right effect on the saitek controllers, but nothing has any effect on the VRI T&T.
  5. T&T is the tack and toggle switchboard: http://www.fspilotsh...nel-p-2856.html What I found is that VRInsight T&T is recognised by windows as a 'proper USB joystick device', as it is explained and I see that for several controllers there's a download for serialFP2, but the T&T has a manual only. According to the manual the T&T is recognised as a Human-interface Device and nothing is written about FSUIPC, or VSPE, only basic information about the standard way to setup the controller through the sims own controller setup. And I found something on the VRinsight forum about writing a LUA-script for T&T, when working with FSUIPC, but they send the writer of the post they answer to this forum to ask about that: "What you need to do is ask this question over at the FSUIPC support forum, you will need to write a LUA script to sync the switches at start up." That's about it, everything else that came up when searching for VRinsight T&T/FSUIPC/VSPE came up with other modules than the T&T. So in short: No serialFP2 for T&T panel and Pete Dowson knows how to fix it. :P The FSUIPC advanced manual was talking about VRInsight modules in general, without any exceptions mentioned, so I guessed the T&T should be handeled the same. I can indeed connect the switches to the functions in the sim, only FSUIPC recognises the numbers wrong on the first input and assigns a wrong controller number to them. This means that when I, for example, use the switch that is programmed for the prop sync, on the first input it turns the master avionics off and on the second input, it switches on the prop sync...
  6. Hmmmm, I bought a second hand VRI T&T and I got the controller only, so I'm not sure what has been in the package originally. If you say the serialFP2.exe is the driver that comes with the controller I guess that line isnt meant for the way I setup my controller. When I got the controller plugged in, no section called COM & LPT appears... I'll have a look at VRI drivers on their site, see what I can find out and I'll get back to you when I know more. Thanks, Pete
  7. My VRInsight installs a standard driver when I plug it in, it looks the same as when you plug in a new external harddisk and it doesnt show any ports. I know from a former computer the section 'Com & LPT', but my current one doesnt have that section. I've already googled to find the COM-number and I indeed found a post that directed people to that section, but its not there. Maybe because my computer doesnt have serial ports at all? And another question, I'm not sure if I'm doing this the right way. The next part I have to enter in the ini-file, this one: [Programs] Run1=READY,CLOSE,d:\VRInsight\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe For one device, I have to enter it like this? And does it have any spaces in the string? I'm not sure if I can see it right.
  8. Thanks for the fast reply, Pete. :) I wouldnt know where to look for where the driver would see the controller... I know how to use the programs I work with, or at least, the parts that I regularly use, but I'm just a simple user, not programmer, or a computer expert, or anything like that. But in the list of 'Human Interface Devices' I found a 'USB input device' that disappears when I unplug the controller, but the 'number' isnt a COM-number, it reads: Port_#0002.Hub_#0006 Does this mean that port is called COM2?
  9. I'm running into some problems with editing the FSUIPC.ini file when setting up VSPE. I have to add: [VRInsight] 1=<device>, <driver> 2=<device>, <driver> and have to replace <device> and <driver> for the serial port names. How do I know which serial ports those are and what they're called? Just following the example, I see that the created COM5<=>COM6 ends up as COM6 at the <driver> possition of the first line. My created ports show as COM1<=>COM2, so I guess that so far my entry will come to this: [VRInsight] 1=<device>, COM2 And this is how far I get from the explination. How do I know which actual port the device is connected to?
  10. Thanks for the location of that second manual, I hadnt seen there was one in that location, so I've been looking in the wrong one all this time. :mrgreen: I see there are special requirements for VRInsight modules, as is one of my controllers, so I'm gonna check this out. Thanks for the help, guys! :razz:
  11. When searching the user guide for the phrase 'Joy Letters' (CTRL-F), nothing was found, also when searching it manually I didnt come accros any topic with a title that could correspond to that phrase. I asume that 'joystick Identifiers' are the Y- and X-axis, for example, am I right? What numbers should I change to letters to avoid FSUIPC recognising the Y-axis for the X- or Z-axis? I've been looking for numbers behind the axis-controllers, but I cant find anything that would point me in that direction. The only numbers I see there are the input and output vallues and the 256 under de Delta-button, which stays the same with every controller function... I menaged to solve the problem in the sim environment by reinstalling everything, but still, when in the FSUIPC-interface, when moving the Y-axis, the first reading from FSUIPC is an X-axis response or a Z-axis response, for instance and when rescanning once or twice, it recognises the Y-axis. Also when pushing the rescan button, I first get another axis-input, say the V-axis, without any controller being touched and only the second or third time I push rescan, I get empty fields and I can enter a new input.
