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simconnect window re-direction
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks Peter, I'll have to incorporate this into my system. I have widefs I think or will purchase if I haven't. I'll post back how I get on. Graham -
Hi. Is it possible to re-direct sim connect windows from the main sim screen to another screen such as the lower eicas on my sim avionics driven hardware setup? It would be great if we could not have them floating in the sky. I'm talking about screens from programs such as PROATCX and GSX. Even a payware solution would be ok. My sim version is P3Dv4 Thanks Graham
Thanks Pete.......and sorry for asking.
Peter, The world has recently lost such an amazing genius. Im talking of course about Stephen Hawking. It struck me what would happen if we lost our own flightsim genious or you became too ill to continue with fsuipc. Is there anything in place for such an event. Sorry to ask this 8-( Graham
Prepar3D v4.2 SimConnect and FSUIPC 5.123c
gsumner replied to Luke Kolin's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
When you refer to menus working now, are you including simconnect menus eg proatcx also? Thanks Graham -
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Yes you are correct Peter. I'm glad they recognised this pause as a bug and working on it. Not knowing the internals of software I thought the pause could have been caused by the drawing of text and menus. I'd like to have the menus displayed elsewhere just like yourself also as it does spoil the immersion of Flight. I'm sure we'll get there Peter. Thanks Graham -
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks Peter, I hope this happens soon also. I'm finding version 4.1 extra annoying as it pauses my sim several seconds before displaying the text from Proatcx. I'll keep my eye on your forum for any progress. Thanks Graham -
Inability to autoland in crosswind.
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks Peter, Ive just set the weather to 310@10 using sim avionics own server function. Shift Z revealed 310@10 as did the ND. Theres nothing wrong in my opinion with my weather generation or ILS positions in my scenery. The only thing wrong seems to be the lack of interest in the flight director which seems to go dead at about 800Ft AGL. I seem to be reaching the end of options but to just suffer this until someone else reports a problem.For now Ive reported this back to the Sim Avionics forum. I just posted here to see if anyone could suggest something to look for. Thanks Graham -
Guys, I have chosen this forum to air my problem as I understand it to be visited by some of the more seasoned simmers who inderstand the internal workings of FSX. I am using SimAvionics software to drive my JetMax 737NG. A very impressive peice of software. Unfortuately I am experiencing problems autolanding whenever a crosswind is present even just a few knots is enough. The aircraft follows the ils perfectly until about 800ft agl. Then the ils moves off to one side and the Flight Director seems to do nothing to correct it. If I hand fly the approach, following the ILS, I can hit the runway dead center every time so we are not looking at localiser position problems or scenery issues. As I say its only when a crosswind component is present. If left to autoland the aircraft lands at the side of the runway the wind is coming from. Its almost as if its being steered against the crosswind at too steep and angle. So let me tell you what Ive tried. Ive used fsx own live weather function as well as ASN and now ASN16. Ive even set up my own weather conditions within Sim Avionics software suite. All having the same effect on my aircraft. I have deleted FSUIPC.ini and generated a new one and made sure FSUIPC is not altering the weather in any way. I have been on SimAvionics forum where Mark the develeoper has helped as much as possible. He believes FSX is reporting the weather incorrectly. Here is how Mark explained what he thinks is happening :- The reported winds coming from FS are wrong. The A/P can only fly the aircraft based on data it receives, and it's receiving invalid data from FS. I think this is why you're the only one seeing this. I would focus on your FS installation. Check for any addon modules or programs. Disable as much as possible in your dll.xml and exe.xml Install the latest FSUIPC... Ensure FSUIPC is just using the default weather settings. After loading your initial flight, Clear ALL FS Weather, then Load the "Fair Weather" scheme in FS... (Incase something has been saved in your default flight.) Initially, has anyone else had a problem like this. Im not quite sure where to start looking as Ive never delved into any of the dll.xml or exe.xml and to be honest Im not sure what they are or how to check them. Can anyone help Graham
Hi Peter, Hope you are well. Im sitting in the uk on holiday from working in Saudi so my installation and documentation of fsuipc are not with me. Ive just purchased a goflight advanced throttle with 737 handles. After reading various forums I'm assured that setting up the throttles and especially the flap lever is best done within fsuipc. One of the problems with the throttle assembly of a 737 NG is the ifly NG needs 9 detents but goflight supply a detent fixture of only 6 which seems really strange. Anyway I can make a new detent strip but perhaps the goflight software may not accommodate 9 detents so fsuipc may be the way to go. if anyone has information on the best way to go about this please do tell. I will however be reading the fsuipc docs too ;-) many thanks Graham Sumner
Peter, I know you are away on holiday. Ive just installed the iFly latest update to use Activesky Next weather radar. This in turn updated my FSUIPC to the latest version. I use lua scripts that are automatically loaded by FSUIPC that read iFly offsets and give me lit LEDS on my goflight panels. Im sorry to say that after the update, no lights are working as if the LUA scripts arent working anymore. I think another gentleman FSUIPC user is also having problems with his throttles and also using LUA. Maybe this points to a change in FSUIPC regarding LUA. Ive reverted to 4.929 and the lights function normally again but Im not sure what impact this will have on the functionality of ASN weather radar. Enjoy your holiday Graham
mcp combo is enabled but not found on com 3
