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Everything posted by LouP

  1. Hi Pete, Glad to see you are back. Here is what is going on. All the levers are working properly except for the mixture levers. All three six levers from what I recall have three calibration points, please correct me if I am wrong as it would mean that something else is going on. I tried to set the mixtures using various setting with the three calibration points and it seems that I can get either smooth movement for only half the distance of travel in the sim or I can wind up with this "gap" or "dead spot" in the midddle to which the levers want to gravitate to. I am not sure how else to explain it. I will be pulling the lever back and the distance traveled in the sim does not seem proportionate to the distance traveld on the TQ. Then all of a sudden with a little more movement, the lever in the sim "jumps" to the center position. I then have a large range of travel ("free" tavel zone on the TQ) where nothing happens at all. If I keep pulling back on the lever, it will eventually cause the lever to move once again in the sim. Its like there is this big dead spot right in the middle of the full forward and full aft position. I hope this helps explain my issue better (using some unique description :)). Other than this one issue everything is working much better than when I was using CH's control manager. I really like the fact that I can once again fly an aircraft with more than two engines while using FSUIPC, clever programming. Thanks, LouP 8)
  2. Hi Pete, I finally broke down and bought FSUIPC for FS9. However, I am having a little trouble calibrating my mixture levers on my throttle quadrant. The other levers seem to be OK but the mixture lever is moving strangely. It seems to move real slow then stop at the halfway point, then with a slight more movement, jump to cut-off. Maybe I am getting confused with the rev button for these but I assumed that rev meant in the indent position. LouP
  3. Hi Pete, Thank you for your help. I did look in the log before I upgraded as I was getting an error message about an invalid program accessing FSUIPC but that message went away after I upgraded. I will check again tonight and try the sim without FSUIPC and see what happens. Sure hope thats not the issue as I have purchasd quite a few things that depend on it. :P LouP 8)
  4. Hi Pete, No, I am trying to narrow the problem down. I have contacted Microsoft support and they really did not get anywhere with me. I now think it could be the controller bug but the strange thing is that it only shows up when the default gps is active. When there is no access to the default gps database, the stutters are gone. The other wierd thing is that while I had the stutters, I disabled my joysticks and things appeared to smooth out a bit but I am not 100% convinced its the controller issue yet. I am examining all possibilities. This thread caught my eye as the original poster seemed to have a similar issue going on. It definately feels like there is some communication going on between programs when the problem shows up so I thought that maybe it was fsuipc. I do have a lot of add-ons that access the program such as Active Sky. LouP 8)
  5. Hi Pete, Sorry I don't mean to pirate a thread but could this connection thing every second be causing the stuttering on my PC? Is there anyway to know what is connecting (or trying to connect) to FSUIPC during a sim session? Thanks, LouP
  6. Thank you Pete. LouP 8)
  7. I don't have the pay version of FSUIPC :oops: (yet) but am now considering it. When you use the program FSUIPC to control your joysticks, what does FS "see" as a controller? Does it still "see" all the joysticks seperately or is there one controller listed with many buttons and axis'. Thanks, LouP
  8. Hey Mark, Thought you better look at this as I am having a stutter issue and in my search for a cure found this issue about a known bug that may be affecting you, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823631/en-us LouP
  9. OK thank you, I updated and the warning seems to be gone but I still have my other issue. At least I can now rulle out FSUIPC as the culprit. LouP 8)
  10. Hi Pete, I keep getting an error message on start-up. I don't have the pay version or ever downloaded an inappropriate program that I am aware of. I am having some system issue and am now wondering if this could be part of the problem. Here is a copy of my error log. Thanks for your help. LouP ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.52 by Pete Dowson ********* Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL) User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC not user registered WIDEFS not user registered, or expired Module base=61000000 ClassOptions: UIPCMAIN=FF7F, FS98MAIN=FF7F, FS2KMAIN=FF5E WeatherOptions(Orig)=0000B027[0000B027] InitDelay: 0 seconds WeatherReadInterval=4 LogOptions=00000001 DebugStatus=0 23955 System time = 15:29:40 23955 \\D0XPT01\C\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\ 23955 System time = 