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Everything posted by pemartin

  1. Hello! Is there a offset for the flightphase (Like preflight, Taxi, departure, cruising, arriving and landing)? Best regards peter
  2. Hello John! Thanks for your help! I will change for ServerName. It works fine! Best regards! peter
  3. Hello John! I´ve test both version. ServerIPAddr and ServerName. It works with both! Additional with Servername and IP. Is the better solution IP or Name? Many thanks peter
  4. Hello John! Thats my entry ServerName= Protocol=TCP Port=8002 Many thanks for your help and your patience. Best regards peter
  5. Hello John! I found the problem! The Protocol entry was missing! After writing "Protocol=TPC" it works! Sorry! Manual reading makes the life better. Best regards peter
  6. Hello John, hier is my ini entrys! ; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details ; ===================================================== [Config] ServerName: Port=8002 Window=0,0,490,45 Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=1000,1000 PollInterval=2000 Port2=9002 ReconnectMinutes=0 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=500 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ; ----------------------------------------------- [User] Log=Errors+ AllowShudown=Yes And thats the Log ********* WideClient Log [version 7.156] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 17/06/24, Time 23:52:24.152: Client name is FLUSI-EFB-CPT 391 LUA: "C:\FS\Widefs\Initial.LUA": not found 406 Attempting to connect now 406 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast 406 Failed to connect: waiting to try again 1422 Attempting to connect now 22641 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast With this entry at the computer with Win11 version 24h2 it doesn´t work, with the version 21H2 it works. I hope you can help me! best regards peter
  7. Hello Pete, is there a problem known about win11 with version 24h2 and version 21h2. I have run some computer with different win11 versions. Now i have on my main computer run win11 version 24h2 and on some clients 21h2 and on some 24h2. On the computer with 21h2 the connection via WideFS works fine! But on the computer who are running win11 version 24h2 the widefs did not found the fsuipc-computer. Did you know anything about the problem? Best regards peter
  8. Hello! Can WideFS detect witch flighsim is started? So it is possible to start different programs deppens on the flightsim? Best regards
  9. Hello John! Thanks for you help! This works: Run6=Kill,C:\FS\peroLoadsheet2Hoppie\peroLoadsheet2Hoppie.exe /p3d Run7=Kill,"C:\Program Files\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "VAC Line 3 GSX (Virtual Audio C" /Output: "VAC Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable" /Autostart Run8=Kill,"C:\Program Files\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "MIC FO (2- Sennheiser PC 8.2 US" /Output: "VAC Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable" /Autostart Run9=Kill,"C:\Program Files\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Mic CPT (Sennheiser PC 8.2 USB)" /Output: "VAC Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable" /Autostart Best regards peter
  10. Hello Pete, i am using p3d and fsuipc6. Over the fsuipc.ini i want start a program with additions switches like this C:\Program Files\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe /Input: "VAC Line 3 GSX (Virtual Audio C" /Output: "VAC Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable" /Autostart Thats my entrys at the fsuipc.ini Run6=Kill,"C:\FS\peroLoadsheet2Hoppie\peroLoadsheet2Hoppie.exe /p3d" Run7=Kill,"C:\Program Files\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe /Input: "VAC Line 3 GSX (Virtual Audio C" /Output: "VAC Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable" /Autostart " thats the files at the log-files 2625 FSUIPC couldn't run: ""C:\FS\peroLoadsheet2Hoppie\peroLoadsheet2Hoppie.exe /p3d"" in folder "C:\FS\peroLoadsheet2Hoppie" [Error=2] 2828 FSUIPC couldn't run: ""C:\Program Files\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe /Input: "VAC Line 3 GSX (Virtual Audio C" /Output: "VAC Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable" /Autostart "" in folder "C:\Program Files\Virtual Audio Cable" [Error=2] I hope you can help me! Best regards peter
  11. Hello Pete, is there a fsuipc-adress to read some information from the flightplan? special Origin and Destination, Flightnr. Thanks best regards Peter
  12. Hello John! At first many thanks for the trying again! What i want to do is, that i want send a keystroke for changing the view during the sim is woking. Many thanks I will try it this days. Best regards peter
  13. Hello! I hope anyone can help me. I want send a key-button to the main computer (on it runs p3d with fsuipc). This is my user-part of the wideclient.ini [User]Log=Errors+Log=KeySendKeySend1=90,16 ; Press z KeySend2=89,16 ; Release yUseSendInput=Yes But there is no entry in the log or any registration on fsuipc - part keysend. I don´t find the misstake. Best regards Peter
  14. Hello guys! I have 2 computer. One main with p3d and one client. On this are some arkaze-module connected. The arkaze are defined as joysticks-buttons. When i now press a button connected at the arkaze-module i see at the main-computer (FSUIPC) that there is a button pressed and i can define a offset (Offset Byte set) and a parameter (example x78ED and parameter 33 - offset of jeehell-A320). So all ok. But when i close the p3d and start him again the button definition is gone away. Did anyone have the same problem. Best regards peter
  15. Hello guys! I have 2 computer. One main with p3d and one client. On this are some arkaze-module connected. The arkaze are defined as joysticks-buttons. When i now press a button connected at the arkaze-module i see at the main-computer (FSUIPC) that there is a button pressed and i can define a offset (Offset Byte set) and a parameter (example x78ED and parameter 33 - offset of jeehell-A320). So all ok. But when i close the p3d and start him again the button definition is gone away. Did anyone have the same problem. Best regards peter
  16. MOVED TO MAIN FORUM ! Hello Peter or anyone. I hope you can help me! What kind of offset did i had to us to write a value offset in the fsuipc. Pic1 an Pic2 are the possible offset-selection and pic3 are the description of the offset with value i want write. thanks for your help. regards peter
  17. Did nobody have an answer? Regards peter
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