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Everything posted by Woodpecker

  1. Thanks again Pete for your valuable input, i really don't need WideFS so all seems to be working well; an excellent purchase and thankyou for a great sofware product; highly recommended.
  2. I paid for the "New Full release of FSUIPC4 (incorporating WideFS7) for use with FSX May 5th 2013" So would assume I have both. Would this mean I already have this licensed and the FSUIPC template is a standard template WideFS7 button is for customers who have only purchased; I assume, FSUIPC4 before the 5th of May; i.e. the product that did not include WideFS7 ?
  3. New Full release of FSUIPC4 (incorporating WideFS7) for use with FSX May 5th 2013 I obtained the key for FSUIPC4 and when pressing ALT to see the ToolBar at the top of the PC screen; clicking ADD-ONs.......then......FSUIPC the template tells me that I still have to obtain the WideFS7 Key)because WideFS7 is not yet registered. I understand that the same FSUIPC4 key is used for WideFS7; is that correct. or do I have to do something else to obtain the key for WideFS7.
  4. You mention an APP Crash, interestingly enough I also have a Toshiba i7 state of the art expensive Toshiba Laptop that APP Crashes each time now I start the PC, Toshiba blame other software and as their warranty is coming to an end; 1 year only on mine, it will be out of warranty. however, in the UK The Sales of Goods Act 1979 states that Goods must be of merchantable quality and regardless of what your supplier, retailer, manufacturer says, all goods are warranted by British Law (England and Wales) for 6 years, so I'll see how I go on and if more APP CRASHES take place I can either have it repaired, replaced same for same or my money back if the first two options are not available. Interestingly, many people will, no doubt be paying for extended warranty in Britain (Scotland is 5 years) and therefore need not have paid extra cash for extended warranties because it appears to be a sales ploy.
  5. I find that FSX freezes on ccasions; when trying to shut it down, Error message says FSX has stopped working, so close down PC, Start Pc up again; reboot it, go into My Documents, see Microsoft X folder, open it, and only DELETE the file.......logbook.bin....... close it all down, start up FSX and it works for me. I also came across advice on one of the forums; forget which one, that a program exists to solve logbook.bin, Deleting logbook.bin does not lose any AWARDS you have, but it does lose you Logbook records of where you have been.
  6. Thanks Ian for the input, problem now sorted.
  7. I've just loaded FSUIPC4 to FSX and found that when you open FSUIPC the screen goes black with only FSUIPC template seen on the screen so that you can alter settings as/if required it seems. Then, when done, exit FSUIPC and you're back to FSX at whatever stage of flight you are in. This appears to be the normal way it operates; I believe. As for two windows open at the same time; have not sorted that out, but why would you want FSUIPC opened in a separate screen?
  8. Thanks for the advice, I've upgraded Adobe and now can read the documents.
  9. Is there a special window for FSUIPC4 on your PC screen that opens or you can open and how do you open it; where do you find it on the screen and what does it do.
  10. I've purchased and successfully loaded the key into the Modules folder in FSX created by the free FSUIPC4 zip. I can read the notepad lists in this folder. I cannot read the Documents file in the folder This Problem is now sorted, Adobe upgraded, open it up, search for FSX folder, Modules Folder, Documents and click to open. I also posted another question about: "Is there a FSUIPC Template that can be seen on screen....."YES" there is.....finally found it amongst the text. So.....my procedure to obtain FSUIPC4 for FSX is..... 1) FSX does not contain a "MODULES" Folder 2) Download the "FREE" FSUIPC4 to FSX, this creates a "MODULES" Folder and also contains "GPS.out" which can only work if you purchase the FSUIPC4 "KEY" to unlock a wealth of information including; what I wanted mainly....... "GPS.out". so that I could use it to operate my GPS. 3) After successfully installing FSUIPC4 in the PC, like all other software that you load; reboot your PC. Open FSX, select a flight, and when ready, click "FLY". Now press the ALT key on your keyboard and look at the top of the Screen, you will see a toolbar and at the far right of this toolbar you will see ADD-ONs click this and see FSUIPC, click FSUIPC and you will see a choice of options to configure/alter your settings for a wealth of things. 4) In this FSUIPC template you will see, at the top righthand side of the FSUIPC template......GPS.out, click this, in my case, and then you can alter the settings to make your GPS work. As for any other settings, I still have got to sit down and go through them as I need them. I paid 28 Euros including Tax (VAT) for the UK for the "KEY" to unlock GPS.out and the rest of the other goodies, Excellent value for money and for what you are getting; a phenominal amount of software and options to operate FSX....I highly recommend it and thankyou again for all those people who have offered valuable advice to me on this excellent Flightsim Forum.
