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Everything posted by zfehr

  1. Found it... must be going blind! Don't recall seeing it the first couple times. Appears to function same as in FSX. I put my configuration like I am used to using.
  2. So did I. Must have trade secrets in it!
  3. They do have two different dates associated with them. MSFS ships with one dated 8/8/2020 and the SDK has 7/22/2020. If we could get the two to match but I am unable to copy and paste the newer file into the FSUIPC folder, says I need administrator permission (which I am) and when I press OK it just brings up a try again selection which will not allow the transfer.
  4. I'm not at my computer so cannot check but I am curious if the simconnect from the SDK (which we are using in the FSUIPC 7 folder) and the simconnect in MSFS are not identical files and that is what is causing the fps drop?
  5. Was able to get a short flight during lunch. 3 CTD before successfully getting a flight to load, stuttering is bad but that has already been addressed as a SimConnect.dll problem on their side (my computer is same specs as those running Ultra during Beta testing smoothly). RIC fully functional (ADF knob, CRS knob, HDG knob, Alt knob, BRG1 knob and BRG2 knob). Radio stack tunes and changes frequencies in both com units and both nav units. Transponder codes match screen display and tune properly. I'll get a chance later this evening to test autopilot and other button functions. I was unable to bring up the GUI for the PFC.dll, it does bring up the test function on startup and that is working properly. FSUIPC 7 does indicate movements of controls and button presses but the PFC.dll has the programming set to functions and they are blank in FSUIPC 7 (which I believe is how it is intended). Maybe I missed an instruction but if there is a way to bring up the GUI for the PFC.dll there are some settings I would like to change and check on. Thanks, Zane
  6. I am curious if developer mode needs to be turned on for FSUIPC 7 to work and if that may be part of the frame rate degredation?
  7. Hi Pete, I did not apply to alpha or beta for MSFS but I do own PFC Cirrus II BATD serial port hardware. I am downloading the SDK for MSFS now and as soon as I can get the simconnect.dll into the FSUIPC 7 folder I will test for you. I used to do a great deal of beta work with Dreamfleet, Flight1, PilotEdge and a few others. Are there any particular functionalities with the PFC Cirrus II BATD you want hammered out? Zane
  8. Hi Charles, FS9 has automatically assigned some of the axes from the quadrant to slew controls. You need to delete these assignments from within FS2004. I had the same thing happen when I first plugged in my quadrant (along with the sensitivity issue). I would recommend you go through the slew axes assignments for each of your controllers and delete any unwanted ones. Best wishes, Zane
  9. Hi Pete, I am happy to report that victory has been achieved :D . There are actually two workable options to get reverse thrust to work on the Feelthere ERJ-145 using FSUIPC calibration. First way is to assign just one lever for the throttles and map it to all four with FSUIPC, this allows for using the detent on CH's Quadrant so when you pull back you will get reverse thrust. Second way is to maintain standard FS assigned individual throttles and using the pathway you programmed into FSUIPC assign a different lever to the mixture axis, this can then be assigned through FSUIPC to the reverse thrust (you will probably have to reverse direction to get it to work correctly). It is important that the individual throttles be calibrated so that they will go to zero thrust when pulled all the way back otherwise the reverse lever will not operate. This gives two workable options for anyone else that runs into this problem and hopefully puts a stop to any further trouble. I am tired and want to get back to flying rather than futzing with this stuff. I thank you for your time Peter, you have pointed me in the right direction many times and I am grateful to you. I wish you well and hope your upcoming vacation is peaceful and relaxing. Best wishes, Zane
  10. Hi Pete, We have had enough discussions that I don't feel that you are rude... you are a very busy person and don't have time to waste and this medium of written word is devoid of facial expression, intonation of voice and therefore can be frequently misunderstood. I've been accused of being rude (and other things) on this electronic media so know it's just gonna happen sometimes. I am not sure how the reverse thrust is provided. I know that the normal F2 key works. I am going to try programming one of the other joystick levers for reverse and I will let you know if that works. Fortunately this is only going to affect a very few users. Hopefully in the future there might be a working solution so that both programs co-exist with all functions working. Best wishes, Zane
  11. Hi Pete, I directed Victor Racz of Feelthere to read this post. He corrected me that the ERJ only uses two throttle assignments, it was the CRJ that used the four to trick the system. I misunderstood his email but I believe there is a language barrier there that is making for problems when discussing complicated matters. I will PM Victor's email address to you, I think with a software swap so you can both see what each of your programs are doing a solution might be found. Cheers, Zane
