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flightcheck last won the day on June 9 2022

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About flightcheck

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. It stopped launching this morning! And The 2 flights previous I have my mouse and controls and airplane gauges freeze up and not move! For now I am uninstalling FSUIPC.
  2. Fix found I change entry order in EXE.xml so FSUIPC is loaded last and it loads. Other addon entries Fenix Airbus Application above in xml file
  3. FSUIPC7 stopped launching when I installed Fenix & they add their entry but it looks fine? I manual launch FSUIPC exe after sim loads until a fix could be found?
  4. Assign Axis direct in MSFS menus to Propeller 1 Axis: PMDG tiller is correctly functioning. Any Prop Axis assigned by FSUIPC it does not work? Even direct assignment setting in FSUIPC.
  5. For nose wheel steering in PMDG 737. Axis in MSFS is Propeller 1 can be set in PMDG FMC Not working in FSUIPC I try many axis assignments for Propeller.
  6. The line adding DisableMSFSMonitor fixed the issue thanks
  7. Hello new Windows 11 installation and MSFS Windows Store version. FSUIPC not starting with sim using shortcut installer created or regular MSFS shortcut. I am not running sim as admin does that matter? I have to run FSUIPC7 exe manually after MSFS started. Thank you!
  8. I edit the fsx.cfg file to 100 for both, but if I press the toggle key and then quit, both get set to 0. Do I need to toogle it on again before quitting so it does not get reset to ?
  9. I did not change my traffic sliders the next time I started FSX again, and it put itself to 0%. Maybe an addon did that? I will test later on
  10. I programmed the traffic density toggle to a keyboard button. My last flight, before landing I turned AI off using the button, and then quit. Today I started fsx and both traffic sliders are at 0. I pressed the toggle button in game and only commercial traffic slider came back up. General aviation stayed at 0% If the toggle turns both off to 0 it should turn both back up to their last set number. Thank you for your great programs
  11. Thank you for the help I believe it is fixed now. I installed fsx on another computer, and copied over everything from the main texture and effects folders. Now no more crashes on exit!
  12. If adding the terminate time line fixes the crash on exit, that means it is a fault with the scenery or airplane? I really do not want to reinstall, any idea when you get a chance what I might look for?
  13. It crashes with a G3D error on exit when using FSX normally. When I add the line about force terminating, ASN hangs after exiting FSX and still says "FSX Connected" I just added what addons I use so you may see if there is a conflict somewhere.
  14. How do I setup ASN to start thru fsuipc? And is that line added under the general section? I submitted a ticket to hifi, maybe they can help me fix this. I have removed all other dll files from the xml's that are not used, it must be some conflict between PMDG 777X, ASN and FSUIPC
  15. It is asn, adding the line ForceTerminateTime=2 fixes it but then asn never diconnects after exiting fsx.
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