15:29:40, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z) 64603 FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.flt 64784 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air 65024 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP" 71223 Client Application: "ASv6" (Id=2140) 71223 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules\ASv6\ASv6.exe 71243 Product="ActiveSky 6" 71243 Company="HiFi Simulation Software" 117119 Illegal write attempt: offset C800, size 1024 [P2140] 117119Program or module not accredited for use with this unregistered FSUIPC 117529 Module [M1] identified = "sb3gaugebridge.dll" 117529 Module [M1] "sb3gaugebridge.dll" access registration is okay 117539 Illegal write attempt: offset C800, size 1024 [P2140] 117539Program or module not accredited for use with this unregistered FSUIPC 120594 Program [2140] "ASv6" access registration is okay 309546 ### IPC Message processed in 192437mSecs ### 315835 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 342233 WeatherOptions set, now 0000B12F (timer=255) 424210 AIRCRAFT\Eaglesoft Cessna Citation II\CitationII.air 424471 Aircraft="Eaglesoft Citation II Amb" 426714 Module [M1] identified = "sb3gaugebridge.dll" 436098 C:\Documents and Settings\default\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt 436668 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded 531114 Traffic File #21 = "f:\fs scenery\scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528" 536762 Traffic File #29 = "f:\fs scenery\scenery\world\scenery\traffic_fffl_fab1" 538114 Traffic File #33 = "f:\fs scenery\scenery\world\scenery\traffic_fffl_tpa_ships" 3623981 Traffic File #28 = "f:\fs scenery\scenery\world\scenery\traffic_fffl_evg_ships" 4528612 Traffic File #31 = "f:\fs scenery\scenery\world\scenery\traffic_fffl_mia_ships" 4528712 Traffic File #49 = "f:\fs scenery\scenery\world\scenery\traffic_kw" 7076526 System time = 17:27:12, FS2004 time = 17:06:28 (21:06Z) 7076526 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Memory managed: 5351 Allocs, 177673 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ****
  11. Got me... I just was repeating what someone else told me and passed it along :oops: LouP
  12. Make sure that you are logged in to see the file. I just found this little fact out the other day. LouP 8)
  13. Sorry Pete, I wrote that under the gun while at work, I'll try and be more clear Well, I'm not a salesman and don't want to be, but let's see: Yes, but can't you do this in FS already? Sorry, I don't see that, I only see where the strobes and landing lights can be assigned. But I'll take this as a yes for FSUIPC. Not sure what you mean there. Are there analogue brake pedals on those (i.e. are they the USB variety, not the game port ones)? What exactly is wrong? I have USB pedals but when I brake the aircraft seems to want to jerk left or right as if the pedals are not being applied properly. I never had this problem flying in real life and think that it is caused by "spkes" from my pedals. There is a little confusion there. FSUIPC supports separate reverser levers (axes), up to four of them. But you talk about indents, so are you talking about a reverse zone on your throttle levers, not about separate reversers? FSUIPC can help with either, but they are different subjects. Right now I only have the indent on lever number 1 assigned to both of the thrust reversers. I do not see where I can assign a left and right side. And it would be nice if it were more "analog" vs. just the indent. With the interim release available above, yes, FSUIPC can do that -- in fact it is an example in the downloadable documentation above too. Awesome! Why not download the full FSUIPC.ZIP from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson and browse thedocumentation, then look at the extras in the Interim release above, along with the extra documentation there. Then make up your mind. I didn't know I could do that, thanks. Regards, Pete Regards, LouP
  14. Hi, I was thinking (look out) about some specific things I would like to accomplish in my flight sim and was wondering if FSUIPC could help me with these. In no particular order they are; 1.)Assign beacon and taxi lights to a button 2.)Smooth out braking when using CH rudder pedals (once fixed) 3.)Have separate left and right thrust reversers on my CH TQ (using indents) 4.)Use a throttle axis for my gear down button (throttle on yoke is un- used) I am sure there are more but if at least these could be accomplished with the program, I would pick it up in a heartbeat. Thanks, LouP
  15. Make sure none of your other attached controllers has a throttle set up. I know that at one time when I first attached my rudder pedals, one of the axis had been assigned to the throttle automatically which will cause this kind of behavior. Also, if you have a joystick with a throttle on it, disable that item as that will also cause this to happen, even if you don’t touch it. If you don’t want to disable it, turn the sensitivity all the way down and the null zone all the way up. Good Luck, LouP 8)
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