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Everything posted by Rob_b

  1. Thanks John, I can see, with your help, I was over complicating things. All sorted. Best regards Rob
  2. Hi, For several years I succesfully used the KeySend command in FSUIPC6 to control the PTT key in Pilot2ATC using P3D. I've now been trying to make it work in MSFS2020 with FSUIPC7 but with no luck. I'm using the same computers so I know that is not the problem. WideClient connects but does not seem to receive the KeySend commands. Pilot2ATC connects ok. The same WideClient is used for both sims. I am using FSUIPC7 V7.3.7 and WideFS7. There must be something simple I am missing but can't find it in any documentation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Best regards Rob WideClient.ini FSUIPC7.ini
  3. Thank you John. Best regards Rob
  4. Hi Pete and John, I have a question about purchasing FSUIPC7. I am a licensed user of FSUIPC6 for P3D and want to purchase FSUIPC7 for MSFS2020. I run both sims but never both at the same time. I can purchase an update to FSUIPC7 on Simmarket but need to ensure my FSUIPC6 will still function. Will my update purchase disable V6 or will both still be able to be run? Best regards Rob
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