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Hello, i just need a little Help with the Asobo B748-8I in MSFS2024.
I try to switch the Fuel Pumps on in a lua Script. I found out, that the Cntrl 67192 is the right one.
When turning i.E. the FWD OVRD Pump on/off with the Mouse in the Cockpit, the log states this:
775187 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67192 (0x00010678), Param1= 7 (0x00000007), Param2= 1 (0x00000001) FUELSYSTEM_PUMP_SET
775187 InputEvent received: FUEL_PUMP_FWD_2=1.000000 (param=';FLOAT64')
775203 InputEvent received: FUEL_PUMP_FWD_2=1.000000 (param=';FLOAT64')
776109 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67192 (0x00010678), Param1= 7 (0x00000007), Param2= 0 (0x00000000) FUELSYSTEM_PUMP_SET
776109 InputEvent received: FUEL_PUMP_FWD_2=0.000000 (param=';FLOAT64')
In my Lua File, i issue this Command:
ipc.control(67192, 7, 1)
But nothing happens in the Cockpit.
This is also when given this Command:
ipc.control(67192, 7)
Could anybody please help? Thanks a lot in Advance.
Greets, Joachim