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Avsim forums are down it seems as I was at first going to uninstall LINDA taking advice from there. I first took the tick out of Enable mcp combo in Linda ( even though it wasn't running ) and this changed the message to linda is loaded and ready. So there is "a way back " if I need to, Ive just renamed the linda.lua file in the modules folder to Linda.bak preventing whatever was loading it from doing so. Its done the trick it would seem Graham -
mcp combo is enabled but not found on com 3
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Aah gotcha. I'll look in the fsuipc ini to see which lua files are being loaded too. Thanks Graham -
mcp combo is enabled but not found on com 3
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks Andy I'll take as look at the ini file. I don't use Linda anymore though just the original vrinsight program. This runs for the cduii.. Is there anything in that?? I seem to remember it being modular and perhaps has an mcp module running in it that I should remove or disable Graham -
mcp combo is enabled but not found on com 3
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thank Peter I'll head over to vrinsight now.. I'll post back here when I get a result incase other's who visit here find themselves likewise Graham -
mcp combo is enabled but not found on com 3
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks Pete, I'm going to have to have a dig around.. I can't uninstall the vrinsight software as I still use their cdu. I wondered if the message could have arrived onscreen via fsuipc or some other fsx config file. I'll have a look deeper if no-one else here is familiar. Thanks Graham -
Thanks Pete, All the LUA I've written never included tes ing a 0 bit before. Of course a 0 bit must have a value. I just over looked it ! Small things make a big difference ! All ok now. Have a great weekend ! Graham
logic.And(value,0x0000) ~=0 this is testing bit 0 ( in HEX) of offset 941E or so i thought offset bit description 941E 0 NOSE_GEAR_RedLight_Status taken from ifly2fsuipc documentation Graham
Hi Pete and all, Im having mixed results when programmimg LUA for use with the goflight WP-6 panel An example is below ---------- GEAR LIGHTS function NoseGearStatus(offset, value) --LIGHT 1 if logic.And(value,0x0000) ~=0 then --if nose red gfd.SetColour(GFWP6, 0, 0, 2) --set red light gfd.SetLight(GFWP6, 0, 0) --turn it on elseif logic.And(value,0x0002) ~=0 then --if nose green gfd.SetColour(GFWP6, 0, 0, 3) --set green light gfd.SetLight(GFWP6, 0, 0) --turn it on else gfd.ClearLight(GFWP6, 0, 0) -- extinguish if no lights end end event.offset("941E", "UB", "NoseGearStatus") Basically im testing the value of the nose uc light green and red status to decide if my button should glow red or green or extinguish. Im getting the green light fine and off with aircraft power off. I dont get any red light though and wonder now if its possible to use a light to use 2 colours. The offsets im using are correct and they are for the ifly 737 Hope you can help Graham
LAU script to emulate key presses
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
BINGO ! Pete the ipc.control(66151) in a loop, although worked, wasn't accurate and gave different results each time it was used. I went for the camera view in the end suggested by xcorez. [CameraDefinition.012] Title = Cockpit - Landing POV Guid = {10EB1B1C-FFAA-44cf-9E23-DE622E32C70C} Description = 2D Cockpit view for approach/landing sequence. Origin = Cockpit ShowPanel = NO SnapPbhAdjust = Ordinal SnapPbhReturn = TRUE PanPbhAdjust = Ordinal PanPbhReturn = TRUE Track = None ShowAxis = FrontOnly AllowZoom = FALSE InitialZoom = 0.89 SmoothZoomTime = 1.0 ShowWeather = YES ShowLensFlare = TRUE XyzAdjust = TRUE InitialXyz = 0,0,2.3 InitialPbh = -7,0,0 Category = Cockpit CycleHidden = YES HotKeySelect = 8 and called this view from my uc down Lua script. Its all running very nice indeed now after a little tweaking. A much more believable view on approach now. Thanks to you both for your time and help ;-) Graham -
LAU script to emulate key presses
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks Pete and Xcorez. I'm going to tackle this again today. Pete I'm having a go at Lua ( keeps autocorrecting to Lau if I don't watch it which is in my dictionary as it's used at work to refer to Launcher which is a aircraft missile rail ) because I have a " have a go " attitude but I struggle so come here to ask others for help. Thanks guys! Graham -
LAU script to emulate key presses
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Ive tried a lau script ipc.control(66151) -- would tie this into UC down selection This tilts the head up which is the effect Im after Then assigning ipc.control(66147) -- which resets the view after this incorporated into uc up The trouble is the 66151 control needs to be held for a few seconds for the view to slew up but I cant see a way to do this.Your camera config looks very complicated to a novice like myself and would probably just bog me down further but I am grateful for your suggestion and code example xcorez. If I could get the 66151 to work for me I could trigger it using your UC position detection routine. Graham Thank you very much for that in depth reply. That must have taken you quite a while to do :-) -
LAU script to emulate key presses
gsumner replied to gsumner's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
I belive using capital letters is shouting. There really is no need to shout Pete. I come here cap-in-hand asking for help. I'm not a computer programmer for all you know I could even be mentally challenged so why you have no patience with me and many others is as baffling to me as some of my questions are to you. Quote "f you read something and don't understand it, ask the question and I'll explain. but you have to look things up yourself and not invent your own formats." - I did ask ! That's why I'm here. I've tried reading the manual as you've asked me to in the past and I find it all hard to understand. That's not a crime but just as far as my understanding in this subject stretches. I appologise for being mentally inadequate. My job is teaching aerospace engineering and fault diagnosing aircraft faults. If I gave you a manual covering that subject Pete and asked you to get on with it you would struggle. There's no manual that can teach experience which is what you have and therefore why we come cap in hand and ask for your help. I want to use lau because moving my viewpoint chin up will be incorprated with my uc down selection. My uc up selection will cancel autobrake, select uc off ( which I've already achieved ) and then reset the viewpoint. Its only my approach perspective I'm not happy with. I hope that clears that up a bit. Thanks Graham