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Posts posted by AndyT

  1. Ok. I think I know what you mean.

    I donwloaded a trial of 3DSMax and it looked exactly like GMAX to me (The 3d model ignorant). I wonder if FSDS has a similar interface? Can you use one to learn the basics of the other? I'd really like to be able to use it (GMAX) since I have other projects that would benefit greatly from it, but the learning curve is outrageous.

  2. I'd like to slip in a bit of info I have not seen mentioned so far....

    FSDS has been updated to work with FSX.

    True, GMAX is free and is actually on the disk in the Deluxe FSX, but boy howdy! is it difficult to learn when you only have a couple of hours a week.


    You will have to look for the new version. It SHOULD be on the home page when you click on the Flight Sim button but.... Ya never know.

  3. Like Chris said, I purchased my yoke and pedals before Saitek came out with theirs and I'm pretty happy with them. The ch Yoke has some drawbacks but nothing drastic. After reading about the Saitek yoke, I think I'd like to get one since it has a stainless steel shaft and some other construction advantages. Plus, I'm a pit builder and I would rather have the steel in my cockpit. It lasts longer and has a better feel.

  4. There are maybe 4 or 5 yokes and pedals worth getting.

    CH is about the most popular yoke and it works well. It is made of plastic but if you treat it nice, it will last quite some time. Just remember to never put WD-40 on plastic! Almost any yoke you get with few exceptions will be made of plastic. I have the CH yoke and pedals and I really like them.

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