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Henk Hagreis

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Everything posted by Henk Hagreis

  1. Dear Mr Pete Dowson, I have a flighsimclub Fly United (www.flyunited.nl). One Server and 7 Clients on one location via a LAN Network connected with a D-Link Gigabit Switch to FSHost to adjust the weather conditions. Now we use FS-Navigator as a part of FS2004 where I, beinig the the ATC controller, can manage all the Clients realizing there flightplans. FS-Commander is on the Server Desktop PC. We want to replace FS-Navigator (no longer supported) by FS-Commander. The advised tool AI-Bridge (Jose Oliviera) is not working. From the various investigations on internet and via the establisher of FS-Commander (Volker Heine) I got the information that the combination of FSUIPC and WIDEFS (both registered) could be the solution and show me all the planes TOGETHER on one screen Can you please confirm this and give me a helping hand by providing some instructions to realize this. Many thanks in advance Henk Hagreis (Fly United)
  2. Hi Thanos, Nice that you respond. Also a few remarks from my side. First place: What is a pity is that from my story it did not become clear that in my opinion it is not FSUIPC in the first place that causes the trouble but the Dash8 BECAUSE with the A330 I have no trouble whatsoever. Only once I start using the Dash 8 there is the phenomena of the "hiccups" that is taken over by the other aircraft. Remarkable in that aspect is that it disappears when I uninstall FSUIPC or when I switch off FS9 and restart it. So no blame for FSUIPC although it seems to be involved. Second place: We have had problems with the Dash8 before e.g. that the HSI and ADI of the Q-version did not work and you had to start up with the non-Q version. So in my opinion it is not stable. Third: You could do me a favour to give me the details of your system in order to compare. Fourth: I do not understand your remarks to celan the registry. As I described, I just did an entire new installation. Perhaps I do not understand you right. Fifth: I still do not know what the effect can be to switch-off my Norton Antivirus as well as my Firewall. May be that the reason is that I am not a computer specialist. Sixth: We have compared the system of my collegue with mine. The only difference we can notice is that he has a Gforce FX5600 video chart. So, that were a few remarks from my side. Hope to hear from you. Henk
  3. Dear Peter, I have sent my experiences (see Below) to the support department of PSS, reading: Dear Sir, I have serious problems running my officially purchased Dash 8 and Airbus 330 in combination with FSUIPC 3.4. I had a system crash and had to reinstall my whole system (see details below). When I download the Airbus and Dash 8, I have to select whether I will install FSUIPC. If I do so, later on I get a message that this version of FSUIPC is not accepted and I have no other choice than installing the latest version FSUIPC 3.4. When I do so and start with a take-off my A330, everything is allright; no problems. But when I am trying to start a take-off with my Dash 8, than I have short interruptions in the proces (I call it hiccups). When I switch back to other machines a.o the A330 or even the default Boeing 737 (or others) I have the same hiccups untill I close the FS9 and restart the FS9. I have had extensive discussion with Peter Downson via the the internet after I had found that other users had the same problem. You can see it on: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pc&start=30 I can not come to another conclusion than that the problem is the Dash 8 because the problem does not arise when I fly the A330. Below I give you the details of my PC and the installed software: Processor: PII 2.4 GHz System: Windows XP-Prof Uk version including SP@ (with DirectX 9.0c) Video: Gforce Ti4600 Drivers: Nvidia 5672 Flightsimulator: FS9 including the update FS9.1 Add-Ons: FSUIPS 3.4 (I have also tried FSUIPC 3.3. No difference, teh same problem) Purchased: A330 and Dash 8 I think that there must be a lot of your clients who already have the or will get the same problem in the future. In this view I would kindly request you to investigate (eventually with Peter Dowson) how it can be solved. Hope to hear from you soon, Flightsimclub Fly United Henk Hagreis http://www.flyunited.nl Pete: Since you told me that you had no problems with the copy of the Dash 8, you received from PSS, I am very much interested to know what kind of a system you have been using. Can you comment on that. Still hoping that we can solve the problem in mutual cooperation, I remain, Henk Hagreis
  4. Pete, Thanks again although this does not solve my problem which is, as far I can judge, still a combination of FSUIPC and Dash8. Curious is that it appears on some systems and on others not and that makes it not simple to solve it. I will sent PSS a message anyhow in the hope that the will pay any attention to it. If they do will depent of how many complaints they will receive I think. For the time being I will not bather you with this problem and stop our discussion. I shall regularly visit this forum to see if there is any progress and if more "flightsimmers" are going to contact you. If you should be aware of the solution of this problem in the future I would very much appreciate if you should post it, which you certainly will do I assume. Thanks again and have a nice weekend. Regards, Henk
  5. Pete Thanks again for your fast response. I immediately installed the FS9.1 update. Sorry to say but it did not work out positive. So still the same problem. What remains now is to inform PSS. My English is well enough, I hope to do so. May I in my briefing tell them that we had contact about that matter. Another suggestion is that you inform them because you both have the software details which I do not have. I'll wait for contacting them untill I here from you. Regards again, Henk
  6. Thank you for your early reply. So it not a matter of yes of no registration. Do I understand that right? Furthermore, as suggested I will update to FS9.1 and give a message to PSS. I let you know if something of interest is coming out because I think I'am not the only one with this problem. By the way; I still do not understand why it is working without problems on the system of my clubmember? Regards and nice week-end. Henk
  7. :cry: To Pete and Thanos, First let me make a compliment of your persistent discussion; very interesting. I have more or less the same problems with my Dash8 form PSS. When I have not FSUIPC 3.4 it works fine but as soon as I install it then the problems begin. When I start to fly it has very short pauses in the proces (it has "hiccups"). As I read at the end of your discussions I have closed my Norton and my Firewall on my Draytek Vigor 2200 but NO success. I give you some more information: - I have not registered FSUIPC 3.4 yet (but I will if you advise). - I have Windows XP-Prof; SP2; Nvidia 5672 driver and FS2004 - I have also installed A330; there I do NOT have those problems as well in other machines; even not with the PMDG. - A flightsimmember of my club who has more or less the same machine does NOT have this problem. But we cannot find any significant difference exept that he has a registered version of FSUIPC and a different videochart. So I still have the big question: Is it FSUIPC or is it the Dash8. I would very much appreciate if you could pay once more any attention. If you need more information please let me know. Regards to both of you. Henk Hagreis http://www.flyunited.nl (if you are interested; it's there where we use the Dash8)
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