I have had this new yoke system for a few days now and have everything set through FSUIPC v4.86. All the FSX controls are disabled. FSX Gold & Win7
Question 1 is about multiple modes that is part of the yoke (if you use their software which I am not). There are 3 modes via a roller switch on the back of the yoke. I have looked around your setup windows and didn't find anything obvious to me. Is there a way to program different buttons/switches for mode 1 vs mode 2 vs mode 3 using FSUIPC? If so where can I find details on how to do it?
Question 2 is about throttle levers; they have value number movement down to the idle detent and then below that is is a button instead of further movement of the values to the negative side like my old CH throttles did. So I am working on the best way to set up those positions for reversers, prop feather, & mixture cutoff. I found a way to do that via the button "send keystroke" function to for a keyboard command in FSX. The trouble I found with this is for a twin engine aircraft when I use it that causes both controls to go to reverse, feather or cutoff. So that doesn't seem like a good working solution to me. If I needed to shut down one engine in the air and feather the prop it would activate both so I would be dead in the air. :(
Any help is greatly appreciated.