  12. I got used to my controllers (Saitek pro flight yoke, rudder, trim and VRInsight T&T) giving the wrong controller number at the first input when in FSUIPC, but rescanning the same input a second time gave me the right number and it was fine. But I had to reinstal my system and now I still do get the right number on the second scan, but back in the simenvironment, the wrong numbers are transmitted again: My right brake controls the elevator and the left brake turns the yoke to the left. Even by rescanning the controls, I cant seem to fix this problem. The yoke itself does give the right numbers and works, but gets comprimised by the brakes, every time I use those. I do see that the rudder controls are mentioned as controller 1 and the yoke as controller 0, so they shouldnt be on the same channel, but stil they are... What can I do to get the right input from my controllers?
  13. I'm trying to setup my Saitek X52-pro and when I setup all axisses and go back to the flying environment, my rudder doesnt work. When I go back to FSUIPC to check the axis, the R-axis is read as Z-axis. So I rescan the R-axis for the rudder, go back to the flying environment and the rudder still doesnt move, going back to FSUIPC, the R-axis again reads the Z-axis and so on and so on... What can I do to fix this?
  14. The AP_ALT_HOLD_ON/OFF gives the multiple command, as shown above, the only option in FSUIPC that gives an ALT HOLD command only, is the AP_ALT_HOLD. But I'll check about the multiple command with Carenado, it is indeed a C337 specific issue, I noticed. With synchronising the toggle function from AP_ALT_HOLD does stay constant, as long as I dont climb or decent with the autopilot. The C337 from Carenado has a quite primitive Nav-o-Matic 400A, which doesnt have a function to set a desired altitude, but you set a virtical speed with a sort of pitch trim function and that function turns the alt hold off and you turn it back on when you reach the desired altitude, what causes the alt hold switch to change direction. You set the ALT HOLD, switching up, use the autopilot to climb which turns the ALT HOLD off, while the switch is still up, so to activate ALT hold when reaching the desired altitude, you have to switch down. Thats what happens. But I'll have a look at the multiple commands the button gives on/off functions, if I get something done with that I should be able to use other alt hold functions within FSUIPC, which have an on and an off option.
  15. Indeed, I got 2 monitors, so I have FSX run on the left, in windowed mode, while I have the console log on the right. That log is a very nice gadget. :) I did have some difficulties getting the hang of it, but now I do... This is a truely awesom tool you build, I love it! :D I actually got one issue left, with the ALT-hold function. My favorite aircraft is the C337 Skymaster, for which I use the Carenado version, and this aicraft has a very oldschool autopilot. When I'm flying on autopilot and want to change altitude, the ALT-hold is turned off and when I reach my desired altitude, I have to turn it back on, but what happens now, is that when I switch ALT-hold on, it reads in the log: AP_ALT_HOLD AP_ATT_HOLD_OFF AP_NAV1_HOLD_OFF AP_HDG_HOLD_OFF So, simply put, my HDG- or NAV-hold gets turned off when I turn ALT-hold back on, which happens through FSUIPC when I use the options AP ALT HOLD ON/OFF or AP PANEL ALT ON/OFF, but it doesnt when I use AP ALT HOLD. However, due to lack of hardware toggle buttons, I have to use an on/off switch, with the AP ALT HOLD assigned to the on- and the off-function. So to turn it on I switch up, when change my altitude and it turns off automatically, but to turn it on again, I have to switch down. This way the switch turns the on- and off-function around, every time I changed altitude. If I use one of the two other options I mentioned above, every time I changed altitude and turned the ALT-hold back on(then I flick the switch down and up again, so it switxhes off and back on, but on would again be upwards), the HDG-, or NAV-hold are turned off and I have to turn it back on again. So I would actually need a FSUIPC-function with an on- and off-option, instead of a toggle, that doesnt make my HDG or NAV turn off when I use it. Is there a way to get around it, to make my ALT-hold consistantly turn on when switched up and off when switched down, in such way it doesnt turn my HDG or NAV off, when activated?
