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hi, thanks for prompt reply. I am flying the PSS Airbusses and after your reply I checked the PSS panel config (should have done before asking silly questions) and found a instruction there how to manage. Now it works sorry if any inconvenience caused regards CJK
hi there and happy new year, I want to know where my mistake is!!! Like to use the autobrake set function with a button. I did programm already lots of them, but this time it does not happen. Selected FSUIPC, pressed the relevant button, select FScontrol, choosed from drop down autobrake set, set parameter to 5 that`s it unfortunately without any reaction. thanks in advance for kind attention and reply regards CJK
hello, thanks for prompt reply. I know that one can handle the flaps with a Potentiometer via Joystickaxes and set by FSUIPC it worked quiet well for long time but know i am facing a bug as the Flaps are automatically moving up when reaching a certain speed, but instead of up they are moving to full. This does not happen if I set by buttons therefore my idea to manage the Flaps by buttons. If it will not work just bad luck regards CJK
Hi Pete, could you please give me a small tip how to toggle the 6 position (PSS)Airbusflaps by buttons? I found in FSUIPC Flaps up, down, 1,2,3 which are only 5 pos. thanks in advance regards CJK
hi, this settings go with all panels, except with the PSS panels which are not working with knob inputs only with mouse clicks. in this case i am using the Airbus A-320 panel Version 1 for FS 2004. By Hector Molina which works fine in 2002 as well. please inform where I can find the technical page as in the FSUIPC config editor site there is only a line saying FixControlAccel=No. I will inform Hector also and ask whether one can alter this in the panel cfg regards CJK
hi, when I set Speed/Heading/Alt/VS with knobs using FSUIPC and input Ap Alt Var dec resp inc and same for speed etc it works in 10 times for speed and heading in 100 for V/S and 1000 for Alt. There is no difference if i use normal or the fast version. now my question: can i alter this in the FSUIPC and if, how? or do i have to alter the panel. cfg. i woul like to have 10 for speed, 1 for heading, 100 for alt and VS. Thank in advance for kind attention. regards CJK
hi pete, with crossover i mean that although i have different knows assigned to different executions i.e. knob 6 to gear up, knob 8 to strobe lights and knob 9 to pushback it could happen that knob 6 toggle strobe and gear up thats what i meant with crossover. from your last message i understand that the key facilities are somewhat stronger. Should i change all inputs to be done via keystroke, which could be possible as well (mabe apart from startup engines and mixture) thanks in advance regards CJK
hi pete, thats me again. you are right i was talking about inputs for the FS 2002. before i allocated the knobs i cleared all the options under FS, but i was mixing up inputs via FS controll and FSUIPC. Could that be the reason for the crossover? thanks in advance regards CJK
hi Pete, i am facing a small problem. for inputs i use the knobs of several USB joysticks. two of them are of the same kind. could it be that for that reasons that i get double functions/crossovers when pushing the knobs for the commands? and if so, how could i solve it apart from the fact simply to change this one. thanks in advance regards CJK
hi pete, i know it is a difficult with those people who believe they are experts, but in fact they are not, like me. to cut a long story short. I use the panel of A 320 pro from just flight in which you can toggle different views unlock the pictures and put same to differents monitors. So i made a screenshot of the OHP copied that to a piece of paper put this on a carton and fixed it to the top of the screen. So i have a nice looking picture without any function. But, with the fsuipc i can use some switches via the joystick and toggle i.e. landing lights, nav and beacon etc. by just putting switches into this picture. all is possible and functioned but not the seatbelt and non smoking signes as there is no possibility to allocate a button. and of course i can still toggle the OHP to my normal screen and switch the knobs with the mouse, after having done that i clear the mainscreen and stop. that was when i said it is a bit stupid to toggle the OHP back and force to switch the signes nevermind i will survive even if i dont here the nice ding, dong regards CJK
hi, thanks Richard but please tell me how to arrange as this seatbelt signs i can only toggle via the overheadpanel i.e. I have first to toggle popup the ohp and than i can switch the signs on. As i am building an OHP it looks a bit silly to do this procedure, than its better just to forget. anyway thanks and if I did misunderstood you please tell me regards CJK
hi, how to toggle the fasten seat belt signes with a button/switch? in fsuipc i did not found a allocation within all the hundreds of names thanks in advance regards CJK
hi pete, thanks everything is working properly. I now recognize what I have don wrong in the past. I altered the ini when FS was running. by the way if I want to set the spoilers in the same way which axis you recommend and how is the corresponing no? thks and regards CJK