  12. Hi Pete, I have made a log of the Feelthere ERJ-145 from a startup on runway, takeoff and climb then throttling back without FSUIPC throttle calibration and a second log where I did calibrate the separate throttles with FSUIPC and started the engines but was unable to takeoff, the throttles went wild. The are in the zipped file attachment. I unfortunately have no idea what these mean but I hope you can make sense of them. In the email I received from Victor Racz of Feelthere he stated that they had to make a virtual 3rd and 4th engine to make this system work right and that he does think it would be good for you both to communicate about this problem, I will encourage him to email you. Best wishes, Zane ERJlogs.zip
  13. Hi Pete, Just leaving the office now. FADEC stands for full authority digital engine control. On the real aircraft a computer sets thrust settings, the levers communicate with the computer rather than directly with the engines. With this system you can just push the levers full forward on takeoff and the computer handles proper thrust settings taking temperature, humidity and altitude into consideration for optimum settings. There are additionally buttons allowing for setting the system for takeoff thrust, maximum continuous thrust, climb thrust and cruise thrust settings. Further modifications can be made in the FMC to set the cruise for high speed or long range settings. It is a nice simulation of the real aircraft's system. I will let you know what I find following your instructions and see if they want to share any more tidbits about how they are doing it. Thank you, Zane
  14. Hi Pete, I am using CH products Throttle Quadrant, USB Yoke and Pedals. I have the Quadrant programmed from left to right: throttle 1, throttle 2, propellor 1, propellor 2, mixture 1, mixture 2. Your response got me to go back and try a couple of things. First I deleted the throttle assignments and assigned the throttle axis to the single throttle lever on the USB Yoke. This of course worked fine, then I used the FSUIPC calibration on page 1 for this throttle lever, it also worked just fine with or without filtering. I then reset the throttle in FSUIPC and set the throttle on page 1 to map to four throttles... I went to that page and calibrated the throttle with reverse. This also worked! Hmmm :? . Now that I am at work and thinking more about it (whilst I write this post) I want to attempt to set up throttle 1 to map to 3 and throttle 2 to map to 4 (if that is possible) and see what happens. I haven't messed with that before, that is why I'm not sure of how that works. I will let you know what I find. I really feel that there was no mal-intent on the part of Feelthere in designing their throttle to work this way, and since there was little response past the initial complaint of the throttle not working with FSUIPC it just wasn't pursued any further. Regards, Zane
  15. Hello Pete, I have enough information now to make a usable contribution to this forum. I have had a registered version of FSUIPC for a long time now and really like the ability to calibrate my joystick for throttle operation and to enable reverse thrust in jets/turboprop aircraft (one of many features that make it a must have program). I recently purchased the PIC ERJ-145 from Feelthere and found that the way this program is written makes using FSUIPC's throttle calibration and adding reverse thrust unusable. I realize that this is only going to effect registered FSUIPC users that are also using the individual throttle menu within FSUIPC. This the only aircraft I have ever found this problem with. When FSUIPC's individual throttle calibration is used the throttles will jump all over the place and are impossible to get to hold any setting at any lever position. Turn off this feature within FSUIPC and the throttle works fine. Customer service at Feelthere responded saying that since Microsoft released the SDK explaining throttle operation in Flight Simulator they were able to program the throttles in their ERJ-145 to simulate the FADEC system properly. That in fact they are utilizing all four throttle assignments but getting instructions for lever position through the first two throttle lever inputs. Their stand is that they designed the sim to work with FS2004 and that it is not their responsibility to make it work with any third party products ie FSUIPC. I don't know if you even have any interest to make modifications to FSUIPC since it works so nicely with everything else out there. I would love to have reverse thrust usable through my levers and don't feel like going through programming a different setup that has to be switched between depending on aircraft flown. This post is to make you and others reading this post aware of the conflict with the Feelthere PIC ERJ-145 when used with a registered version of FSUIPC and utilizing FSUIPC's individual throttle calibration. The present work-around is to turn off the individual throttle calibration within FSUIPC and just use the Microsoft lever assignments calibrated with Microsoft's (or throttle manufacturer's) software. Best wishes, Zane
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