I'm trying to make the Caution/warning Light Panel(CWP) of the AS 350 (see picture)
For example, TWT grip is twist grip, I've search in FSUIP4 Offsets Status.pdf but I can't find this. Or MGB TEMP, main gear box temperature too. Do you have an idea why ? I use for PITOT, offset 029C. For DOOR, I use 3367. The both work correctly. But for other example, for fuel it's 3BDF from Panel failure modes , or from Fail mode 0B6C ? Thank you in advance for your reply.
For information, to do this Caution/warning Light Panel(CWP), I use a I/O Modul (GSA 10) from flightillusion. So I use their program, GSTEPControl program V10. My version of FSUIPC is 4.928.