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Pedro Caldeira

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About Pedro Caldeira

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Wim, Try the fs2004 fsuipc sdk Offset = 0840 Type = 2 Description=Crashed flag Fs2002=Ok Fs2004=Ok Regards Pedro
  2. Good News, I was reading the aircraft Container SDK for Fs2004 and the only way to refresh the model from disk is to set the A.I. Traffic to 0. That way the cache e cleared because (so they say) our aircraft is also part of the A.I. aircraft. and if A.I. Traffic is active, the models are not update for as long as the cache is not refreshed or flushed. I am going to test it and let you know if it works. P.S.: If it work is there any chance via FSUIPC to read the A.I. Settings, then reduced to 0 and after doing my stuff reset it to the original value ? Regards Pedro
  3. Wrong Post before. I was reloadinf the flight instead of reloading user plane. That was due to having both routines called from a giving routine... I noticed that the 'reload user aircraft' probably reloads the model from memory and not from the aircraft.cfg, because i loaded a model. then i replacedaircraft.cfg by a different one, pointing to a different model, texture, airfile ,etc within the same folder. Original = Model Copied = Model.1 And the model reloads the same, and very fast to be read from disk. Any suggestions. Regards Pedro
  4. :wink: You are right, of course. I have messing around :D with the Aircraft.cfg and it works fine. The Loading time for a light model is more or less 1 Second. Great Thank Pete Pedro
  5. Thanks for the tip Who knows everything about anything :) The issue is with a flight loaded and running, what is the file to change in order to reload the user's aircraft. i created a flight with plane X i mapped the command 'reload user aircraft' to a joystick button i press that button and it reloads very fast :) great i opened the flight file and changed the aircraft=plane X to plane Y and saved it. got Back to FS and pressed the same joy button. plane X relaods again, not plane Y. Why ? That is my problem, not the moddeling ;) Is there a file where fs stores the plane that is currently using. I can load a flight and change the aircraft after using the menus, then is the last aircraft that reload, not the one saved in the flight. Regards Pedro Caldeira
  6. The Fs Controls like 'reload user aircraft' have a code ? for example for 'reload user aircraft' what do i put in FsCmd in the code example below ? If FSUIPC_Write(&H3110&, 8, VarPtr(FsCmd), dwresult) Then bmodproc = FSUIPC_Process(dwresult) End If What is the File that i have to access to change the User Aircraft ? a flight file ? I Know that these are Fs Issues but if you can help would be great . Thanks anyway Regards Pedro
  7. Thanks Peter i will try that Regards
  8. Pete, Thank you for your quick reply By reload user aircraftyou mean offset 32FC ? I dont see any function to do that in the FSUIPC Programmers Manual Help :? Thank you Pedro
  9. Hi Pete, I am a Registered User of FSUIPC and a freeware addon developer. http://www.fsflyreal.com I have two requests / questions / Doubts 1) Can I write the G Factor on FS2004 2) Is there any way other than using the menus :) to change a Players Aircraft (Via FSUIPC or other way) I Need the change the Visual Model while on the simulation for a project Regards Pedro Caldeira
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