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Posts posted by Jackson5

  1. If I may Jump in here:

    I saw that Pete mentioned AIBridge, but I have tried several versions of it and I can't get it to work. All I get is a message stating that "AIBridge has joined the Session" but there is still no Traffic on the PM TCAS.

    Indeed I have seen the descriptions about the FS2002/4 A.I. Traffic Data (for TCAS applications and similar) in the SDK manual, but this goes way over my head, and thus is no option for me.

    I have also contacted Tegwyn West (VoxATC) and he answered this:

    Hello Jaap

    The problem you describe applies to all MP traffic (not just that

    generated by VoxATC). I'm afraid there is no simple solution for FS2004.

    However this is not an issue for the FSX version of VoxATC thanks to


    Further to my last message. As far as I know AVSim and other online ATC works through the MP interface and thus will not be displayed on the TCAS.


    Tegwyn West

    It seems we will have to wait for FSX (and in my case, compatibilty for numerous add-on programs with FSX), unless the creators of both VoxATC and FSUIPC are willing to devise a solution........

    Best Regards,


  2. Okay Mr Dowson, thanks.

    Especially the first part of your explanation makes some things clear.

    I will certainly start with FSInterrogate, also the logging tables are a good second ( i have already been reading some of it).

    It is clear that the SDK is for programmers, because of all the terms and numbers one needs to know about before starting, but when it comes to cockpit building I am a persistant little bugger, and want to learn all I can, because it is my dream to have made something by myself (Ok, most of it...). Built by trial and error if need be!

    It isn't so bad already, if I may say so myself.

    If you are interested, the link to my site is here

    And thanks for making this possible!

    Regards, Jaap Both

  3. Supported, now, actually. I thought they were among those I moved to the first table? If not they will be in the next update. There's quite a lot of "unsupported" data which is being provided by FSX via SimConnect, so I can safely assume it will be okay for the foreseeable future. ;-)

    OK that's great. Work is never done.....

    I use the listings from the SDK on your site. It is in the list of variables for FS2000 with a Token ID of 752, Float64 right? Well then I just don't know how to feed this data to SIOC, but that's not your problem. I'll have to ask the developers of SIOC.

    Var 0052, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $2834, Length 1 // Battery Voltage

    I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but if you are trying to read it as a 1 byte integer you will get it wrong. It is an 8-byte (64-bit to be precise, floating point number, a "double" in C/C++ terms).

    In the list of Codes for FS2002/2004 the first column shows the offset code number, the second column shows the size, that's the Length in the above sentence and that is what Sioc asks to provide. Because there is no "size" listed in the FS2000 list, I just guessed and took 1 for Length....


    Do you by any chance know where Offset $2866 is for? It is not in your list or Project Magenta's list but it seems to work. I use it with a size of 1.

    It is listed of course -- 2866 is part of the 8-byte (64-bit) value at 2860, the "hot battery bus voltage". You are not reading the list correctly at all I'm afraid. You are simply taking a small part of a large number. Again, I've no idea what your size of 1 means, but 2866 isn't an offset of anything at it stands, but part way through.

    All those variables labelled "FLOAT64" are 64-bit floating point numbers, at the offsets given. I'm afraid I cannot predict what you will get if you take small bits of 64-bit numbers!

    I can find value 2860 in the list for FS2000:


    but then how is one supposed to know what else is in this? That is what I don't understand from the FS2000 list. I am no programmer, and don't know much about all this, but I do want to build and use the codes, so I hope you will apologize me for my Ignorance.

    I will post a question in the Open Cockpit forums about how to feed data from the FS2000 list in to SIOC.

    Thanks for your effort.

    Regards Jaap Both

  4. Hello Mr Dowson,

    Having solved most of the problems in my Cockpit, there still is one that I can't . I work with IOCards, maybe you know them. With the programming language I was able to make the annunciator lights work in my Lear45 pit.

    There is one however that I cannot get to work properly, and it is the emergency battery. To set a warning light on, I need to be able to read out the voltage from the battery, so that when the voltage drops below 11 volts in my case, I can tell IOCards to turn on the warning light.

    To do that I need an Offset code.

    I can monitor the voltage with the Simkits Digital Davtron Clock, and in my screenpanel there is also a gauge that warns for low battery.

    In the second, unsupported (i know, unsupported) table in the Programmer's Guide there are some Offsets I could use, like 2834 BATTERY_VOLTAGE, or 2840 MAIN_BUS_VOLTAGE.

    With one of these I hoped to be able to monitor the battery voltage.

