Using FSUIPC7 in the usual way I have tried assigning both keys and buttons to different cockpit views such as View_Up, View Down, View_Left and View_Right without success. It could be I'm suffering another "senior moment" (more like a senior day in this case 🤔 ). I have also tried using calculator code and presets, all to no avail. I frequently use a little Lua script to test things, and an example is below. I know the script runs because the test message at the end of the script is displayed as expected. When this script runs, just as when I try assigning a button or key to a view, nothing happens as far as the view from the aircraft is concerned. I have tried different aircraft with the same result. Other FSUIPC7 key and button assignments are working. The Asobo control bindings for the views also work.
If you have an idea on what I might be doing wrong or overlooking, or you have successfully assigned a key or button to execute a "view command" using FSUIPC7 ver 7.4.16 without the same key or button also being assigned to a default Asobo view command, please let me know.
Here is my Lua test script:
ipc.execCalcCode(" (>K:VIEW_LEFT) ") -- view left
ipc.control(65680) -- view left
--*************** Window to Display Test Message *****************
w ="MSFS_Test", WND_FIXED, 20,90,600,20) -- Script uses FSUIPC Window (wnd) library for message display
-- These set the colors and font to be used.
-- The size "-1" means the largest font to fit 1 line(s) inside the window
wnd.backcol(w, 0x000) -- black
wnd.textcol(w, 0x6C0) --green
wnd.font(w, WND_ARIAL,-1)
wnd.clear(w) -- clear window
wnd.text(w, " MSFS TEST SCRIPT " ) -- Getting this message shows code above ran
wnd.clear(w) -- clear window