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Everything posted by GWNorris

  1. Pete I apologise to you about my last reply. I guess I misunderstood where you were coming from. I do thank you for your help. I'm usually alot more calm concerning problems with my FS, probably because I try to solve things myself before yelling UNCLE. Usually when I post for help, it's as a last resort. I know your a gentleman and I do apologise. As for the DME thing. Since I never fly the Cessna and usually fly the payware heavies, I probably just didn't notice the 99 thing. Maybe in the payware aircraft when it's out of range there is just no distance displayed at all. It's the first time I have noticed the 99 reading. Maybe the wideserver Restarttime setting has an effect on just some systems. Everything works fine with the client with it set to 0. It's just that on my system with it set to anything but 0 , the sim hiccups every time wideserver reloads itself. All seems well now, I'll know for sure once I get all my FS add ons reinstalled. ( one at a time of course and testing in between). I thank you once again, Gary
  2. Pete: I'm sorry I bothered you with this problem, I sense a tone of sarcasm in your response. Yes I knew about the documentation and have plenty of old and new versions printed and filed. Have probably read them from front to back, numerous times in the 6 years I've been using your software. How many times have I posted in this forum? you can probably count them on one hand. Like I said at the beginning of this post " I can usually figure things out on my own" My network is a very small network. 2 computers. I've never had a problem with widefs or fsuipc that I couldn't figure out and just updating to SP2 induced this situation. How? I don't know! My Widefs settings have always been left at default except for any keysends I might add. I have never messed with the network settings such as timing etc. I felt you knew the best all around settings and they have always worked for me. I just put the new 6.70 wideclient files on my client PC and did a test run and all is OK, the only setting that is not default is the RestartTime in wideserver and that is set to 0. On another note or should I say observation that's currently undetermined, I noticed that the DME distances on the default Cessna sitting at KSEA for the KSEA VOR reads 99M for 116.80 and that's with the new 3.709 fsuipc. But for fear of a sarcastic reply, I'll just leave it alone untill I get done installing all my other FS stuff ( 1 at a time with test in between). Then If the DME distances seem wrong, I'll just keep my mouth shut. Sorry to have bothered you, with all due respect to you, thanks for all the years of providing the FS community with a great piece of software. FS would be dull without them. Thanks again Gary
  3. Pete: Well I believe I've found the culprit. Wideserver cfg file line / RestartTime= Mine was set to 10. which according to the documentation is every 10 seconds wideserver will restart itself if their is no client connection during that 10 seconds. I was counting my FS stutters at anywhere from 10 to 13 seconds, using the one,one thousand method. and sometimes it would be on 10, sometimes on 12 or 13. I didn't use a stopwatch. Anyway, I set the value in the RestartTime= line to 0 and now no stutter at all. however I was wondering if that means that after wideserver dosen't see any clients connecting and then one tries , will I have to set up a Restart Key in order for the client to be able to connect. I never had to do that before, but I don't remember ever having that value set at 0. Thanks in advance for any replies Gary
  4. Pete, I noticed one other thing that was in the new wideserver.cfg file that's different also a line that reads Port2=9002 and also I didn't have the ClientNames section in the new cfg file either. Yet I didn't have the client PC booted up either. wonder if any of that makes a difference Gary
  5. Pete Thanks for the reply, after I posted the topic and while waiting for your reply, I decided to try putting Wideserver back in to see if the problem returned and it did indeed return. So I figure it is something with widefs. since with just FSUIPC installed, everything is fine. I see what you mean about the network settings, except that I haven't changed anything with my network ( other than upgrading to SP2 for XP) and my windows firewall is indeed disabled. I did notice some differences in the config section of widefs, that are different than the config section of version 6.50 of widefs. Version 6.50 had the AdvertiseService=Yes Version 6.70 has it as =1 That is really the only difference that I can see is that the line that turns off the Broadcasts in widefs? would sending you a copy of all the cfg and log files help in determining the cause? I feel confident that it is something that's interacting with widefs that's causing this, since other than FS and FSUIPC, theirs nothing else in the system, besides my computer and before upgrading to SP2, I never had any problems, even with alot of add ons Thanks in advance for any advice. Gary
  6. Hello Pete I can usually figure things out with FS, but this one has me stumped. I have been a long time user of both FSUIPC and WideFS. and never a problem. About a week ago I decided to install Service pack 2, for XP. After that I noticed my flight sim would stutter once every 13 seconds. It would happen with all aircraft, default and payware ( the common popular ones). At the time I was using FSUIPC 3.53 and Widefs 6.50. I tried everything to figure out what was causing it and finally decided to uninstall all things related to flight sim, including Flight Sim itself. Cleaned the registry, defragged, and then Reinstalled Flight Sim/ and 9.1 update. Testing in between each step and all was fine, no stutters. smooth as glass ( no Add on, utilities or anything installed yet, Just Flight Sim and the 9.1 upgrade) Then I installed a fresh version of FSUIPC 3.709 and Wideserver 6.70 and the Key file (which I had saved in MY Documents) and a fresh blank cfg file for widefs. I let FSUIPC make it's own new cfg file. Well I started up the sim and guess what, the 13 second stutter was back. every 13 seconds. ( my client PC was not even booted up), Only dealing with the flight sim PC. I have not even turned on my client PC since I decided to uninstall All FS stuff from the FS PC to find out what is causing this. OK, 13 second stutter was back, so I deleted the FSUIPC and Widefs files and decided to try them one at a time. Reinstalled FSUIPC 3.709 and the Key file and cranked up the sim and all was well, no stutter and smooth as it was with the fresh Sim install. That's where I stand at the moment. Am afraid to go any further untill I hear back from you. Any Ideas would be helpful Gary
  7. Hello Pete Well I got the levers to work by going into the FS9 config file and manually editing the Joystick Axis setting. Got them calibrated in FSUIPC and the Reversers work normally, However the spoiler axis dosen't seem to work like it does in FS2002. It calibrates normally and the calibration numbers are correct, However when using the lever in both the PMDG 737 and the RFP747 the spoilers extend abruptly when moving the prop lever and then the spoiler handle in the sim will jump around abruptly in it's direction of travel and the spoilers will not undeploy with the prop lever. IN FS2002 the prop lever will enable the spoilers to be extended and retracted gradually and will stow when the Prop lever is in the stowed position. Any suggestions ?? Gary
  8. Hello Pete I have a registered version of FSUIPC and am a long time user. I have just updated to fer 3.411 and have it in both FS2002 and 2004. Have no problems in 2002, all settings are fine and my CH Pro yoke and pedals calibrated nicely as usual. However in FS2004 with the new update for FS. My spoiler and mixture axis will not calibrate in FSUIPC, Does not even work aparantly. on the calibration page the in/out numbers are zero and when operating the levers, they remain at zero. when clicking the reset button the set buttons show the full travel numbers for + and - but will not change when operating the levers. I have checked the Options Control settings in FS2004 and the Axis's are all set correctly. I have done this numerous times in FS2002 with every version change of FSUIPC and have never had a problem calibrating the controls. I can't figure why my prop and mixture axis's are not being recognized in FS2004. I have the prop control set to operate the spoilers and the Mixture set for thrust reverse in FS2002 and have had for quite some time now and never a problem. No matter what sequense I try in FS2004, The prop and Mixture controls just don't work. any help would be greatly appreciated Gary :cry:
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