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  1. Hi, i would like to : 1) Activate the speed intervention 2) Horn Cut Out but i can not find a preset (how are they called ?) or the offset for them. Could you be so kind to help me ? Thanks in advance Claudio Damiani
  2. Thanks a lot
  3. Hi, just to know if there are plans to implement a list of "control sent when button pressed" for the king air 350 in MSFS2020 Thanks in advance Claudio Damiani
  4. ose159

    Gear off

    Thanks a lot i will do it and i will also contact the MobiFlight. Thanks a lot for now; i will let you know Ciao
  5. ose159

    Gear off

    I inserted the formula you suggested (? included at the end) then i press EXECUTE and next the windows is emty. What should i expect ? Do i have to move the lever ? Sorry but i told you that i am not skilled
  6. ose159

    Gear off

    Hi, once i am in Add-ons->WASM-> only the "ENABLE" and than "DISABLE" are active, the Execute Calculator code is grey. How can i get it activable ? Thanks
  7. ose159

    Gear off

    Hi, i am notso skilled to understand. I will try the discord channel and thanks a lot anyway
  8. ose159

    Gear off

    Hi, i have tested but does not react as expected. In P3D when i release the gear lever from the UP position it goes to OFF position (between UP and Down). With the setting shown in the attachment it stays UP. Thanks again in advance Gear off.MHT
  9. ose159

    Gear off

    Thanks a lot
  10. ose159

    Gear off

    Hi, in P3D i used gear up, geardown and also gear off (releasding the gear down)- I do not see the gear off function in the list. I use the new PMDG 737 Thanks a lot in advance Claudio Damiani
  11. Thanks a lot for now. I will update if some news Claudio
  12. Good question, the same i ask myself. The IVAO program to connect to the network is ALTITUDE and if i press Back Space from the keyboard it works but not from the key assinment. I do not know why P3D is passing it to ALTITUDE and not MSFS, the steps i do are exactly the same in both. Thanks
  13. Answer to your comment : The event to be generated pressing the back space does not belong to the MSFS but is the voice activation in IVAO ( to speek with a controller). The input from the keyboard is still working even if i deleted from the key assignment in MSFS. If i insert it again i have no function to assign becouse in MSFS there is no possibility to assign to a button a key press but just a function. Please note that this methode is working with a P3D and even there the simulatior does not have the possibility to have button >> key press Thanks again
  14. Hi, i have to activate the speech control in IVAO and i specified in the IVAO setting, the Back Space. I press it with the keyboard and it is fine, Afterwords i assign to a joystick button the Back Space with the "select for key press" function with the option "Key press to repeat while held" but it does not work (even with the other option "Key press not to be held". Note that i deleted all the BAck Space in the MSFSsetting not to generate conflicts. Any idea ? In P3D it works fine Thanks in advance Claudio Damiani
  15. Why do you have to go back to bitton and switch in fsuipc ? Once a switch has been assigned in Linda there is no need to assign it in fsuipc !
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