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Posts posted by Edoradar

  1. Hello, after a bit of research I couldn't find a proper answer to my question so I'm posting it here:

    In  the simulation model I made I also have a built in reposition system able to set the aircraft in various specific positions, configurations, attitudes etc.

    It is workin pretty well but I encounter a problem related to the freeze.

    I see fsuipc has a dedicated offset to set the position freeze (3541) which works as intended, but I also saw that P3D is able to give back more specific freezes as specified in offset 3402, in particular:

    4 Freeze position
    5 Freeze attitude
    6 Freeze altitude
    7 Freeze Lat/Lon

    Now since depending on the repositioning I am doing, I am many times in need to freeze also the attitude but without setting the pause in the sim.
    Would it be possible to also write those offsets bits in order to set the most appropriate freeze?


    Thank you!

  2. On 1/10/2024 at 3:22 PM, John Dowson said:

    Then it looks like that aircraft is not using (or respecting) that simvar. Instead of using the aileron simvar offset, you could try sending the AXIS_AILERONS_SET control/event instead. To use this, you need to write the value/parameter to offset 0x3114 as a 4-byte int, then write the control number, which is 65763 for AXIS_AILERONS_SET, to 0x3110 as a 4-byte int. You can also write all 8 bytes in one go if you prefer.

    Hi John. this made the trick! I am able to control the plane now as you suggested. Many thanks for your help!!!!

  3. 2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Also, what aircraft are you using? Your full log file would tell me this....if using an add-on, maybe try with another (default) aircraft to see if you  get the same issue.

    Hi John. Before sending you the log,.. I took your suggestion and found out it's related to the aircraft. I am using Captain sim 767 and with it this reset to 0 happens. if I use any base aircraft it doesn't instead...you think there is a possible workaround for this or need to change the aircraft type?

  4. On 1/8/2024 at 11:06 AM, John Dowson said:

    Maybe also try assigning a button or key press to the control Offset Word Set with offset 0BB6 and parameter 12000 - does that work? If so, then there is something wrong with your code...please try this as well.

    Good day John. I actually tried to do a key assignements as you instructed me. even without having my software running, the result is exactly the same. I attach the log of that for you to see.
    So just to make it clear in this report my software is NOT running.


  5. Hi John. I made sure no P3D or FSUIPC assignements exist.

    In the console I can see the 0BB6 write command as expected.

    what I see is that at startup or each time I enter fsuipc menu and exit, the 0BB6 goes for a moment to the value I am writing but then goes immediatly to 0.
    I am sure I am writing it right as I am writing a lot of other data also and all works ok...any idea?

    I also tried to remove the keyboard assignement but no difference..is there any other offset I need to write along with it like some flag or so?

  6. Hello, I've been tryin to sort this for a while but with no real success..

    I have a program that during autopilot operation and thru calculations determines the target poistion of the various controls (pedals, yoke, cont column)
    I want then to write these values in p3d thru fsuipc offests but seems I can't find the right combination...for example I write 0BB6 for the yoke control but seems to have no effect in p3d.

    I also read in the user guide but didn0t really find an answer to my case.

    Could you please address me the right way to do it?



  7. Hello, would it be possible to add the following vars to be read?

    EMPTY WEIGHT PITCH MOI Empty weight pitch moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
    EMPTY WEIGHT ROLL MOI Empty weight roll moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
    EMPTY WEIGHT YAW MOI Empty weight yaw moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
    EMPTY WEIGHT CROSS COUPLED MOI Empty weigth cross coupled moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
    TOTAL WEIGHT PITCH MOI Total weight pitch moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
    TOTAL WEIGHT ROLL MOI Total weight roll moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
    TOTAL WEIGHT YAW MOI Total weight yaw moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -
    TOTAL WEIGHT CROSS COUPLED MOI Total weight cross coupled moment of inertia Slugs per feet squared N -


    Thanks and regards

  8. Hello, I run FSUIPC 6.1.5 with P3D V5.

    I tried to read the NDB coordinates from offsets 1124,1130,1128,1134,112C and 1138 but all of them return 0. I tried to read em via Lua as signed 32 bit integers like VOR or DME. These just always return 0 to me. I saw were marked ?-simC so I tought to report it.



  9. 6 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    For the flight path angle, there is a lua script called 'HUD Parameters for FSX' over on avsim that calculates this - you could take a look to see how this is done: https://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxutil&Name=&FileName=&Author=&DLID=&Sort=Author&ScanMode=0
    Extracting the relevant parts from that script: 


    Tried it now in my python script and works well. numbers seem to be good. Thanks for the find.

    If you can give me a feedback on my last reply would be helpful!


