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Posts posted by PhilC

  1. Hi all. I know, I know, it's been a long time.

    Haven't been simming in almost 2 years now. Never would have thought that. Didn't even reinstall FSX after my hard drive blew up a year ago.

    I just wanted to tell all my old buds that I miss you all. Maybe I'll come back some day but other "interests" have developed and I keep pretty busy.

    Anyway, I'll check in from time to time. You guys take care of yourselves.

    God Bless.

  2. Gary --- I'll try to dig it up. Unfortunately I lost a lot of my original files in a server crash a few months ago. I did send a copy of everything to Bill Dick on CD. Maybe if he drops in he can help you out.

    Dobie --- nope, didn't make it this year. Really wanted to. The weather was perfect. I'm sure that you had a wonderful time.

    Francois --- I know the feeling. Real Life can be a bitch sometimes. Patiently waiting.

    Ed --- saw your FSX version. Really nice work and looks like it would serve as a great interim. I'll check it out when I get the chance.

    I'll stay in touch.

  3. Hi all!

    Just wanted to report that I'm still lurking about. Had a couple of minor health issues and have been very busy at work and with family.

    Haven't had much time for flying for almost 6 months now but I'm sure that I will jump back in heavily once the Emma beta starts.

    Just wanted to say hi and let you know that I am still keeping up with the club and goings on in the FS field.

    Happy flying!

  4. Hi all.

    Sorry that I've been a little absent lately. I have taken a break from active simming to pursue other interests and family matters. I'm still here, enjoy Tongass X every once in a while and am patiently waiting on Emma X.

    Fritz, I have emailed you your number and you should have it by now. Just a reminder that registering at the Emma Field web site does not automatically generate an EFC number. You still need to contact me for that. Feel free to drop me an email or PM me here.

  5. I can see this went over like a fart in a windstorm :mrgreen:

    Hi Brad:

    Do I detect some "crabbing" while doing a "cross"-wind approach in "Flatus" Simulator X? :lol:

    Most folks just go directly to the EFFC Forum; traffic on the main EFFC intro pages likely dwindled to near zero for that reason. :wink:

    I suggest we just make a EFFC Forum "sticky" for Fly-in trophies and membership info etc. (anyone recall the EFFC member list?) :roll:


    The Emma Field web site has a listing of 'active' members. Also links to this forum are there. I can put any news item including a list of past 'winners' but I don't have a list of all of them.

    I have sort of been taking care of it so that Francois can focus on more important things. I think that it is a little limited as to what can be done there.

    Any suggestions are always welcome.

  6. Wow what an amazing model! Whoever modeled that has some serious talent and attention to detail. Makes me want to pick it up it's so pretty. How are the physics in FSX?

    The 'flight' model is surprisingly good. Just be sure to turn off crash detection to keep her from bouncing on the uneven seas.

    Lots of eye candy and places to explore. There are full and lite models. Another neat feature is that you can switch off the different decks to lighten the fps hit when you are at the helm. However, I did not experience any big fps losses.

    And, yes, the women come with it. :D

  7. Oh man...... that's horrible ! I hope your boat was insured..... I keep reading about so many Americans not having insured their belongings and their health even ! Maybe you should ask your 'Bush' for a tiny drop of that 700 Billion to be used for something PROPER ? Like helping people !? :wink:

    Yes, fortunately it was insured. But so many of the others there were not.

    Insurance is a big business in the U.S.. No longer a way to provide help... unless you can pay for it. :shock:

    And yes, part of the $700 Billion should help someone besides the careless, rich, financial people. :x

    And no, he is not MY Bush. :wink:

  8. As promised...

    See my comments above each:

    My sailboat "Wahoo" crushed and sunken


    More boats at the marina. Notice the name of the only one not damaged here


    Wreckage on the road to my city (Texas City)


    Relatively undamaged home surrounded by wreckage


    An eye-opening comparison of Bolivar Peninsula before and after the storm


  9. 14 days later and it appears that my Internet connection is working now.

    The sailboat I regularly sail on is gone but at least it was insured. A 35 foot boat tossed 250 feel away landing on a piling and crushing a pier. Amazing. I'll post a few pictures as I have time.

    I'll be back soon but I have a lot of catching up to do. I have no idea what is going on in the simming world and have tons of email.

    Thanks for your kind thoughts and words.

  10. Well, he came right through my town but we were real lucky that the Texas City levee wasn't breached. No water in the house, just a few shingles missing, some trees and my fence down. Electricity was on when we returned home so we are doing OK. Many others were not as lucky. Nearby Galveston Island is all but destroyed.

    I have no Internet access and it may be that way for a while, so I will check in whenever I am near a connection.

    Just wanted you all to know that we are safe.

    Please keep all those affected by Ike in your prayers.

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