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  1. Hi Thomas, thank you, I will most certainly give that a go. Best regards, Rene
  2. Greetings, I have had the registered version of FSUIPC for a long time and am a happy with it, no doubt...this is my first post, so really, have had no issues what so ever. I fly on VATSIM and now recently also joined IVAO. I have searched forums and google but I am unable to find a solution for the following. IVAO uses ivap (similar to FSINN for Vatsim) and TeamSpeak 2 for voice. In Teamspeak, I am able to select the Push To Talk button, which in my case is right-ctrl (I tried to push the button on the yoke, but it would not take it, or rather said, it did not react. seems it only accepts keyboard commands) I went to FSUIPC via FSX menu and the button and key assignments and when wanting to select right-ctrl as the action button to map it to the joystick button, nothing happens. What I mean is, I press right-ctrl in the key assignments but FSUIPC wont take it. If I press an alphabetical or numerical, its fine. But that is not a solution, it has to be right-ctrl or left-ctrl or shift or something of the like because otherwise if continuosly held down lets say a letter, windows will start dinging...now what I mean :) I did find a work-around someone had but he is running the setup via WideFS. Which I also have, but I am not running the ivap and teamspeak from a networked computer, but directly on the same computer on which I have FSX installed. Can someone please enlighten me to resolve this small, but rather irritating matter? My best regards, Rene
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