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Posts posted by bnepethomas

  1. HI Pete

    A quick note of thanks for the very useful control (Joystick and push button) features in v4. I hadn't realised just how much flexibility was in FSUIPC until I I stumbled across across the post re challenges with controls. That prompted me to read the manual (I'm an IT guywho like most IT guys reads the manual as a last resort). Makes the setup of the pit much easier as I now don't need keystroke emulation programs!

    Ta again


  2. Thanks for the answers.

    I would be very interested in getting the patch for 10,000 feet on a full circle. And thanks for the pointer re loosing position, that makes sense about it loosing steps. Is there a way to force it to recalbirate in S/W like it does on power up?



    It all is related to the typical properties of stepper motors. They are very precise, but drawback is the torque they deliver at higher speeds.

    The stepper we are using for the Altimeter has a technical limit to 600 degrees per second. As a full needle rotattion points 1000 feet, the maximum the needle can follow is about 1600 feet per second. Alternatively we ca n patch the microprogram by which the needle shows a 10.000 feet on full cicle. That makes a maximum of 16.000 feet per second.

    Same for the Attitude indicator. When stepper (most possibly the bankindicator) is driven over its limits it will loose steps and by this the calibration. Forces at high speed are quite high and the product of speed and mass of the pitch and bank mechanism.

    Currently the stepper motor driving the bank mechanism has a gear train that is 1:10. By this the bank indicator has 192x10=1920 positions.

    Worst case the gear train could be changed which would gain speed, but at the cost of accuracy.

  3. Hi

    I've been working on an interface to Falcon4 (altimeter, attitude indicator, and gyrocompass) and come across two challenges:

    1. The needle in the Altimeter just does not move fast enough to keep up with a military jet climbing. The digital display keeps up, the the needle just doesn't move fast enough. Here's a movie I've captured, you seen the digital display updating quickly but the needle lags.

    2. The Attitude indicator seems to loose reference to the zero point after a work out. any trick to program around this, eg forcing a reset of the gauge every 5 minutes?



  4. Yeap using it with GPSout works a treat, Linked it using WideFs to a second computer,

    • Communications Port

    o Baud Rate = 19200

    o NEMA Input = Checked

    o NEMA GPS Input = checked

    o NEMA Output = Not checked

    o Configure NEMA

     GLL = Not checked

     RMC and RMB = Checked

     GGA = Not Checked

     GSA and GSV = Checked

     APB = Not Checked

    o Mangnavox DGPS = Not checked

    o Starlink DGPS = Not Checked

  5. Hi all

    Maybe there's a bit of confusion. When I'm talking about dual needles, I'm thinking more of the GSA52 which is the oil temperature and pressure gauge. So not the dual concentric needles.

    I believe it's very difficult to modify existing instruments, but if you want to ty, let us known the results.

    best regards


    could we use it for a poor man's directional compass, ie mount a disc with a compass on it.



  6. The prototype has been released and is now in testing. We are finalizing the production steps. The whole concept has changed and it turned out to be quite a challenge, but it has become a wonderfull, sleek model. If everything goes according our plan (getting the components ready, etc) we look at the end of february to see the first deliveries.

    In any case, we than the FI community for its patience, but we are convinced that quality is better than speed, and that the long wait will turn out to we worthy.

    best regards


    Hi guys

    Hows the attitude indicator and gyro compass coming along?



  7. HI Dennis

    Yeap you are correct re lights, I've already pointed this out to the flight Illusions team so I'm hoping this is addressed before too long. AFAIK The issue is an historical one where earlier versions of FS used to map cockpit lights and Nav lights to the same value in FSUIPC.



  8. How can i read out the excact voltage on the battery bus via FSUIPC?

    There's some electrical stuff in the "usupported" variables, listed in the second table in the Programmer's Guide. Check those in the 28XX range. Some of those are getting to be quite important (2834 in particular), so I may see about promoting them to "supported" status (i.e. move them to the first table).

    if i understand this rigt i cant use the TOKVAR 2834?.....can someone explain why?

    What do you mean by "TOKVAR" here? Token variables are things you use in FSUIPC gauges and are documented in Microsoft's own Panels SDK. I think the correct token name will be one of:


    The FSUIPC offset 2834 provides the same as the first one I think. The other two are at 2860 and 2870.

    I don't know why you say you can't use these things. Can you explain that?



    I'll put my vote in for getting these values into the supported listed, I'm trying to get the boys from Simkits to add them to the MC controller supported values.



  9. I like the ability of the attitude indicator to do 360 degree rolls, are the guage front panel sizes the same as Simkits?

    Also whats the total height and depth of the dual engine cluster?

    It may be a good idea to get the physical dimensions up onto the site.



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