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About bydamien

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. how can i read correctly pmdg lights :( please some one share light codes ? thank you for helps
  2. Dear Pete and all i have a problem i want to share maybe somebody will sign me true way, i want to load fuel on my program and im following this for read.. capCenter = ((Int32)getCCenter.Value); for capacty reading LevCenter = ((double)getLevCenter.Value * 100 / (128 * 65536)); for level reading GalCenter = capCenter * LevCenter / 100; for gallon result gallonresult * 2.72 = kg result i thing this read mentallity is correct is here have any problem please tell me.. so now i know this is my kg result if i want to set fuel that tank im using this.. before i must to convert kg to gallon 400 kg / 2.72 = 147 gallon after i must to convert this result to fs language im using this function. capcenter capacity is 2130 gallon public double FuelConvert(double dGalon, Int32 iCap) { double iBur = dGalon / 100 * (128 * 65536); double ioff = iBur * 100 / (128 * 65536) / iCap * 100; return Math.Round(ioff / 100 * (128 * 65536)); } so after this function i have one result is this 578932 and im writting this result on getLevCenter.Value after when i turn to plane and check on fuel 440 kg :( i dont understand where is my wrong point please help me.. thank you
  3. yes i saw this topic but i don understand stations he is used this variable in for but what is that i dont know :(
  4. hello i need some expreiance :( i dont know how to write payload im using c# if anyone explain to me or giving sample code i will be happy please help me.. i using client dll for .net thank for all helps
  5. hello im using this dll everythink okey but i have little problem Offset getLat = new Offset(0x0560); Offset getLon = new Offset(0x0568); double lat = (double)getLat.Value * 90d / (10001750d * 65536d * 65536d); this.textEdit25.Text = lat.ToString("#,##0.000000"); this.textEdit25.ToolTip = "Lat Formatted"; double lon = (double)getLon.Value * 360d / (65536d * 65536d * 65536d * 65536d); this.textEdit26.Text = lon.ToString("#,##0.000000"); this.textEdit26.ToolTip = "Lon Formatted"; i put airplane LTBA 36R normally runway lat and lon is this 40,969453 lat 28,809467 lon i look in BGL file my data is : 40,969926 lat 28,809453 lon i cant understand where is my problem thank you for all helps burak.
  6. thank you pete, i think i must to use simconnect for this..
  7. hi all is it possible fsx menu items disable with FSUIPC4 ? thank you
  8. thank you very much pete works well
  9. dear pete and all developers i want to read bank angle offset with delphi i read someting but i need some format for this value my code is this function TFSUIPC.GetBankAngle: Real; var deger : Integer; rDeger : Real; begin FSUIPC_Open(SIM_Any,dwResult); FSUIPC_Read($057C, 4, @deger, dwResult); if FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) then begin rDeger := deger * 360 / (65536.0 * 65536.0); Result := rDeger; end else begin Result := 5; end; end; and return value is this im not good numeric value formating with delphi i want to this result someting like this 20 degrees 10 degrees etc. thank you for all helps
  10. hi you must to check ivap configuration window if read/write cockpit offsets (ivapsdk) uncheck you must to check that after test again .. success
  11. dear pete if i want to disable flight, world and aircraft menu which hex will using ? thank you
  12. hi pete i explaining for you. my plain on KFJK fs-interrograte2 give to 19389166912339968 this for latitude and give to -3780828464629678080 for longtitude our program is give 40,6224209853394 this for latitude and give 0,378391984002775 for longtitude this is longtitude function function GetLon: Int64; var deger : Int64; begin FSUIPC_Open(SIM_Any,dwResult); FSUIPC_Read($0560, 8, @deger, dwResult); if FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) then begin Result := deger * 360 / (65536.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0); end else begin Result := -100; end; end; and this is function GetLat: Int64; var deger : Int64; begin FSUIPC_Open(SIM_Any,dwResult); FSUIPC_Read($0560, 8, @deger, dwResult); if FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) then begin Result := deger * 90 / (10001750.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0); end else begin Result := -100; end; end; FS Interrogate2 say for latitude Variable type Int64 and expression #*90/(10001750*65536*65536) FS Interrogate2 say for longtitude variable type Int64 and expression #*360/(65536*65536*65536*65536)) where is my problem ? thank you for your helps Regards Burak ÖĞÜTKEN
  13. i have a same problem, are you fixed ? regards Burak M.
  14. hi pete and all how to read a/c status , taxiing, landing, at the gate etc. thank you for all supports
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