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Everything posted by Airbuspilot

  1. Thank you for your Support.
  2. Thanks for the Answer. May i ask for another little Help please? I need to ask for the Value Change of the Taxi Light in the FS24 B747-8I. Initially i set it with this Code to 1. ipc.execCalcCode("1 (>B:LIGHTING_TAXI_3_Set)") At FlightLevel 100, i want to turn it to 0 in the Cockpit with a Mouse Click. If the Value is set to 0, i want to initiate some other Code in my lua-Script. Is it possible to readout the Value of this Input Event Variable direct? Alternative can i put this Variable into a FSUIPC-Offset? If so. is there a special Offset-Area, where i have to put them? Thanks in Advance, Joachim
  3. I will give it a try. I am not so familiar with the Log-Facilities in FSUIPC. Anyway, thanks for the Hint.
  4. Sorry, i forgot to post my Solution. There are really much Input Events in this A/C. ipc.execCalcCode("1 (>B:FUEL_PUMP_MAIN_FWD_1_Set)") This works for every Input Event. All you need, is to figure out the Variable Name.
  5. Hey John, badcasserole.com brought the Solution. Thank you so much for this Hint. Joachim
  6. Hello John, thanks for your attempt to help me, solve my Problem. You can be sure, that i have been looking into the Documentations before i open a Post in here. But neither the Controls nor the execCalcCode Command helps. I have tried several Notations in the execCalcCode Command. Without any Efforts. Finally, i will look into the badcasserole.com If i am still not able to solve the Problem, i need to give up. Again thanks for trying to help. Joachim
  7. *** Moved to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum *** Hello, i just need a little Help with the Asobo B748-8I in MSFS2024. I try to switch the Fuel Pumps on in a lua Script. I found out, that the Cntrl 67192 is the right one. When turning i.E. the FWD OVRD Pump on/off with the Mouse in the Cockpit, the log states this: 775187 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67192 (0x00010678), Param1= 7 (0x00000007), Param2= 1 (0x00000001) FUELSYSTEM_PUMP_SET 775187 InputEvent received: FUEL_PUMP_FWD_2=1.000000 (param=';FLOAT64') 775203 InputEvent received: FUEL_PUMP_FWD_2=1.000000 (param=';FLOAT64') 776109 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67192 (0x00010678), Param1= 7 (0x00000007), Param2= 0 (0x00000000) FUELSYSTEM_PUMP_SET 776109 InputEvent received: FUEL_PUMP_FWD_2=0.000000 (param=';FLOAT64') In my Lua File, i issue this Command: ipc.control(67192, 7, 1) But nothing happens in the Cockpit. This is also when given this Command: ipc.control(67192, 7) Could anybody please help? Thanks a lot in Advance. Greets, Joachim
  8. I just secured my old FSUIPC7.ini and did no Changes by myself. Thanks for your Hint, that FSUIPC read the Files by itself, if i delete them in the ini. Now everything works fine in MSFS2024. Thanks again for your Help. Joachim
  9. Hello, i want to assign a Joystick Button to my FlightLog.lua, but it doesn't appear in the Control Sent ListBox in the FSUIPC GUI. The File was entered in the FSUIPC7.ini Could you please offer a Solution? Thanks in Advance. Joachim
  10. Thanks for the Reply and the useful Informations.
  11. Please allow me to ask another Question regarding lua Scripting. In my Script i want to determine, which Key on the Keyboard is pressed. Let's say for the Keyboard Letter S. I want to do the Following. If Key S is pressed then Do something else If Key S is released then Do something else end end I know about the Key Assignments in the FSUIPC Menu. But i need to do some individual Things when a Key is pressed or released. Is it possible, to handle the Keypresses in a lua Script? I know, that i can simulate Keypresses with the ipc.keypress Command. But i need to read, which Key is pressed. Is there a similar Command available to do this Task? Thanks in Advance for your Help. Joachim
  12. BTW: It is the same Behaviour in the Headwind A339. Because of your great Documentation, i figured out, how to use the myOffsets.txt. It's a great Thing. It works fantastic in the A320 and the A339. Thanks for your Patience and the great Help. Joachim
  13. I am using the 0.11.1 Stable Version of the FBW A320. Should i change it to the Dev Version to use the XmlVar? I don't have any Experiences in adding Simvars to FSUIPC Offsets yet. But i will give it a try. Thanks for naming the Manual and Section to learn about it. Thanks for all your valuable Help. Joachim
  14. I know about this XmlVar. Unfortunately the Value doesn't change from 0 to 1 or vice versa when operating the Switch in the Cockpit. It stays on 0. Alternatively i found the SimConnectVar CABIN SEATBELTS ALERT SWITCH. The Value changes when operating the Switch in the Cockpit. Could you please give a Code Example for the Readout of this Variable?
