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Luke Kolin

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  1. This seems to match I've discovered... if the LVAR does not exist then the previous value that was in the offset is retained. I can work around this by clearing the offset block in advance (I'm only reading from 24 to 48 bits at a time, so a since 64-bit long write can clear them out in one operation). In a perfect world, I'd prefer them to be set to zero, but I can also see advantages to this behavior as well (I can write a default value to the offset prior to the read). At the very least, it may be helpful to annotate the programmers guide to note this behavior in the case of an uninitialized LVAR. I need to maintain compatibility back to FSUIPC4 🙂 so this is my preferred way to go. (Technically even farther, but I can no longer validate the FS2002/FSUIPC2 path and the FS9 path doesn't have GSX support). It's a testament to the great work that you and your father have done - I've been working on this application since the FS9 days and it's usually just a day or two of work to support a new simulator. It's a a great abstraction layer. Cheers
  2. Sorry I wasn't more clear. I am not using Lua, I'm using offsets 0x0D6C and 0x0D70. To give the sequence of operations, I read the LVARs FSDT_GSX_BOARDING_STATE and FSDT_GSX_STATE to detect whether FSDT's GSX package is installed and operational. When called, I get the value of 1 back for the former, and 3 for the latter. I then ready FSDT_GSX_NUMPASSENGERS to see if a passenger count has been set by GSX. It also returns 3 What's interesting is that when I then fire up a LUA macro that selectively dumps LVARs to the SimConnect message window, FSDT_GSX_NUMPASSENGERS does not exist. It is curious and suspicious to me that the value returns is the same from the last LVAR successfully read. I'll try and make a test case where I manually set an LVAR, read it, then read an LVAR I know does not exist via the 0xD6C/0xD70 method. Cheers
  3. This is helpful context. If an LVAR has not been created when I request to read it, then get_named_variable_value would return an undefined result? I think this matches what I'm seeing. I guess there's no way for FSUIPC to check if it has been initialized prior to the read? Cheers
  4. I am reading LVARs using FSUIPC (6 and 7). John, do you know the expected behavior if we attempt to read an uninitialized LVAR? We have been getting some random results and curious if there is an expectation of a zero value or just random memory contents. Cheers
  5. I may be confused here, but from your AVSIM thread wasn't this being triggered on a flight save, with the PMDG aircraft? Cheers
  6. Yes, that was my error. I'm debating whether I want to roll that back or if an FSUIPC release will be soon.
  7. Sorry for the delay - the changes appear to be working correctly. Thank you! Cheers
  8. That's actually the reason for my question - what is the difference between "Pause Set" and "Pause On"? I have users reporting that the sim is not paused when pause set is toggled. Cheers Luke
  9. Sorry to bump an old thread, but has anything changed in this area? I am trying to detect MSFS, and it feels like 0x264 is a bitmap, but I am unsure what the bits mean. Cheers!
  10. Search the Windows start menu, or select Run and then "eventvwr"
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