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Posts posted by ricktana

  1. John and Dane,

    The EXE.xml files I shared were all created by me based on what I saw other users doing in their setups. As I stated in my post, all 3 of the Example EXE.xml files I shared were tried and worked in my case.  Including  the one with the Type=" Simconnect". 

    Example 1, (attached) is the one created by FSUIPC, edited with the individual lines shown on top of one another rather than running together.  I find it easier to read this way.  It has the CommandLine option (-auto) and the <NewConsole> entry. It is also the EXE.xml  I am currently using. I don't fully understand how xml files work, I just know in my case that they do.

    Another note: I am starting MSFS using the MSFS icon, not the FSUIPC7 icon. I did not try all 3 Examples using the FSUIPC7 icon to see if they worked.

    Rick S.


  2. John,

    There have been numerous posts regarding FSUIPC7 not auto starting with the MSFS EXE.xml file.  I was one of them.  Until today, I have not been able to get FSUIPC7 to auto start either.  I followed your instructions to the letter and it didn't work. After seeing another recent post on the same subject, I decided to play with the MSFS EXE.xml file again.  I have five programs that I wish to auto-start with MSFS.  Three of them start every time.  Two would not!  FSUIPC7 being one of them.  I looked on the MSFS forum to see what other users were doing and saw some different versions of the EXE.xml file that were formatted differently than how you formatted it.  I tried their format and they didn't work either.  When I looked again at my EXE.xml file I noticed that the two programs that did not auto start were located on my "D" drive in a file structure that was three folders deep. The three programs that started every time were in a file structure only one folder deep.

    Example: My FSUIPC7 installation was located at D:\FS2020 Downloads\Utilities\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe.  So I moved FSUIPC7 and the other non-starting program to a one folder deep file structure. Example: D:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe . Now both programs auto-start every time.  So, I don't know if this is some kind of anomoly with how the MSFS EXE.xml works, but what I do know is that changing the location now works for me.  I have also discovered that the other different formats of the EXE.xml file that are out there all work so long as the target program is only one file deep. All three of the attached EXE.xml examples, though formatted diffferently have been tried and auto-start all 5 of my add-on programs with MSFS.

    Rick S.


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  3. John,

    I see no pop up error messages showing why FSUIPC7 doesn't auto-start.  I own the MS Store version.  It is located in the correct location. (C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe) The UserCFG.opt file is also located in the LocalCache folder. If I start MSFS with either the MSFS icon or the FSUIPC7 MSFS icon linked to the MSFS.bat file, it won't auto-start FSUIPC7.

    I modified the MSFS.bat file per the instructions you provided to giosue and the auto-start works as it should.  I am not sure why FSUIPC7 wont start via the MSFS EXE.xml. I am content with it working using the modified MSFS.bat file but I am also willing to troubleshoot further if you want to. I have attached a copy of the original, unmodified MSFS.bat and UserCFG.opt files in case that is helpful.  Also the EXE.xml file. Thank you for your support.

    Rick S.


    MSFS.bat UserCfg.opt EXE.xml

  4. John,

    I am having the same problem as giosuepirozzi. FSUIPC7 launches fine when double-clicking the FSUIPC7.exe but it won't auto launch when I start MSFS. Attached is my EXE.xml file.  I verified the FSUIPC7 installation path in the EXE.xml and it is correct. Just a side note:  I have seen FSUIPC7 auto launch on the first MSFS start up of the day, but it does not auto launch on any subsequent MSFS startups.  As a followup to your questions asked to giosuepirozzi: I get no errors when launching MSFS using the MSFS icon on the desktop. If I launch MSFS using the FSUIPC7 MSFS icon, it starts MSFS ok but there is still no auto start of FSUIPC7.  I am running the latest version: v7.0.4.

    Rick S.


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