  15. Thanks for the Answer John. I will give you a short Explanation of what i mean. The Value within the Control 66719 could be 0 or 1. Depending on the Switch Position in the used A/C. In my Case the FBW A320neo. I want to ask which Value is set and do some Stuff after getting the active Value, depending on the Value, that i found. Is there any easier Code than the one, you gave above? Joachim
  16. Hello, may i ask for a little Help please? I need to readout the Values of some controls like 66719 (SeatBeltSwitch) with a lua Script. Could somebody please give me a Code Example for that Task? Thanks in Advance, Joachim
  17. Hello, in my Script, i need to detect the Press of specific Keys and do some Action, if the Key is pressed. I tried with this one: if ipc.keypressplus(104,8) == 0 then .......... If detected, that NumPad 8 is pressed and released the Script will send some Instructions to the Plane. But unfortunately that does'nt work. Could you please offer a Solution for it? Thanks in Advance, Joachim
  18. I have to apologize that i didn't remember the runlua Function. It is indeed so easy. Sorry, that i made unnecessary Work on your Side.
  19. In general i could do that. But for each A/C i have a different FlightLog.lua and an according Window.lua I start them with one Joystick Button on the Press and Release Event. My Aim is now, to open a second Window if necessary for the used Plane. This could be named Window2.lua and could be assigned to a separate Joystick Button in the FSUIPC Button Assignments. And so i want to simulate the Button Press with Lua Code, if my Condition is fulfilled. I want to do it this Way to hold the FlightLog itself as small as possible for Maintenance Reasons. I know, i could fill all the Window Texts in the FlightLog, but i would prefer the separate File Solution for each Window.lua, if possible Joachim
  20. I have several Planes, that were controlled and directed by a File named FlightLog.lua For every Plane there is a separate File, that contains the SimVars and Lvars of this Plane. This File is also named FlightLog but extended with the ID of this Aircraft, i.E. FlightLog.DAIJB The Reason for this is to save my Flights in a MS Access Database. Before starting a Flight, i file FlightPlans, Fuel Amounts, PayLoad, etc. in this DB. Once everything is done, i rename the File FlightLog.DAIJB to FlightLog.lua and copy it from the Scripts Folder to the FSUIPC Folder. Because of that, i have all Variables according to the used Plane in the FlightLog.lua and can assure, that the Variables are available at the Runtime. For each of this Aircraft there are different Variables, that will be used, to trigger the Condition where the simulated Joystick Button should be pressed.
  21. Hey John, is it possible, to simulate a Press of a Joystick with Lua Code? I want to simulate this Button Press if a special Condition is fulfilled. Thanks in Advance Joachim
  22. Okay, Thats what is stated in the Docs. Do you see a + Sign in here? I can add them together. Maybe you should explain this more clearly that this only works with the + Sign and not as stated here with the , Sign. But anyway, thanks for the Help.
  23. So, where is my Fault? I issued this Command: wnd.font(w, WND_ARIAL,64, WND_UNDER, WND_BOLD) That doesn't work. From where should i know, that those Attributes had to be combined with a +? Is this stated anywhere in the Docs? I didn't find it. Anyway thank you for the Help.
  24. Tried the new Version. Works okay. But i got a Question about Multi Combinations like this: wnd.font(w, WND_ARIAL,64, WND_UNDER, WND_BOLD) This shows the Text Underlined but not Underlined and Bold as expected. Tried several Writings like this: wnd.font(w, WND_ARIAL,64) wnd.font(w, WND_UNDER, WND_BOLD) wnd.text(w, "Arbeitsliste FBW A20N" .. " Local Time " .. fstime .. " Zulu Time ".. zulu) This shows the so small, that is unreadable. Is there a Solution for? Joachim
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