I have chosen this forum to air my problem as I understand it to be visited by some of the more seasoned simmers who inderstand the internal workings of FSX.
I am using SimAvionics software to drive my JetMax 737NG. A very impressive peice of software. Unfortuately I am experiencing problems autolanding whenever a crosswind is present even just a few knots is enough.
The aircraft follows the ils perfectly until about 800ft agl. Then the ils moves off to one side and the Flight Director seems to do nothing to correct it. If I hand fly the approach, following the ILS, I can hit the runway dead center every time so we are not looking at localiser position problems or scenery issues. As I say its only when a crosswind component is present. If left to autoland the aircraft lands at the side of the runway the wind is coming from. Its almost as if its being steered against the crosswind at too steep and angle.
So let me tell you what Ive tried.
Ive used fsx own live weather function as well as ASN and now ASN16. Ive even set up my own weather conditions within Sim Avionics software suite. All having the same effect on my aircraft. I have deleted FSUIPC.ini and generated a new one and made sure FSUIPC is not altering the weather in any way.
I have been on SimAvionics forum where Mark the develeoper has helped as much as possible. He believes FSX is reporting the weather incorrectly.
Here is how Mark explained what he thinks is happening :-
The reported winds coming from FS are wrong.
The A/P can only fly the aircraft based on data it receives, and it's receiving invalid data from FS.
I think this is why you're the only one seeing this.
I would focus on your FS installation.
Check for any addon modules or programs.
Disable as much as possible in your dll.xml and exe.xml
Install the latest FSUIPC...
Ensure FSUIPC is just using the default weather settings.
After loading your initial flight, Clear ALL FS Weather, then Load the "Fair Weather" scheme in FS... (Incase something has been saved in your default flight.)
Initially, has anyone else had a problem like this. Im not quite sure where to start looking as Ive never delved into any of the dll.xml or exe.xml and to be honest Im not sure what they are or how to check them.
Can anyone help