hi, carefully studied all your infos regarding how to set the flaps. I use the panel of A 320 pro from PSS and consequently fly Airbus I myself worked as per No 1 i.e. 5 knobs allocated to Flaps up, 1, 2, 3, full it shows in the FSUIPC when i did controll it but it does only work like this up, 1+F, nothing, 2 and full. then i allocated axis prop 3 altered the fsuipc.ini (no 66427 under joystick flaps control) but unfortunately the progamm did not recognize the poti and i could not manage to set the flaps. what have i done wrong? sorry pete, it looks like I am a pain in the neck with all my questions and you have already given more support to me than the profit you might have from selling this programm, but nevertheless I like to see my panel working properly. thanks in advance regards CJK
hi, unfortunately I did not as promised and left everything as it was but re-constructd the throttle and now the fsuipc do not recognize them and let me not adjust the same. i downloaded and installed the new version 330. what can I do?? thanks in advance regards CJK
hi pete, thanks for prompt reply. The pods and the USB controller are quiet good and it took me relatively long time to find the right positions for full speed, idle and reverse (i love it) so now to establish so called new dead zones to enable the auto throttle will become to difficult. so unless there is not better idea prefer to leave it as it is and just set speed manually. thks and best regards CJK
hallo, I finished my panel more or less and nearly everything is working properly, even the landing lights. One thing I like to ask. Having adjusted the throttle (2 single poti's) via FSUIPC, these throttles overrules so to say the Autothrust. I did not had this previously whenever i switched to Autotrust the Speed follows this figures. I use FS 2002 incl reg. FSUIPC and the software of A320pro thanks in advance regards CJK
hi there just for your info it works to use key2mouse to create a keystroke and than use fsuipc to allocate a button to use, in this case a knob to toggle Autopilot, which was before only possible with the mouse. regards CJK
hi, I am using PSS A 320pro and learned that you are also there Member of the Team of PSS. So you might know whether 'z' is working the Autopilot or not. Sofar i was unable to toggle AP by pressing 'z'. Same for ignition to start engines both only working by clicking left mouse button. That raises the question whether it might be possible with key2mouse to create a keystroke and after that allocate the keystroke to a button via FSUIPC. thanks in advance best regards CJK
hi, the problem was that i tried to fix this problem only looking to the button side, stupid I am. I did not found the link (in my mind) that one could combine button and keystrokes. Only after Pete informed me if it is possible to toggle the LL with strg+L or ctrl+L it must be possible via a button too . finally I allocate a button to a keystroke input for strg+L and it worked. Someone, after having studied the instruction book, would have had success few weeks earlier. now I am trying to toggle the Autopilot, normally keyboard 'z', same way but this i have not managed so far. I will keep trying best regards CJK
hi I am still alive and happy that the landing lights are working now. as you said it is very easy, especially if finally you found the key to open the door. until the next problem appear I leave you in peace thanks again pete and claudio best regards CJK
hi, ok I will now go and give this damned thing a last chance either via the button or the keystroke area. I will only come back to this forum if i was successful otherwise you will read in the newspaper 'old man died by hardattack whilst programming his Landing lights) regards CJK
guten morgen yes it is correct under Keyboard button 'Strg+L' the Landing lights are working perfectly, but i like to build an real overhead panel with knobs and buttons and toggle the landing light via thís OHP. I tried already to allocate a button to the keystrokes but without success and i do not know whether this is at all possible. There is also a possibility to use the interface of a seperate keyboard for this function but i think this is to much work and headache. But good proposals how to 'rescue my knob' are always welcome. regards CJK
hallo pete, hallo claudio yes claudio it is right that i copied your text but that was the easiest way and i could not have explained it better. it looks like there is a conflict or misfunction with the software of the PSS A 320 pro as i tried to swich/toggle the Landing lights as well as the Autopilot under the Boeing default panel and it DID WORK!! I contacted the guys from PSS and wait whether they can give some explanations or solutions as i do not like to miss this panel it is brilliant for my purpose. will keep you posted in the meantime many thanks that you spend to much time with me and my problem regards CJK
hallo pete, hallo claudio thanks for all your efforts. I did everything as described. With a pushbutton as well as with the toggleswitch, result all the time the same. Flash, Flash Flash. The on/off function works with a lot of things like strobes, nav-lights, general lights etc except with Autopilot and Landing lights. God knows why, I dont. It can only be a limitation in my Panel which comes from justflight A320 PRO but I do not know a better one which allows to work with 3-4 screens. Anyway I give up now and try to toggle the LL either with the keybord or land in the dark. thanks again and best regards CJK