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  1. Hi John, you are amazing. I've tested the code and it works perfectly! Thank you so much and appreciate the assistance. Cheers, Ben www.soarbywire.com
  2. Hi John - some success, When the lua script startups I can see that it automatically writes S8 = 1 to 0x5300. Is it possible not to write 1, and only do so when 0x7390 bits are triggered? I would like the offset to work like a toggle switch - e.g. when 0x7390 bits 0 or 1 are triggered, then write 1 to 0x5300. When they are turned off (no AP annunciation), then 0 is written to 0x5300. Thank you.
  3. Thanks John - this is what I have so far and will experiment more - -- Log Jeehell FMGS AP1 & AP2 LED outputs to offset 0x5300 function autopilot() ipc.writeUB(0x5300,1) end event.offsetmask(0x7390, 0, "UB", "autopilot") event.offsetmask(0x7390, 1, "UB", "autopilot") ipc.log
  4. Thanks for the help John, I will take a look. I had ChatGPT write a script this is what it came up with - -- Import the FSUIPC library local fsuipc = require("fsuipc") -- Connect to FSUIPC fsuipc.Open() -- Register an event handler to be called when offset 0x7390 changes fsuipc.AddOffset(0x7390, fsuipc.BIT, function(event) -- Read bit 0 from the event offset local bit0 = event.offset:get() -- Read bit 1 from the event offset local bit1 = event.offset:get(1) -- Combine the two bits into a single byte local byteValue = bit0 + (bit1 * 2) -- Write the byte value to offset 0x8000 fsuipc.Write(0x8000, byteValue, fsuipc.BYTE) end) Regards, Ben
  5. Hi - I'm wondering if it is possible to export assigned Jeehell offsets to another offset which the BFF control loading software would be able to read? I would like FSUIPC to read the Jeehell offsets for Autopilot (AP1 and/or AP2, offset 7390, function 0 and 1, see first attached file) and trigger an offset which the BFF software can understand. I can configure the A/P status offset in the BFF program but it it must be in the format 0x0000 (see second attached file). I am not sure how it would be able to read the Jeehell AP offsets directly. Thank you. ---- Here is the manual for (Simavionics and Prosim configuration): Parameter: Sim_A_AP_offset Sim Aviation custom FSUIPC output offset used to carry the Sim-A A/P status byte. It can also be used to communicate A/P status for other avionics suites (eg ProSim) if they can write A/P status indicators to it. It becomes active if Item 1 Enable A/P Following = 2. This output offset must be set in Sim-A or Pro-Sim and output offset monitoring must be enabled. Default is 0x5300 - this can be changed if this offset is already used in your Sim-A installation. The following data items must be configured in the Sim-A FSUIPC I/O interface file, [FSUIPC_OUTPUTS] section: // MCP Lights MCP_ON=5300b0 MCP_CMD_A=5300b1 MCP_CMD_B=5300b2 MCP_CWS_A=5300b3 MCP_CWS_B=5300b4 MCP_FLTDIR_L=5300b5 MCP_FLTDIR_R=5300b6 NB change "5300" to suit your chosen offset. NOTE the CL software will issue A/P disengage commands via Sim-A MultiFunction offset 0x53DB. So make sure MULTI_FUNCTION=53DB is also set in your Sim-A file. This offset can be changed in Item 26. The value sent to the offset to instruct disengage can be set in Item 27 (default is 551 for A-Sim). PRO-SIM --------------- Pro-Sim can also be configured to export MCP indicator lights status to a custom FSUIPC offset. This is done in the ProSim737 System window - Menu item Config-Configuration- Tab "Inidcators MCP/Throttle". Please see the Pro-Sim user guide for details. You must first enable FSUIPC Support in the "Drivers" Tab for the offset setting option to become available. Then in the "Indicators MCP/Throttle" Tab set MCP CMD A to FSUIPC 8 bit U - 0x5300.1 MCP CMD B to FSUIPC 8 bit U - 0x5300.2 MCP CWS A to FSUIPC 8 bit U - 0x5300.3 MCP CWS B to FSUIPC 8 bit U - 0x5300.4 MCP FCC A Master to FSUIPC 8 bit U - 0x5300.5 MCP FCC B Master to FSUIPC 8 bit U - 0x5300.6 Then to configure the offset used to carry the CL software auto A/P disengage instruction, ...in the "Switches MCP/Throttle" Tab set.... MCP AP Disengage Disengage to FSUPIC 16bit U 0x53DB = 551 This can be adjusted to suit your offset and value settings in Items 26 and 27 if required.
  6. Thanks Pete, I've reset all my joystick devices (they are being configured by the Jeehell FMGS config program already) in FSUIPC. I also reinstalled FSUIPC. Seems to have worked for now.
  7. This is really strange behavior -- everything was working fine before but now I am unable to climb in my aircraft (locked in <1000 V/S) with autopilot enabled unless I select FSUIPC from the menu bar, and then close it again. The aircraft is unable to climb after I take the thrust out of FLEX/MCT mode to CLB. However, after I click on FSUIPC V/S picks up to >3000+ I am using P3D 2.1 (with the hot patch) with Project Airbus and the free Jeehell Airbus cockpit suite. OPUS is my weather program. I am using FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.929. I do not believe this to be a Jeehell software problem, because noone else has reported this issue. I have checked my TAT and SAT temperatures and they are all within a reasonable range. Does anyone know why opening FSUIPC causes the aircraft to miraculously pick up climb V/S?
  8. Hey Andy, I'm having the A/T problem -- the throttles just snap as you have said even with the NEVER option set (this is with sending direct to FSUIPC). Now I have it instead set it to throttle 1 set and throttle 2 set (MS FSX commands), but now the throttle is not in range and the reversers turn on when I am in the first 25% of the throttle lever. What would you suggest I do? Thanks.
  9. Hello, I also have the jetmax throttle. There are offsets to move the fuel levels from cuttoff to idle -- I don't remember them right now, but google is your friend. All the other buttons I have setup using "send direct to FSUIPC". The only thing that is annoying (and I use to have a fix but don't remember how I did it) is the engine power changes with the A/T engaged with the slightest movement of the throttle and then tries to snap back to the set A/T level. I have set the A/T mode to 'ignore' the joystick input when the A/T is engaged (within the PMDG NGX settings) but that doesn't seem to work. Perhaps the engine throttles shouldn't be "send direct to FSUIPC" but instead interfaced with FSX?
  10. This is great, works well with my new throttle. Thanks.
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