  11. Hello Pete, When placing an order for FSUIPC online can you tell me who....what company.....person etc takes the order and where are they based, I assume the order website is HTTPS a secure site. Many Thanks.
  12. Thanks for the replies Pete, I have a problem using Saitek Rudder pedals with FSX. I can enable the Rudder OK I am unable to enable Toe Brake settings no matter what I do, I've followed Saitek instructions and also followed forum member's advice that has been valuable; but for some unknown reason; FSX appears not to allow Toe Brake settings to stick; when clicking OK each time and even rebooting the PC after enabling the settings when I check the settings they have disappeared; FSX does not allow Toe Brakes to be enabled although also, Autorudder has been disabled. So.....do you think that FSUIPC4 could possibly solve this problem. It's interesting that on the same PC I have FS9 Century of flight and Toe Brakes; differential brakes and rudder work a treat. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou Woodpecker.
  13. Hello Pete, I've downloaded FSUIPC4 at this time not registered and installed it into FSX; it created a Modules folder that was not previously in FSX. I've copied my old Gps.out with Com port set as 3 into this new FSX Modules folder. The Prolific Serial 232 to USB creates Com port 3 in my PC; this has been checked numerous times via Device Manager; Com port 3 working OK. (I have another flight program that works with Com port 3 OK so it's not the port causing the problem) But.....still no communication between gps and FSX. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I've also loaded FSUIPC3 not registered yet, to FS9 FS2004 and reloaded Gps.out into the Modules folder; But still no communication between gps and FS9. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I understand that to enable Gps.out to work in FSUIPC4 for FSX only a purchased registered version will make it all work; is that correct? ------------------------------------------------------------------ If I have to purchase a registered copy of FSUIPC4 for FSX, would it be better to delete the Modules folder in FSX via Windows Explorer before loading FSUIPC4 again to avoid any corruption problems with over writing data. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm not too bothered if FS9 doed not work with gps, can use FS9's gps, but want to use FSX with gps. I would appreciate your comments again, Many Thanks. Woodpecker
  14. Thanks Pete, now I see how the Modules folder will be created in FSX. Should I also load FSUIPC4 into the FS9 Century of flight modules folder; this Modules folder appears to be part of FS9 already. One more question please: I am unfamiliar with FSUIPC4; what other jobs does this package do in MS flight sime
  15. Hello Pete again, I've been using Gps.out ver 2.60 for some years now with COM port set as 2 in the gps.out text for FS2004 Century of Flight using Windows XP......Gps.out has been loaded to the Modules folder in FS2004 (FS9) and all has been working well with Windows XP. Since loading FS2004 to a new Windows 7 PC and after loading the Gps.out with Com port set as 3 (this time to suit a prolific Serial to USB cable that defaults to COM port 3) in the text; again loaded into the FS9 Modules folder; the GPS does not identify it and does not work. Also, I don't know where to load Gps.out into FSX and after using Windows Explorer in Windows 7, I can'tt see any Modules folder in the FSX string of files and folders and have checked this many times; so there appears to be no Modules Folder to copy Gps.out to, to operate a gps. I would appreciate your comments, Thanks.
  16. Thanks Pete for the reply, My pc uses Com port 1 for the processor. Com port 1 is seen in the Gps.out text My Gps connects via a serial 232 to usb cable into the pc's usb port. now seen as a prolific com port and defaults to Com port 3 which I believe can be changed to another com port number. If I alter the Com port 1 setting in Gps.out text to Com port 3 will this work for both FS2004 and FSX in Windows 7. Previously Gps.out with Com port 1 setting worked with FS2004 in Windows XP where Com port 1 was available on that pc. I hope I am making some sense.
  17. Can the Com port number in Gps.out be changed to any other number without altering any other text in Gps.out. Will Gps.out work with both FS2004 and also FSX with the same Com port number without any other text being altered.
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