  16. I know I'm still messing around with some bugs in FSX, I think installing FSUIPC did something to make those come to light. I'll have a look at those, see what I can do. The logging event was totaly new to me, so I didnt really know I could use that to search for connections, but I figured it out now and I already found a lot of things I got stuck on. It's not always easy when different names are used fort he same items. I'll have a go at it and I think I'll get a lot more out the program, this way. Thanks, Pete! :D
  17. I just got my new hardware delivered, a Saitek pro flight yoke&throttle quadrant and the VRInsight TT panel and I was advised to use FSUIPC4 to set up the controls, but I'm running into some problems. -Regularly FSX starts reloading mid-flight. (Black screen, with the loading bar in the middle, like you would just be entering the sim environment.) -I had several functions within FSUIPC programmed, which didnt do anything within FSX. It seems like there's no function assigned to them. -when using auto pilot through FSUIPC, I regularly notice that a landing on autopilot doesnt find the runway and dives into the ground, well before reaching the runway. When I perform the same procedures by using the mouse in the virtual cockpit, everything works fine. -Which command do need to set up to toggle 'speaker nav1'? -Which command do I use for 'nav light on' and 'nav light off'? -Which command do I use for 'taxi light on' and 'taxi light off'? -Which command do I use for 'deice on' and 'deice off'? -Which commands do I use for 'GPS/NAV(switch to NAV)' and 'GPS/NAV(switch to GPS)'? -Which command do I use for 'FD on' and 'FD off'? -With the pro flight yoke system, several times already, I've seen the yoke in my virtual cockpit slam to left or right and get stuck there, without any of the controls being touched(with the aircraft still parked on the ground, or when flying on AP). I have to move the hardware yoke in all direction for some time, before the virtual yoke releases again. The same I've seen happening with the throttle leaver, it slams to full throttle and doesnt want to go back down, untill I moved the hardware throttle back and forth, several times. -When I program the hatswitch to 'view left/right/up/down' or 'pan left/right/up/down' and I use the hatswitch, it makes a little step, then stops and after a few seconds, it moves on panning, instead of a constant movement. -Even with auto rudder active(I dont have pedels yet), my aircraft keeps drifting off to the right when taxying, hte only way to counter this is by counter steering with the yoke. The rudders are clearly centered, but still I keep drifting off. -About the VRInsight TT panel, I'm having trouble programming the switches on the middle and right part of the panel. For example, I tried to program the cowlflaps to a T-switch. I programmed 'cowl inc' to the 'button pressed' function (when the switch is flicked on/up) and the 'cowl dec' to the 'button released' function (when the switch is flicked off/down). This made the cowl open and close for just a bit, so I activated the 'control to repeat while held' function, which solved the problem only for opening the cowl, but didnt have any effect on the 'button released' function. So now the cowl opens fully when the switch is flicked on, but when the switch is flicked off, it closes only to '69% open'. (I can, however, flick the switch up halfway and back down several times and then the cowl closes bit by bit, but that, of course, isnt the intended use of those switches.) -When I press a button to program the first time, it often gives a different control number, then when I press it the second time, from which the first number not being the one corresponding to the button. After pressing the second time and I get the right number, it doesnt change anymore, I only get the wrong number on the first press. -When I set the AP alt hold with a switch, it sets the alt different then the alt I'm at, for example, when I set alt at 3000ft, it keeps descending to 2500, constantly, until I set alt by hand, with the mouse and when I turn on ALT with the mouse, HDG or NAV, which was switched on through FSUIPC turns off. -When I use the on/off functions from the AP buttons, for example the HDG doesnt turn off when I switch to NAV, they do when I use the normal HDG, but then the function of the switch turns around, like first time using HDG you have to switch up and after using NAV, the HDG has to be used by switching down. -And where can I find the file with the programmed setup, so I can backup my settings for when I need to reinstal? Can someone help me out here, please?
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