    Thanks again

  10. 6 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    For the flight path angle, there is a lua script called 'HUD Parameters for FSX' over on avsim that calculates this - you could take a look to see how this is done: https://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxutil&Name=&FileName=&Author=&DLID=&Sort=Author&ScanMode=0
    Extracting the relevant parts from that script: 


    Nice! I will try it later. one less to sort 😄

  11. Hmmmm ok. maybe you can help me to clear it further… here are the arinc labels about accelerations, rates and angles that I need to get value for from fsuipc and the assignements I did. If you tell me if in your opinion something is mismatching or you can help filling would be very helpful

    • Body Pitch Rate                                   label 326       offset  30A8
    • Body Roll Rate                                      label 327       offset  30B0
    • Body Yaw Rate                                     label  330      offset  30B8
    • Body Longitudinal Acceleration        label 331       offset  31B0
    • Body Lateral Acceleration                  label  332      offset  31A8
    • Body Normal Acceleration                 label 333       offset  31B8
    • Flight Path Angle                                 label 322       (180/3.1416)*math.atan(vs/(gs*6076.12/60))
    • Flight Path Acceleration                     label 323
    • Track Angle Rate                                  label 335
    • Pitch Attitude Rate                               label 336
    • Roll Attitude Rate                                 label 337
    • Along Track Acceleration                   label  362       offset 31D0
    • Cross Track Acceleration                   label 363        offset 31C0
    • Vertical Acceleration                          label 364        offset 31C8
    • N-S Velocity                                          label 366        offset 3190
    • E-W Velocity                                         label 367        offset 3198
  12. Hello Peter, as I'm workin on some coding to emulate avionic IRS data, I'm having some doubts about velocities, rates and accelerations avail in fsuipc vs p3d sdk description

    Following I copied the SDK description and what I think are the equivalents in FSUIPC. could you please confirm me that this is correct as the descriptions seems to mismatch?

    Also, is any way to calculate and add or retrieve from fsuipc: track angle rate, flight path angle and flight path acceleration?


    Thank you very much


    VELOCITY WORLD Z  Speed relative to earth, in North/South direction                        3190        label 366
    VELOCITY WORLD X  Speed relative to earth, in East/West direction                            3198        label 367
    VELOCITY WORLD Y  Speed relative to earth, in vertical direction                                  31A0

    ACCELERATION WORLD X  Acceleration relative to earth, in east/west direction         31C0        label 363
    ACCELERATION WORLD Y  Acceleration relative to earch, in vertical direction             31C8        label 364
    ACCELERATION WORLD Z  Acceleration relative to earth, in north/south direction      31D0        label 362

    VELOCITY BODY Z  True longitudinal speed, relative to aircraft axis                               3090
    VELOCITY BODY X  True lateral speed, relative to aircraft axis                                         3098
    VELOCITY BODY Y  True vertical speed, relative to aircraft axis                                        30A0

    ACCELERATION BODY X  Acceleration relative to aircraft axis, in east/west direction        3060        label 332
    ACCELERATION BODY Y  Acceleration relative to aircraft axis, in vertical direction             3068        label 333
    ACCELERATION BODY Z  Acceleration relative to aircraft axis, in north/south direction     3070        label 331

    ROTATION VELOCITY BODY X  Rotation relative to aircraft axis                                                31A8        label 336
    ROTATION VELOCITY BODY Y  Rotation relative to aircraft axis                                                 31B0        label 337
    ROTATION VELOCITY BODY Z  Rotation relative to aircraft axis                                                  31B8        

    RELATIVE WIND VELOCITY BODY X  Lateral speed relative to wind                                          3180
    RELATIVE WIND VELOCITY BODY Y  Vertical speed relative to wind                                         3188
    RELATIVE WIND VELOCITY BODY Z  Longitudinal speed relative to wind                                3178

    PITCH RATE (fsuipc only, no description in sdk)                                                                       30A8        label 326
    ROLL RATE   (fsuipc only, no description in sdk)                                                                       30B0        label 327

    YAW RATE    (fsuipc only, no description in sdk)                                                                       30B8        label 330

  13. Hello guys, I am having a similar problem here with motorised Spoiler handle.

    I think the easiest way to solve that would be to make the spoiler axis value in FSUIPC readable as well: this way you can base your motor logic on the input signal and not the spoiler position in the panel which lot of times jumps in up position before the phisical lever reaches the same position causing the motor to stop at a middle point as the logic reads the lever position in FS is already in the deployed position while the lever is not. Would it be possible to do Peter?

  14. Hello Peter, I noticed that using this offsets, it behaves in a strange way when goin on low temperatures.

    When approaching TAT of 0 degrees, the offset normally decreases till 0 and then suddenly jumps to 65353 and as the temperature decrease also this values decrease. Basically once converter / 256, if above 0 degrees it works ok, while when at or below 0 degrees, you have to subtract 255 from the final value. Is it at you thought to model it or should it be corrected?

    I use also SAT offset and that one works normally...



  15. Hi peter, I'd like to know if you could implement a functions for buttons like the "repeat while held" which will be "repeat while released"

    This is for a switch problem of my throttle and is not possible to me to change it or will be a real pain...I don't know if it is a big mod but I don't think so....

    I hope you can help me out



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