Hello Pete
I can usually figure things out with FS, but this one has me stumped.
I have been a long time user of both FSUIPC and WideFS. and never a problem. About a week ago I decided to install Service pack 2, for XP. After that I noticed my flight sim would stutter once every 13 seconds. It would happen with all aircraft, default and payware ( the common popular ones). At the time I was using FSUIPC 3.53 and Widefs 6.50. I tried everything to figure out what was causing it and finally decided to uninstall all things related to flight sim, including Flight Sim itself. Cleaned the registry, defragged, and then Reinstalled Flight Sim/ and 9.1 update.
Testing in between each step and all was fine, no stutters. smooth as glass ( no Add on, utilities or anything installed yet, Just Flight Sim and the 9.1 upgrade)
Then I installed a fresh version of FSUIPC 3.709 and Wideserver 6.70 and the Key file (which I had saved in MY Documents) and a fresh blank cfg file for widefs. I let FSUIPC make it's own new cfg file.
Well I started up the sim and guess what, the 13 second stutter was back.
every 13 seconds. ( my client PC was not even booted up), Only dealing with the flight sim PC. I have not even turned on my client PC since I decided to uninstall All FS stuff from the FS PC to find out what is causing this.
OK, 13 second stutter was back, so I deleted the FSUIPC and Widefs files and decided to try them one at a time. Reinstalled FSUIPC 3.709 and the Key file and cranked up the sim and all was well, no stutter and smooth as it was with the fresh Sim install.
That's where I stand at the moment. Am afraid to go any further untill I hear back from you.
Any Ideas would be helpful