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Everything posted by dougjr15

  1. Dear Pete, A while ago it seemed that visual basic did not have any 64bit variables, so people (although microsoft denied) found out that the CURRENCY variable was actually a 64bit one that was scaled to have 4 decimal digits.... anyhow, I did just what you said though, and it worked wonderfully !!! I might purchase another license, just for the hell of it !!! :) Best regards, Doug.
  2. Sorry people, problem fixed. Turns out the original release of VB6 had problems with blah blah blah, aka MICROSOFT SUCKS, and SP6 fixed it. Hope this helps someone in the future. Doug
  3. I once had more than one copy of the DLL in place, I would check to make sure ALL of the FSUIPC dlls are deleted, usually dragging a file with the right mouse button will create a copy named COPY OF FSUIPC.DLL .... Unless you have 5 HDs or reassigned the letters, that surely looks like a network drive... performance will definetly stink if you are running things from a network, specially if you do not have that much RAM. Best regards, ... Doug.
  4. I am so sorry to bother everyone with this, I get the feeling that the topic has been dealt with in the past to the point where people kick their monitors when messages like this pop up, but I've spent more than a week on this and searched endlessly through the forum. I am reading offset 2038 for example, from VB with the latest FSUIPC. (everything works fine other than this) on FSInterrogate the correct value displays under FLOAT64, where random values appear on INT, and WORD, etc. I read about the FAKE64 currency variable, so I used Dim itt As Currency Dim itttwo As Double If FSUIPC_Read(&H2038, 8, VarPtr(itt), dwResult) Then If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then itttwo = (itt * 10000#) Label1.Caption=itt & " " & itttwo ...... My label shows itt = 464781744737377.0974 itttwo = 4.64781744737377E+18 and fsinterrogate shows ignore the box where the cursor is, I was WRITING some other values to see the reaction in VB Can anyone please tell me how to get the correct numbers on VB6 ? I have been fiddling with it forever and everything is working wonderfully, except for this... and a great deal of data comes in as 64bit through FSUIPC... Thank you all in advance, sorry to waste your time. In the future I plan to release my work so everyone can enjoy it... basically, it'll involve FLASH, MSFS and possibly some DIY parallel switches and lights... freeware ....... I've been researching endlessly and found some useful info on the way VB stores date, little-endian and IEEE 64-bit format.... am I on the right track ? Please help !!!! :roll: THANK YOU !! :wink:
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