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Posts posted by flightcheck

  1. Hello new Windows 11 installation and MSFS Windows Store version. FSUIPC not starting with sim using shortcut installer created or regular MSFS shortcut. I am not running sim as admin does that matter? I have to run FSUIPC7 exe manually after MSFS started. Thank you!

  2. Toggling off/on only works withing one session. It doesn't remember the settings from session to session. When there are no previous known settings, and in your restart case, the toggle from 0 simply sets the airline traffic value, to 100% (or optionally to the value you give as a parameter). It won't touch the others as it doesn't know what they should be.


    If you want specifty particular values separate there are controls for that -- 


    Airline traffic density set

    GA traffic density set

    Shipping traffic density set




    I did not change my traffic sliders the next time I started FSX again, and it put itself to 0%. Maybe an addon did that? I will test later on

  3. I programmed the traffic density toggle to a keyboard button. My last flight, before landing I turned AI off using the button, and then quit. Today I started fsx and both traffic sliders are at 0. I pressed the toggle button in game and only commercial traffic slider came back up. General aviation stayed at 0%


    If the toggle turns both off to 0 it should turn both back up to their last set number.


    Thank you for your great programs

  4. Okay. In that case I think you have a corrupted file -- whether an aircraft or scenery file I couldn't say. I expect when you solve that it will also fix the hang. Corrupted graphics files can result in other corruption in memory and give other results which depend on memory usage and layout at the time.. There's probably no conflict at all between your add-ons, just the basic fault you need to find and fix.




    If adding the terminate time line fixes the crash on exit, that means it is a fault with the scenery or airplane?


    I really do not want to reinstall, any idea when you get a chance what I might look for?


    Hmm. I'm using ASN with no such problems. How are you loading it? 


    I just checked, and I use FSUIPC to start ASN, and also KILL it forcibly when FS is closed. Here is the line in my [Programs] section:


    RunIF1=KILL,"C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\ASNext_FSX\ASNext.exe"
    This works fine for me.



    How do I setup ASN to start thru fsuipc? And is that line added under the general section? I submitted a ticket to hifi, maybe they can help me fix this. I have removed all other dll files from the xml's that are not used, it must be some conflict between PMDG 777X, ASN and FSUIPC

  6. Some add-on is causing the problem. You would need to go through a process of elimination on the assorted additions to find it. Bear in mind that many add-on aircraft, not just PMDG ones, have their own DLLs loading. Sometimes the order of them is important. You can check this and change it in the DLL.XML file.




    It is asn, adding the line ForceTerminateTime=2 fixes it but then asn never diconnects after exiting fsx.

  7. Very odd, because the change I made is nothing at all to do with G3D nor PANELS.DLLs. These crashes are on shutdown, I take it?  There's been no change except for the hook removal at shutdown.


    FSUIPC does have a hook in G3D.DLL -- its the patch to cure some of the well-known G3D crashes. There's also one in PANELS.DLL in order to implement "mouse macros". I can only think that your aircraft add-on is somehow managing to continue on, using FS facilities to execute itself, long after FSUIPC has been told to close down.


    I've never encoutered anything quite as strange. I might take a look at those two hooks, to see if they can be easily undone before FSUIPC disappears, but I won't promise anything. It looks best if you retain that Terminate time fiddle.



    Okay. The removal of the hooks I've already done will still be occurring, before this delay, in any case -- so this at least proves that change is working. It is just insufficient.




    Okay. I might do, but not as a top priority. I'll add to this thread if I do.





    I am having this problem with hanging on exit, and a g3d.dll error


    I will add the forceterminatetime line to the ini file. This started after updating to the latest version, 4.937b and ASN


    I run fsx acceleration, win7 64bit, active sky next, pmdg 777x, latest nvidia drivers. registered fsuipc.

  8. oops, didnt make myself clear. yes I mean your scenery. It is great looking, but extremely long texture loads, and extreme loss of frames when panning anywhere nearby a group of buildings. I have one of the fastest computers out there, but the tons of AI traffic I know hurt the frame department. I am just wondering what bgls I can get rid of, or what textures to convert to dxt1 or dxt3 to help with the frames.



  9. but what about the smaller feeders such as Ameriflight, Western Express, Empire Air, etc? And who parks with UPS in the north? I looked at their latest plans that I have from the summer and they only have 1 757 coming in once a day. But there are 4 spaces so other companies must go there too.



  10. Nigel, would it be possible to update your afcad with more GA parking? and possibly more cargo parking? I am not sure where feeders like ameriflight, western express, empire air, and big cargo companies like kelowna, canjet, cathay pacific, and a few others I have some plans for.

    I have created more parking but would love to see you do it as you know the layout and I was just making it up!

    Thanks again for such great scenery.


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