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About Henning79

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Yes, it's a unit of thrust. Is it possible to set the current thrust directly or do I have to set by changing the throttle? My problem is that I don't know so much about flying an aircraft. I only have this datafile and want to stream it into FS2004.
  2. Hi Pete, with N I mean Newton. So I don't have the throttle somewhere between min (0) and max (16384) but as a specific value. So if there would be a possibility to find out which value is the max-value for the current aircraft I could calculate a value between min and max for the values I have in my datafile.
  3. I just found out that I can set the throttle in %. But in my datafile I have the throttle in N. Can I set the throttle in N in FS2004, too or just in %? And is there an offset to find out what 100% is in N?
  4. Is it possible to set a global throttle or do I have to set the throttle for each engine separately?
  5. I was in slew mode. So that was wrong. Now it's working... Thanks a lot
  6. I just found out that the gear in the outside-view is changing, when i'm not using slew mode which I was using before.
  7. I am not sure. But in the multiplayer menu of FS2004 you can set the number of players an its maximum is 16. Perhaps you can create more players by using the sdk. If I get some information I will tell you. First I have to find out if I can use the multiplayer sdk for fs2002 for fs2004, too. Because there is no multiplayer sdk for fs2004 at all.
  8. OK, now I'm only writing 0 to offest 0BE8. In my cockpit the switch is changing but in the outside view the gear still remains down. What's wrong?
  9. Thanks Pete, I think with multiplayer it's only possible to create up to 16 aircraft, right? I need about 40. So I won't be able to do this :-( How can I cause FS to load another flight?
  10. Hi, is it possible to create new aircraft and set their position? What I want to do is using FS2004 as a 3D-display of a traffic scenario which comes from another application. Is there a way to change the current aircraft type via fsuipc? In fact FSUIPC is a very great software!
  11. Hi, I want to display some data files in FS2004. In these files there is information about the position, current speed etc. I wrote an application using FSUIPC to write the data into FS2004. It is working mostly fine. But there are some things that don't work. I'm setting the IAS via offset 02BC. But it isn't displayed. And when I'm trying to set the gear via offets 0BE8, 0BEC, 0BF0 and 0BF4 only the switch in the cockpit changes its status. But not the gear in the view from outside... So how can I set IAS and gear?
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