    With SIOC, the programming language of IOCards i added a check for the voltage:

    Var 0050, name LED26, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 26 // emergency Battery

    Var 0051, Link SUBRUTINE // Battery Status Check


    IF V0049 = 1 (is a subroutine for the test button that makes all my annunciators light up)


    &LED26 = 1 (is the emergency battery Led)




    IF V0052 <= ??? (Is the needed value to activate the LED)


    &LED26 = 1




    &LED26 = 0




    Var 0052, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $2834, Length 1 // Battery Voltage


    CALL V0051 // Calculate Changes & Monitor Check Button


    But when I read out the binary and decimal values for one of these offsets while the battery is discharging to determine what value to fill in at the line where it now says <=???, it fluctuates tremendously, from 3 to sometimes way over 300 (decimal values, give or take), and it keeps doing that.

    So the led comes on now and then, when I set the value to 11 volts (more like flickering).

    This doesn't work, and therefore I was hoping you could help me with an Offset code that does what I need, maybe you can add Offset 2834 to the supported list?

    There surely must be more builders that can put that to good use?

    Best Regards,

    Jaap Both

    The Lear45 Project


    Do you by any chance know where Offset $2866 is for? It is not in your list or Project Magenta's list but it seems to work. I use it with a size of 1.

    With running engines I get a decimal value of 40, which is 12 volts on my panel. When I shut down the engines, and start draining the battery, the value drops very slowly to 37 at which point my panel indicates 11 volts and the warning light illuminates. Eureka! When I restart the engines, the value slowly climbs until it reaches 40 again, and stays there.

    I only hope this offset does not interfere with anything else on my panel...

  5. Sorry, you are losing me now. If you know what the indicators actually mean, then surely you know what values trigger them? How else are you going to know what they are for or what to do about them?

    You're right of course, I was unclear in my explanation :oops:

    I really don't know what you are doing, but I am assuming they are warning lights for low levels of oil or fuel, or high temperatures or pressures? The levels, pressures and temperatures are available 9they are displayed on gauges, for instance, and are listed in FSUIPC's lists of values). The warning levels will vary from aircraft to aircraft -- that's for you to determine from aircraft spcs etc, surely?

    Your assumption is correct, and your answer is clear. I thought that the lights were triggered by separate events, but they are actually triggered by certain values (aircraft dependent) that the gauges indicate.

    Ok, that puts me to work, Thanks!


  6. Hello Mr. Dowson,

    I am building a Learjet 45 panel, and am working on the annunciator lights now.

    The lights I have are: Oil Press, Oil Temp, Oil Level, Generator, Fuel right level, Fuel left Level, Fuel Center Level, Spoilers deployed, Emergency Battery and Exit open.

    For all Oil and Generator lights I have 2 of each (two engines).

    For the generator and exit lights I found Offset codes, and they work as expected, but for the other ones I cannot find specific Offsets in the list of codes. What codes should I use, are there any?

    If not, is there a way to make it work?

    Thanks In advance,

    Jaap Both

  7. Hi Pete,

    Thanks for your insight. It is, little by little, all becoming clear to me now.

    To get it working I should install ActiveSky on my Primary FS computer, and let Wideview handle the transfer of the weather to the secondary Fs computer.

    My laptop will then only be used for FScommander connected to the Primary FS Computer via WideFs as it is doing now.

    As i understand it correctly WideFS client is pretending to be Flightsimulator, and as such, third party programs can be fooled into thinking they are actually running on the FS pc.

    They can receive data, but not send it ?

    My odd use of Wideview grew slowly as I expanded, and expanded my sim, and it works fine for me, except for these kind of mindbreaking little problems.....

    To give you an idea what my setup is about, here is a link to a few pic's:


    Thanks for your time

  8. Hi,

    Thanks for your answers.

    I am figuring out how to let Activesky serve both of my FSmachines with actual weather, and for practical reasons I am reluctant to change any of my setup for now.

    My wish was to have AS on my laptop (which has no FS2004 installed), and to have WideFS transfer the data to both my FS machines.

    Because the laptop is not an active FSMachine it can only run Wideclient (Or is this not true?), and as such it does not seem to be possible in the way I want it.

    Both my FS machines are connected through WideView, and Wideview is capable of updating the weather (does not a very good job), but to reduce the workload on WideView, I hoped I could find a way to get the weather updated on both FSmachines with WideFS.


    Non FS laptop with WideClient, FSCommander and ActiveSky.

    FS primary machine (only displays instruments), running WideFS Server, and WideView server.

    Fs secondary machine (only displaying outside views on three screens via Matrox Parhelia), running WideView client.

    WideView communication runs through IPX, does WideFS use that too, or does it use TCP IP??

    Do you see a way to realize what I am thinking of? Can I install WideClient on my secondary FS machine without creating problems with WideView, or is it just not possible without changing my setup?

    Thanks, Jack

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